
Ludso and Driddon

The feud between the two clans backdates hundreds of years, during the darkest parts of their history when slaves broke from their masters. The pain of losing their slaves was much deeper than anyone could have imagined, dividing the Island. Intermarriage between the two clans was forbidden, entertaining the idea of friendships was not tolerated. Despite the feud many people have disobeyed causing a loss of stability to the control of Ludso, although Driddon appears unaffected by the change, the conniving hearts of those in power attempt to corrupt the good heart of the Driddon Clan it is up to our heroin to save her people before the damage remains permanent. The people of Driddon must remain free, no matter the cost, all people deserve the freedom to choose their life without fear that their loved ones will be murdered. Civil unrest calls for immediate action, so many have died for the belief in the revolution, many more lives are at stake. Driddon’s peaceful ways are hanging on the line if the revolution should fail all hope will be lost, and their sacrifice would have been in vain.

Anagwin · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Chapter 6

Meghan was cleaning her parents house, readying it for another beautiful family dinner, this time Pierre would be coming or so she hoped. Her parents were excited for her, even her father was overjoyed, he knew he was losing his memory but he wanted to remember this moment, it's days like these that make Meghan wonder if he was moving into stage six, for he appeared to be in stage four, other days you would agree he was in stage five. Meghan wasn't ready to let go of her father, there he was holding his wife like he always did, dancing to the beat of the music which softly played, these were the moments she wished would last forever, tonight Meghan saw her parents the way they had always been, although her father would make some minor mistakes, it was nice to see that her mother didn't criticise him, because now she knew why he made those mistakes, food he took and placed in odd places, the forks and the knives put on the table in the opposite way, he would pour the drinks when the cups were upside down. The night was perfect.

The food was all finally ready, Meghan prepared her father's plate of food and placed it in front of him, his eyes were as big as a child's are on their birthdays, Meghan couldn't help but laugh. She wanted to remember tonight, with or without Pierre, tonight was always about her parents. Her father inquired about her life and what was happening, she explained to him in full detail about her lot, she felt that her life was going in a circle, she told him that she wanted a story, just to change up her life, just a little bit, her father laughed aloud and told her "the only way you would be changing your life there buddy was if you actually did something, go away, there are many destinations to go, take a few of ya and go camping or hiking, travel the oceans, the world is a different place than it says in your history books. Once you have an adventure it always changes you for the better." Her father cried out in laughter as he took another drink of his wine and pointed to the picture on the wall "dearest wife, are you there?" Meghan's mum sighed unsure if he was being delusional again, but mildly replied "yes, dear, I'm right here" Meghan saw her father's face widen with great pleasure "could ya bring that picture forth to me?" Meghan's mother obliged and carefully took the picture to him, he then gave it to Meghan and said "daughter who is in this picture?" Meghan already knew "father, it's you, mom, me and Mrs Fisher" her father nodded "do you know how she came to be here?" Meghan smiled "she took an adventure" her father agreed "that's it ma girl, she took an adventure, and she changed this town forever, we had you late in life, but we too had an adventure, your mother and I were changed for the better, sometimes in life you get into a rut, when Mr Fisher came into our lives, I agreed with his theologies about life, I wanted to prove that he was right, I went with him that day across the bridge. I could never have guessed what took place a few weeks later, but your mom and I, we first explored the unknown world, we saw how the West lived, although we didn't agree, we began to feel that Mrs Fisher was right, we tried to convince Mr Fisher that we were going to find peace her way, sadly he was convince felt that, that we would fail, he grew up here, he had seen the only way to get through to the government was through protests, Mr Fisher and I debated for days, during our time abroad we saw a protest, we could not support Mr Fisher, so the debate ended both sides of the argument were unchanged, we made our choices.

During a protest we saw so much unnecessary pain, suffering and violence, a protest in the West meant you died for your cause, but your mother and I weren't ready to die, we wanted to live for our cause, we wanted our lives to matter. One by one Mr Fisher lost his numbers, we withdraw from his way, but not the cause, Mr Fisher later that day agreed with me and two other blokes who live in the West agreed that his way was not for the best, we had decided to return to Driddon, however there was a mole in our midst, before we were able to leave the officials grabbed Mr Fisher, he hadn't done anything but they beat him anyways, it happened so fast, they made an example of him, his body was beaten, I had never seen such brutality before, those officials saw us and told us to get off their land or the same would happen to us, the three off us pleaded for Mr Fisher we begged and promised to never be seen in Ludso again, one of the blokes we were with warned the officials that if they killed Mr Fisher he would become a martyr to his cause, the officials agreed that, that would be worse so they allowed us to carry him away, as we did the officials mocked us.

Mr Fisher was a bit on the heavier side, we struggled to carry him in a way that wouldn't cause further injury. We needed a wagon or a cart, so my beautiful wife ran back to organise that, as she ran we slowed our pace, his injuries concerned us, so when we were sure the officials had left us we lowered Mr Fisher to the ground, there we tried to bandage his wounds by ripping our own garments, what we didn't need we gave to him. Once we were sure his bleeding had temporarily stopped we carried on. We were so close to the bridge when we saw my wife a wagon, she had got help. The three of us were bursting with relief and joy we sped to them, but by the time we had put him into the wagon, he had already died. The injuries were too severe, from that day forth I was angry with the West, I couldn't believe how cruel they were toward each other. They killed my best friend, my brother, my father-like figure. I wanted revenge, but in the end I didn't seek that life, because there were people here who cared for us, I saw Mrs Fisher, her heart grieved but she never sought to shed blood, she still fought for peace. I learned from her, gradually the pain of his passing became tolerable."

Meghan's mother placed her hand sympathetically round her husband, she reminded her husband, "that the town did see and they heard reports of what the West officials did to their friend who was from the West and people from the West saved him, although he later died, the West turned on their own people. So the town forgave the West and everyone who wanted to live in Driddon from the West were welcome to, and so the amount of people that came over were too many for our little Island, the Driddon family regretfully had to stop people from entering, even having to send families back to Ludso, there was not enough supplies to support this many people. The closing of the bridge caused anarchy in West Ludso.

The West Ludso government saw the need to change, for their people were protesting with hunger strikes, many in his empire were dying, so the fighting between Ludso and Driddon ended, although it is said the West still harbour prejudice and are unkind, but the people on Driddon have learned they're like that towards everyone, and so Mrs Fisher was free along everyone else who was able to stay in Driddon to travel backwards and forwards through West Ludso without breaking any laws, I recall Mrs Fisher used that freedom well, until her parents died." Meghan's father sorrowfully said "When she had no one, I felt responsible, she was never the same after Mr Fisher died and so we took her in as our second mother, we were all she had, I fought Mrs Fisher and backed her husband, I was part of the reason why he died that day, and I couldn't change the past, I couldn't give back Aloria's heart but I could give back to repay my friend, Neon." Meghan listened as she looked into the picture, she had stared at this picture her whole life, and never knew the grief she was holding inside, she was always stern, but she always seemed happy. "Did I make her happy?" Meghan's mother smiled, "you bought a light back into her eyes" her father added "but she was afraid to lose you, she began to grow close to you, but then you fell sick, she blamed herself for everyone she cared about had died, no amount of comfort we gave would ever be enough, since that day she kept her distance from you but still played major roles in your life." Meghan whispered "I didn't know" Meghan could feel the warm eyes of her parents on her, this made her feel loved, her mother took the photo from her hands and carefully placed it back on the wall.

While we were chattering and laughing about the good old days there was a knock at the door, Meghan watched her mother kiss her father's forehead before heading to the door, Meghan heard her mother exclaim as she heard a familiar voice emanating from behind the front door, Meghan smiled to her father before leaving him to join her mother. For she believed Pierre had come to visit her family, as she reached the door her eyes gleamed as she smiled at the figure speaking to her mother, she reached onto her mothers back and gentle tugged at her saying "mom, meet Pierre, Pierre my mom" her mother looked to her daughter and Meghan saw her horrified look, Pierre took a step away from the front door and said "well, Meghan I have arrived" Meghan's face slumped as she sarcastically said "yeah, no kidding" Meghan then looked to her mother and questioned "what's the matter?" Meghan saw her mother compose herself again, she smiled saying "Pierre, it's a pleasure to meet you. You do look oddly familiar though" Pierre gave a sly smile "I have one of those faces" Meghan's mother invited him in but Meghan could feel something wasn't right, her mother told her not to worry as she darted to her husband, where she introduce Pierre to him, Meghan watched from a far the interactions of her parents and Pierre but they weren't as welcoming as she knew them to be. Meghan came up behind Pierre and held his shoulders with her left hand and with her right hand she gestured at him "this is Pierre, we have been dating for a little while now and I thought that I couldn't hide him forever" Meghan happily grinned to her parents, her father gave a slight smile before saying "I'm pleased you didn't hide him, but this man looks overly familiar" Pierre dismissed his words saying "I have one of those faces, I get that a lot" Meghan guided him to a seat.

That night was among the awkwardest Meghan had ever felt, her parents thoroughly questioned him, about his job which he cagily replied that he worked for an interior design company, but never said which one, he refused to give his surname saying that it was a past he was trying to forget, he was in the process of getting it changed. My parents inquired after his family, which he sternly warned her parents that it was not a topic of discussion. Meghan could feel the rise in heat between her parents and him, my father didn't care where on the bench he sat, here on Driddon my father made it very clear that no guest has the right to speak to their host in any manner which was undignified. Pierre was compelled to apologise and to re-phrase his words, since being put in his place Pierre began speaking to Meghan's parents in a more mild manner, but Meghan got the feeling he was beginning to loathe her parents. She couldn't handle the conversation anymore so Meghan rose from the table, she stared at her parents and said "why is this an interrogation, never have I seen you both act this way, father, mother, this man made a trip to visit you out of his busy schedule. Please stop this, he is not a man on trial, it's not like he's asked you if he could marry me, please this is insane. With that Meghan took Pierre and they left.

Downstairs in the lobby Meghan apologised for how her parents behaved "They're just afraid to lose me, I think. But Pierre, have you ever met my parents before, they seemed to know you?" Pierre stretched his body before saying "honestly Meghan, I don't know. Why are there so many questions tonight?" Meghan solemnly spoke "I don't know, I don't understand. This is not how envisioned tonight going" Pierre chuckled "nope, you thought tonight would be one like from a dream, one big happy family as if I were a man from Driddon, well wake up princess, look around you, I'm from the West and your parents can't handle it." His temper rose with every breath then he said "this is why I never wanted to come, tonight went exactly like I thought it would" Meghan shook her head "No, it can't be true, my parents best friends are from the West, My Aunty is from the West" Pierre grinned "yes, exactly, other people, but they never imagined a person from the West for you, therefore are making it impossible for you to feel you could ever be worthy of a man like me" Meghan didn't want to believe it, she couldn't, Pierre could see she was in a state, so he leaned into her pushing her against the wall where he forced his lips onto hers as he kissed her "Humour me, I'm down tonight. Make me happy" he whispered, Meghan felt she couldn't pull away even when she tried she was stuck to him, as he passionately kissed tugging at her tongue he slowly caressed her body, only when he was fully satisfied, did he whisper in her ear "until tomorrow, my bunny" then he pulled away from her in the lobby she stayed watching him as he left. Meghan felt dirty and sore, he stretched her mouth in a way it wasn't meant to, he put too much pressure on her bosom which left them feeling raw. Meghan sighed and thought this is what she deserved, for again she had embarrassed him. Meghan pulled her clothes so they fit her properly again before heading back up to her parents.

Meghan found her parents huddled together on the couch they were miserable, the food was left out on the bench and on top of the oven, dishes were left all over the bench. Tonight had not gone very well at all. Meghan walked over to her parents and calmly spoke to them letting them know that Pierre had gone home. Her father groaned "we didn't want to make him run away, but he wasn't what we expected, when he met your mother he didn't say hello, there was nothing pleasing in his aroma, there was a familiarity to him that I just can put my finger on, if my brain was 100% I would know. I don't remember anymore. No amount of medicine will change that, I can't change the past my darling but I will change the future, until I know him extremely well, there will be no marriage. I need to know he will take better than great care for you" Meghan saw her mother nodding in agreeance this was a big step for them, and there was something about him that her parents couldn't trust. Meghan sighed and reassured them that their were no plans for marriage yet, for there was so much neither of them knew about each other. Meghan saw that her words were pleasing to her parents. Her father was worn out she hugged and kissed him good night as she did she whispered "don't worry no man who can't stand before you is worthy of me" Meghan's parents giggled and giving him one last hug her mother took him to bed. As Meghan watched her parents leave the room she thought about Pierre, for he was missing out on so much, she wanted to help him find a place in this world, one filled with love and laughter.

Meghan cleaned up all the food for her mother, putting them all nicely in her fridge, as Meghan put the last lot of food away she couldn't help but smile at how much effort her mother puts into the family dinners, when she feeds three she feeds ten. Meghan wiped down the table and lined it with another table cloth to hide the marks of an aged table. Meghan placed the decorative flowers back onto the middle, she also placed her mothers book and spectacles back at the edge of the table where they belonged. When the dining area and living area were sparkling Meghan turned her attention to the small kitchen which over flowed with dishes, Meghan rinsed and stacked the dishwasher, once she turned it on she stacked the rest of the dishes which couldn't quite fit in the dishwasher on top of the oven and washed the rest of the dishes. Her mother came back and saw that the place had been tidied, she thanked Meghan, Meghan explained to her that the dirty table clothe was siting on top of the machine, as she wasn't quite sure how her mother liked it being washed. Her mother smiled to her before leaving for the laundry to deal with the table clothe which she didn't want it staining.

Meghan and her mother spoke on the couch together about what had happened that night, although Meghan still didn't understand her mother's point of view she respected them. Still she was happy to learn that her parents wanted to do another dinner with Pierre, but Meghan wondered if he wanted to come by again, after all she felt guilty about making him come. Meghan thought if this arrangement works then it would be worth it. Meghan and her mother enjoyed each other's company, it was as if the appliances were on queue with each other, for both the washing machine and dishwasher finished at the same time, Meghan went to the kitchen and finished in there as her mother went to the laundry to hang out the cloth, once the work was done Meghan hugged and kissed her mother good night, and went to bed.

As Meghan was sleeping her phone called to her to wake up, she went to dismiss the alarm clock when she realised it was Pierre calling, she numbly moved her arms to answer the call, still in dream world she spoke to him, Pierre couldn't quite understand what she was talking about and figured she was still asleep, so he hung up and called again, the second call shocked her for she felt like she was just talking with Pierre, Meghan dismissed that thought and assumed she was asleep so she told Pierre "you know the craziest thing happened, I was just talking to you in my dream, like literary I had my phone in my hand and I was talking to you, although it wasn't you because you just called, although I got such a freight when I realised the phone was to my ear. Crazy huh, great minds think alike. So what's up?" Pierre sat stunned as he listened to her speaking "so are you awake now?" Meghan giggled and said "I have no idea, what time is it?" Pierre sighed and said "quarter past 3" Meghan sighed "oh man, my alarm clock will be going off in fifteen minutes, I start work at 4:30" Pierre replied "I know, which is why I called you now, I would like you to tell your boss you won't be coming into work tomorrow, as I would like to spend tomorrow with you." Meghan jerked up in her bed, she smiled and said "really?" Pierre didn't say anything "this is so amazing, although who will be able to fill my place, the house we maintain need four people to clean it, daily" Pierre sighed "don't worry leave it to me" with that he hung up. Meghan's alarm began ringing, she dismissed it and readied herself for work, she was so excited, she was going to spend a whole day with Pierre.

After her shift she spoke to Mrs Fisher about her plans for tomorrow, Mrs Fisher grimly cut her off "I know Meghan, Mr Boscamo called me, he will be sending a replacement for you, so you can spend time with Pierre." Meghan was taken aback "whose Mr Boscamo?" Mrs Fisher took in a deep breath "Meghan, Mr Boscamo is a dangerous man, cruel, vindictive. It is said he murdered his wife because she was helping the people of Driddon, his wife was fifteen years older than you, she enjoyed hanging out here, you enjoyed her company too, Villyani was his wife" Meghan felt confused about the information Mrs Fisher gave to her, she loved Villyani so much but there was never any proof she was dead, "Mrs Fisher, she can't be dead, she went away for an adventure about a year ago, there's no proof that she died, and she never admitted to anyone that she was married to Mr Boscamo. Also why would Mr Boscamo care about helping me get to know Pierre" Mrs Fisher curiously looked towards the bridge "Meghan, there is something much bigger going on than you and Pierre, perhaps this is the reason why Pierre didn't want to incorporate you into his life just yet, perhaps he is afraid of what this Mr Boscamo has in store for you both, and I'm afraid this will end badly for you." Meghan took the warning to heart, Meghan began to be afraid of what was coming, but then she wondered if Mrs Fisher was being dramatic. "Meghan don't do anything you don't want to do, no person has the right to treat you any way they see as being fit, if you're not happy now or later, you're free to leave from whatever this will become" Meghan nodded, but her heart was already with Pierre, if things changed she would know what to do. Meghan watched Mrs Fisher leave, her countenance had fallen, and there was no way she could make her feel better so she let Mrs Fisher go, and she travelled home to ready herself for Pierre.

When she knocked on the door Pierre was there waiting for her, he was charming and just as sweet as she had remembered him being, he took her along the house and into the dining room, she laughed "oh, Pierre you remembered to feed me." Pierre smiled as he took his seat, he watched her as she elegantly inhaled her food, he saw she was tired. He felt compelled to treat as any queen deserved, tonight he was happy to have her in his company, and he would always be happy.

Pierre and Meghan sat huddled next to each other watching a movie, although his placements of his hand was slightly uncomfortable to her, she dismissed it for she felt he had done so much for her, and she was tired of fighting him all the time. As the movie came to it's close Pierre pecked Meghan on the cheek before getting up to leave the room, Meghan smiled as she watched his shadow disappear, she wondered what he was up to. As she waited she searched through his rather huge movie collection, there were thousands, so many of which didn't interest her, as she flicked through the collection she heard Pierre call her name, disappointedly she left to Pierre without a movie as she cuddled into the couch she saw he was carrying two drinks "I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long? I felt like we needed to lighten up the mood, but I had never made a cocktail before, Meghan giggled "well, let's see how it tastes, although I don't drink much so I wouldn't know" Pierre slyly grinned, he pursed the words through his teeth "I know" giving her the cocktail she drank from it, he awaited her to see what she thought, and she liked it "I ensured the alcohol content wasn't so overpowering for you" He watched her drink it, it pleased him to see that she was drinking it much faster than she should have done, but he kept that glass full, the more she drank the more she talked about what was on her mind, just as he had suspected Mrs Fisher had told her about Mr Boscamo, and that annoyed him "Meghan listen to me, Mr Boscamo, is my boss, and he isn't a bad person" Meghan giggled as she sloppily repeated "not a bad person" Pierre looked to her and realised she's not handling the drink at all, he wondered if she would even remember this conversation. "Okay Meghan, that's enough" So he took the glass from her, he thought he could have fun getting her drunk, but he didn't realise how easily she got way passed drunk, he took the glass wear to the table, as he did he leaned over to the wall which hung the bell to alert his servants that he was ready for some assistance, once he placed the glassware on the table he guzzled his glass of whisky before going back to Meghan who was passed out, he rushed to her side to see if she was still breathing, Pierre couldn't believe how inexperienced she was, he knew she didn't drink but this was something he had never seen before.

Meghan awoke the next morning in a bed of a strange room, wearing odd clothing, she felt awkward and scared, she couldn't remember what had happened last night, she wanted to stay curled up in bed but she also wanted to know where she was. Before she had a panic attack Pierre walked into the room, she heard him sigh in relief, "thank goodness you're awake, I honestly have been so worried, apparently I mixed two alcohols together that shouldn't have been mixed and you drank too much of it too quickly. Sorry, how are you feeling?" Meghan relaxed as her body fell back into the bed, "my head is banging, my stomach is groaning in pain and my heart burns, I feel like I've been poisoned to death" Pierre sat next to her holding her hand, "don't worry my servants will be looking after you today, I have also extended the time you'll be here with me, only when you're a hundred percent will I release you back to your family." Meghan nodded as she slowly nodded back to sleep, for her body was in pain before she did she heard Pierre speaking to one of his servants who said "Master, she has alcohol poisoning, if she isn't seen to, she could die" Meghan's last thoughts were 'alcohol poisoning, dying.' "I can't my mother" she whispered.

Meghan once again woke up, this time she was in another room, a hospital room, again she was wearing something else, she was attached to many lines and a machine, she didn't understand, before she could freak out a nurse came in, she reassured her that she would be fine, and Pierre was looking after everything "my parents, where are my parents?" the nurse quietly whispered that her parents were not informed and that everything would be okay, this time tomorrow Meghan would be free to leave if she continued getting stronger. Meghan sighed as she lay there, she began to feel angry with Pierre, but also sad, she willingly took that drink from him, although she told herself he did tell her he didn't know how to make a cocktail. Meghan lay there with conflicting thoughts.

That evening she had a visitor the infamous Mr Boscamo came to visit, he was bigger and scarier than Pierre, but they shared a few similar features. But this man was beyond Meghan's nightmares, his scowl was bitter, his beard was thick and dark which caused the shadows on his face to linger, there was no joy in his presence, Meghan hoped the bed would just swallow her up forever, Meghan quietly and nervously sunk deeper into the covers hoping he wouldn't notice her. The air in the room stiffened and the chill grew into a suffocating heat, Mr Boscamo just stared at her, as if he were making a full analysis of his victim, timing everything right so that his bite would be precise and lethal. As Mr Boscamo neared Meghan she tried to back away, but there was only so much bed left. "So you're the stifling nuisance to my company a little Driddon woman taking up space" his voice boomed as it stripped Meghan right down, his voice was strong but he refused to open his mouth wide, which caused him to spit upon Meghan, he grabbed her arm pulling Meghan closer to his face, she tried to fight him but he was so much stronger than Pierre, his body was proving a point. "I have lost so much business from Pierre because of you" Mr Boscamo hit her across the face, his powerful hand left her red and raw, she cried out for help but no one came, the hospital was silent. Mr Boscamo grinned through his teeth he enjoyed women squirming in their seat, unable to escape his claw, "you will pay for the money lost, even if it means by your life!" Mr Boscamo threw you of the bed, she and the machines fell to the floor, Mr Boscamo watched as she tried to regain her balance, he watched as she tried to huddle in the corner he saw the machines traipsing after her, Meghan realised she had no where to go, she was weak and sore, Mr Boscamo leaned over her with one powerful blow he ripped the hospital gown right off her, so he could look upon the body that entrapped Pierre, he kneeled over her and growled "Pierre might be in love with your beauty" Mr Boscamo pulled her chin so her face would meet his fierceness "I am not so beguiled" he spat before throwing her against the wall, he scowled as if taking in the moment before leaving "until we meet again protégé" was all she heard as he left the room, her body ached in fear and shock, her breath was coming and going at an unusually fast pace. Meghan cried which lead to her hyperventilating.

Pierre ran into the hospital room, he couldn't believe his eyes, he screamed out to the nurses and Doctors for help, immediately they came, they picked up Meghan's cold and battered body, she had pushed herself into unconsciousness, Pierre saw the bruises forming on the side where she fell in the floor, her ankle was swelling from where the IV pole fell on her. Pierre cried over the women he was supposed to protect and he couldn't protect her, in a struggle for air her faint voice was heard "Pierre" was what she said. The Doctors looked to Pierre with a comforting touch of his shoulder was asked to wait outside, and there he waited until she awoke.