
Luna of Rogues

A she-wolf whose pack got disrupted and destroyed turned rogue. Realizing how werewolves treat rogues like her, she made sure that even as a rogue, no one can disrespect her. Searching and finding rogues all over the place and soon, she made her own pack, a pack of rogues.

lorr_seeve · Fantasy
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13 Chs


The wolfsbane healed the wounds of the Alpha but they were still weak.

Wolfsbane did the job.

"Wake them up." I said as I saw them getting conscious.

Grayson started slapping the Alpha lightly, and when he wouldn't wake up, he slapped him hard.

Katy slapped the Luna with a glass of water.

They woke up but were hurting.

"Amy." The Alpha said when I met his eyes.

The Luna looked confused as to how he knew me when he didn't.

"You would still hear us if you were a mile away, so both of you, leave the territory right now." I told Katy and Grayson.

They were hesitant to leave but left anyways and waited for them to reach the border.

When I couldn't hear or feel them anymore, I stared at the Alpha.

"So Alpha, what's your name?" I sat down on a chair in the opposite way.

"What is this? Get to know me better?" He laughed.

I put my chin on the back of the chair.

"It is. What is your name?" I stared at him.

"Dante, Layla." He introduced.

I was confused at how relaxed and carefree he was when he was at his enemy's hand.

"You look so much like her." He commented.

He was talking about my mother but Layla looked more confused and I guessed that she didn't anything he was talking about.

"Oh, really?" I asked before punching Layla hard, and her falling to the floor, still tied up to the chair.

"Layla!" He shouted.

He growled at me.

"Touch her once more and I will kill you." He threatened, trying to get in between me and Layla.

How sweet.

I didn't want Layla, who's clueless, to know anything about what we were going to talk about.

I laughed.

"How do you know this Amy?" I asked before sitting down.

He stared at me for a while.

"Didn't know she had a child." He said, hesitating.

"What're you talking about?" I looked at him.

"Amy Collison, former Luna and a friend of mine, and you are her daughter." He sounded sure.

"What if I'm not?"

"You are."

"She would always attend meetings with every Pack but suddenly stopped, for a whole year. Your mother would never miss a meeting." He continued.

"I thought she was having an affair but then I would see baby powder on her shirt or we'd smell something different from her." He looked at me with sincerity in his eyes.

I laughed.

At least he had memories of my mother.

I didn't.

I purposely wanted to forget them.

All of them.

"How do you have many guns stored?"

There was no way that the Frett Pack could use all of those, they were just so many.

"There's more." He replied.

I turned my head to look at him.

"But all of it aren't ours. It belongs to another pack." He explained.

"How'd you get it?"

"It was given to us." He looked at me.

I tried to keep a neutral face.

"Too bad, it's going to be ours."

When I said that, he didn't look surprised or refused.

He just nodded.

"I thought we'd be on the same side, knowing I'm acquainted with your parents, the ones who gave me all of the guns." He blurted.

I stood still.

I went to him and grabbed his neck, pushing him to the wall, still tied to the chair.

"What did you say?" I glared.

"I told you, I k-know who your parents are." He was trying to breathe.

I let the words sink in before letting his neck go.

"How well do you know my mom?"

"Probably more than you." He smiled.

I raised my brow before Layla regained her consciousness.

"Ouch." She said while trying to move her jaw

I contemplated what I was going to do with both of them.

They wouldn't be able to refuse my offer because they have no members anymore, no pack, just like rogues.

"You're going to come with me until I get what I want." I said.

"You got an option 2?" Dante joked before laughing.

"Dante are serious?" Layla, who was scared, lectured Dante.

"Come back here at the Frett Pack House and bring more wolfsbane. Bring with you warriors and rogues." Mind linking Grayson while Layla was slowly crying.

I looked at Layla who was trying to stop her tears.

Grayson came with two warriors and two rogues.

"Inject that into the Alpha And I'll handle the woman." I commanded the rogues and warriors.

"Why don't you kill them?' Grayson furrowed his brows as he watched Dante gladly accepting the injection.

I punched Layla to lose her consciousness and she did.

"Carry them in your werewolf form." I commanded the rogues and they quickly shifted.

"Let's talk in the house." I looked at Grayson before passing him, going out of the house.

We entered the territory at night but we got out of the territory at dawn.

The Day Watchers were not yet here but they had to wake up earlier because of an unexpected task.

And the Night Owls had to overwork and wait until the Day Watchers were done with the task and take turns guarding the border.

Once I was out of the territory did I only feel tired.

I bumped with the Day Watchers along with Aileen, Josh, and Soyer.

"Hi, Luna(r)." Soyer greeted.

"Take a rest Luna, we'll do what you assigned us to do." Josh said.

"Go ahead." I said, letting them pass and just wanting to rest.

Stepping inside the house, I walked up to my room and took a shower.

I put on a black long-sleeved shirt with some shorts with the same colors to match and as much as I wanted to lie on my bed upon seeing it, I was hungry.

I walked out of my room and went to the kitchen, seeing no one there.

I toasted some bread and made coffee, thinking I wouldn't regret drinking it when I wanted to fall asleep.

Halfway through my bread, I saw Grayson enter the house and walked up to me.

"So where are you going to put them?" He asked.

"Put them in one of the guest rooms here, separated. Make sure no sharp objects are in there. Also, make their utensils and plates plastic, we don't want to starve them." I explained.

He looked so confused.

"This isn't you Luna, we should kill them before it's too late." He pleaded.

"Do you not trust me?" I asked while sipping my drink.

"That's the problem, I do trust you." He sighed.

"It's them that I don't trust. We killed their entire pack and you expect me to believe that they are not planning the same? Even if they can't kill us all, they'll make sure to hurt our Pack, and you're bringing them closer."

"They won't. That Alpha knows my mom and they're friends, apparently."

"And you believe them?" He looked at me.

"That's why they're here for me to find out." I said before finishing my bread.

"And all of that is connected with those guns." I sipped my coffee.


"The guns aren't theirs, they said it's from my parents'." I explained.

"Tell Josh to all the warriors to bring the guns from the Frett Pack here."

He nodded.

"And make a Pack House, bigger than this, in our new territory. We have to make use of the big space." I reminded Grayson as he nodded and went out to find Josh.

I walked out of the kitchen and went to my room.