
Ludso and Driddon

The feud between the two clans backdates hundreds of years, during the darkest parts of their history when slaves broke from their masters. The pain of losing their slaves was much deeper than anyone could have imagined, dividing the Island. Intermarriage between the two clans was forbidden, entertaining the idea of friendships was not tolerated. Despite the feud many people have disobeyed causing a loss of stability to the control of Ludso, although Driddon appears unaffected by the change, the conniving hearts of those in power attempt to corrupt the good heart of the Driddon Clan it is up to our heroin to save her people before the damage remains permanent. The people of Driddon must remain free, no matter the cost, all people deserve the freedom to choose their life without fear that their loved ones will be murdered. Civil unrest calls for immediate action, so many have died for the belief in the revolution, many more lives are at stake. Driddon’s peaceful ways are hanging on the line if the revolution should fail all hope will be lost, and their sacrifice would have been in vain.

Anagwin · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 5

"I felt like my heart was broken, I couldn't study anymore, I spent my days just waiting for the post, all I wanted was a bird to come to me. But it never did. I began to pack up my dorm, slowly I transferred my things back into my house, until one day the dorm was empty, and still there was no call from anyone.

I went to the headmistress instead of the headmaster, I told her "my parents went exploring the world, and haven't returned, they were supposed to be back by now, I can't focus on my studies without knowing if they're safe or not." The head mistress saw me in such a state she too thought it was a good idea to have my studies put on hold until I was in the right head space, she sent me to the nurses to get some opium which should help me get to sleep at night, so I was told to take a pill each night for a week and then to stop taking them, as they have nasty side effects if you use it for too long. I obeyed, and I did begin to feel better, but my parents were lost in the unknown and now so was Neon. This was a terrible feeling.

At long last, I was given a message, Neon had sent the bird to the college, I finally have word. The box was sent to me, with a letter inside "My dearest storm, I feel like the ocean looking up at the sky, I see her beauty, I feel her presence but it is always out of reach. I feel her wrath, I feel her warmth but still she can never hold me in her arm. I am the ocean far beneath her beauty, does she know how calm and enraged she can make me, my body is at her command how she feels is how I shall act. My storm, I wish I could hold you with in my body but something keeps us a part, I wish I could fill the expanse with the love I have for my dearest one, so I shall send a message into the expanse to fill the space that separates me from you, please my dear Aloria see my love flying underneath your great beauty as it calls to you, hear my voice as I wish I could hear yours, see my beating heart beat in tune to yours, one day soon my lovely Aloria, I will learn to fly so I can be seen near your great beauty. Even though I could never measure up to your great ability I will always be your proud Neon, WAMM just like that I will shape up your night sky, and your early morning rise. I will never leave your side, that will always been plainly set for all to see. Much love Neon." I opened the secret compartment to find a beautiful necklace made with gold and sapphire stone, but inside the sapphire stone was a locket, which had a photo of him inside, I treasure that necklace to this day, I still wear it" Mrs Fisher placed the letter next to all the items that she pulled from the box for me to see and she showed met he necklace which hung around her neck day after day. Her story touched my heart, their love was so pure.

"I was angered by the fact there was no return address on it, but my heart was warmed to finally have the box back in my grasp. I was also sad because I had the box which mean't there would be no more surprise gifts from within. Which I cried about, that night I cried myself to sleep, everyone I loved was elsewhere, they were altogether and had left me behind. I felt forgotten but this made me want to keep going just so then I could be held by him, once more.

Many days later in the middle of the night, I heard a knock at the door, I sighed and forced myself out of bed, and to my surprise it was Neon, he was so happy to see me, I immediately dragged him inside, he could see I was not in the best state, he whispered "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you the way I did." I told him it was fine, I don't remember much else from that night, except in the morning I woke up and found myself looking pretty awful, I ran like crazy into the bathroom, I hadn't bathed at all for a few days. I wasn't eating, it was bad. But Neon made everything better. When I got out of the bathroom, the house smelled fresh again, and the smell of food emanated through the entire house, it was as if my mother was home. I followed the smell of food into the kitchen, where it was laid out nicely on the table, I couldn't wait for Neon, I just ate, my body was starving.

Neon later that afternoon came home, I was so worried that he had been a dream, so I had closed up the house and did the dishes but that was the extent of what I could do. I went to hug him but I noticed he was carrying shopping, he had food and clothes for himself and me, I was surprised at what he had gathered. "I'm sorry I left you, wh...." I interrupted him "honestly I understand, I'm just sorry you found me in a terrible state" Neon just hugged me, in my ear he whispered "I'll never leave you go again" I hugged him tighter sobbing "okay" Neon kissed my cheeks and my head saying "I love you" I responded saying "I love you too" and there he kissed me again, the kiss I longed for, I lingered in his lips and I enjoyed his touch. After a little while we just hugged again, Neon though spoke first saying "I love that you are wearing the necklace I gave to you" I smiled saying "yes, very torturing of you to have sent me a photo of yourself knowing I could never hold you." He chuckled and said "I can't have you forgetting about me know can I?" I teased "how selfish you are" Neon smiled "as it turns out. I was surprised to not have found you in your dorm" I sighed "I couldn't go anymore, I want to do something great with my life, but there was no one to share that greatness with, I figured what's the point. I want to make a better future for my loved ones that aren't even with me. They're off living their own life far away." Neon nodded "I'm sorry about that, I got afraid when your mother told me that someone knew of my existence, so I returned to her, she told me that she wasn't calling me back, but it was a warning to play it cool, she told me it was the headmistress who knew. You see your mom told the headmistress what was happening and if she could keep an eye on you in her stead. However the headmistress wrote to your mom telling her she knew who I was, I wasn't in danger, but she did ask your mom to tell me to be more careful, especially because I came to you and we were waiting for your results. As soon as your mom told me there was no danger, I sent the box to you, I was waiting for the box to come back, as I had asked if you receive this please send me your reply, the bird eventually came back with a message saying that you were no longer in college due to state of mind. That's when I came, that same day." All I could do was cry. A few days past with him nursing me back, but I was still fragile, but at least I had gained some weight. Neon later sent a message to my father telling him of my condition, and that I needed to be with him, he and my father came up with a plan thought would help us sneak into the West boarder undetected.

The journey to the West was a hard and long journey, but it was an experiment that I was so happy to have lived through, I was able to see Neon as himself, who he was in his heart, that's when I realised, I did love him, he gently guided me through the rough terrain, his gentle nature was there for sure, but so was his protective side, he made me feel safe and secure during our journey. I was his princess, someone who needed to be protected but obeyed, I loved how I was always right but how I knew how much I needed him. During our journey I made sure he knew how much I needed him.

At long last I saw a face I recognised, I ran to my father, he was the best man I had ever known and the only one I would love with pure affection, Neon was always second best but he never minded. I was reunited with my family. I was finally so happy, I was becoming Neon's storm again. Raging and temperate, for some reason Neon was attracted to that. During my stay in the house he and I grew ever closer, then one day he took me to a beautiful midnight garden, where he prepared a candle-lit supper, it was here he proposed to me, in the most romantic way, kneeling down with my father's blessing and the box in his hand, he opened up the box and there was the most beautiful ring. I couldn't accept fast enough. He later explained to me that, that was his mothers wedding ring and it had been in the family for generations. I felt so honoured to have been given the chance to wear something so beautiful and important.

A few months later we were married from Grandmothers house, she saw us marry and was so happy for us, we were so happy until the morning of her death. She had been sick for so long, it wasn't a shock but no less saddening. Once she was buried and my mother came out of mourning did Neon tell me that he had a surprise waiting for me over the bridge. I was a little concerned he meant that bridge, but I was secretly hoping he meant another bridge that I was unaware that existed. It took a bit of convincing before I accepted that he meant the only bridge in our existence. So together we went over the bridge, it was such a long walk, it took hours to finally cross over.

Nearing the other end we were met by the watchmen, who wanted us to state our business here on the Island of Driddon, and Neon did, he identified us as Mr and Mrs Fisher, he reasoned with the people that he was citizen of this island. I was terrified my blood was boiling for a fight, my husband wanted in, so I wanted in, I didn't want there to be a slow and hard procedure, nor did I want my husband to be killed. However before I could speak the warrant was passed, we were accepted to live in Driddon, however the town didn't like our presence, we were outsiders, and we were treated like outsiders. No one had anything to do with us. When Mr Fisher showed me the house he built for us, I was over joyed, but I couldn't show that out there, so I entered the house only then did the adrenaline subside enough for me to show how happy I was. All of my stuff had already been moved in, and there was the box sitting on the table, this time it had my key inside to this house. And so was the routine, any gift he would give me would always be inside this box. Even now I do not know what I was in love with him or the box."

I wiped away a tear from my eye, her love story was so beautiful, I appreciate her telling me, "Mrs Fisher, what happened to Mr Fisher and your family?" Mrs Fisher smiled "My parents too passed away and his parents, when they died I told myself I would live on for the town I was in, there were young people here that needed my help. Although I wasn't ever going to be a Senator I would do my part, I was going to end the hatred and prejudice which kept our families apart, Mr Fisher agreed, I had a fire in my bones, but I didn't realise Mr Fisher's fire boiled deeper than mine, I was trying to find a peaceful resolution within the Island, but over time Mr Fisher campaigned over the bridge, his cause was not favoured because in their minds he was against his people. So they beat him up so badly and left him to die on the sidewalk, he was cast aside, his friends from the West they carried him to our hospital, but by the time he got there, he was already dead. So I used his death as a speech to the people that change had to happen, not everyone is a threat. I told the town that he was from the West and I was from the East, together we chose to live in Driddon, we proved that East can meet West. And we proved that Ludso and Driddon can co-exist as one family, we just have to choose we want to. Which was the turning point in my life here on this island, your parents backed me, they took me in when I had nothing left in my life, they gave me you, I was to be like a grandma and an Aunt to you, although I have been a constant, I haven't been a person you could warm to, I was your nanny, your teacher, now your boss, it's not exactly a loving figure. And now I feel like I'm losing you, you're outgrowing me, which you're meant to do, but you're not meant to outgrow your grandma, and I'm sorry that I haven't been there for you." I smiled through my tears, I moved myself closer to Mrs Fisher and just hugged her she hugged me back, I sobbed "you've always been important to me, I'm sorry I haven't been trying to remove you or my parents from my life."

Mrs Fisher moved away to brew some more tea, I just looked over all that Mr Fisher left her with, so many sweet memories that she could hold on to forever. Within her life she had been able to slowly change Driddon, everyone knew that Mr Fisher gave his life to protect us, to prove that Driddon was worth fighting for, but I never knew that there was no real fight, that he went looking for a fight, he could still be alive if he hadn't chosen to go across the bridge, but he thought what he was doing was right, he thought he would be heard, not silenced. For he had been so used to the family way on Driddon but the West was not that way. "Mrs Fisher, I think I understand, I need to follow my heart, and to accept my own fate, like you did" Mrs Fisher frowned putting her cup down she said "I told you this story so that you wouldn't fear your parents freaking out over your boyfriend who comes from the West, a man who wins your heart, your affections, your trust and your respect is worth loving you, no matter where they come from. No mater your decisions when you have your family involved, there supporting you, your life won't go wrong, it will continue to go right, because you Meghan have so many people looking out for you, you have the family I wanted, use it. I leaned on this family too late, if I trusted them, maybe I would still have my husband with me." I sighed "I want Pierre to meet you all, but he's scared, or too embarrassed to meet you" Mrs Fisher asked "How did he win your affections?" I tried to answer her question but I had to do so honestly, which proved hard to do, so I said "it's so hard, one moment he's kind, gentle and deals with me in a loving manner, but other moments he's harsh, cold and abrupt. There are things he does which make me want to love him, but other things he does where I want to be far away from him. I haven't decided how I feel, I just know that I want to spend more time with him, because right now and for the past six months is seeing each other once a week." Mrs Fisher wasn't sure what to make of the situation, as she hadn't met him yet. So she reserved her speech until she had met him, for there were many reasons which may explain this behaviour but none that quite make sense. But then she didn't have a full understanding of how a true blue West Ludso man thinks, and Pierre was a very upper West Ludso man.

Meghan lay in her bed thinking over the words which Mrs Fisher had given to her, there are many things that Mr Fisher did for Mrs Fisher that Pierre doesn't do for her, Mr Fisher always confirmed his love for her in his way, what was Pierre's way? Love will endure, but first there has to be love. Meghan couldn't rest so she messaged Pierre, she stared at the screen waiting for a reply, the minutes felt like hours as her anxiety got stronger, to the point that she didn't put her phone away it would have caused an anxiety attack. Meghan. Couldn't understand why or how this man has this effect on her. So she went her way to the bathroom to take her mind off things, then she went to kitchen to pass the time, she paced round the house as she waited for Pierre to message her. Meghan stopped pacing in front of the clock, although she usually was asleep by now, Meghan knew her parents would be awake, so she went upstairs to see them.

Her mother ecstatically threw Meghan into her embrace, she couldn't believe her daughter finally came, although in her pyjamas, but it didn't matter to her. Meghan joined her mother on the couch, for her father was safely tucked into bed, there Meghan explained "I'm sorry I haven't been to visit for awhile, I was just afraid if you knew about who I was dating you'd be really upset with me and I didn't want you to feel like I've abandoned my family here in Driddon" her mother comforted her daughter, as she gently patted Meghan's hair she told her "I could never be mad, is he from the West or from the East?" Meghan sat there feeling cold as she mouthed WEST, her mother nodded and sighed "well, Mr Fisher was from the West and was a great fellow, I'm sure yours is as well." Meghan held her hands to arms and held her tongue she couldn't tell her mother her problems, for she was coping with too much as is. Her mother inquired "what is the matter darling?" Meghan shrugged "I guess I'm feeling a bit cold, I couldn't sleep so I decided to come up and see you" her mother felt deeply touched that her daughter came to her when she was in need, as she said "of course" she hurried over to her linen cupboard and got out Meghan's favourite warm blanket which she kept here for safe keeping. Meghan smiled as she huddled next her mother on the couch. Meghan enjoyed these moments watching the television as it softly played it's movie as she listened to her mother softly speaking to her, when Meghan thought about Mrs Fisher, she loved her mother so much, and she lost her. Meghan thought about her own mother and daughter relationship which she took for granted. Meghan felt bad about that and again she apologised to her mother for being allusive she promised her mother that she would meet Pierre and soon.

Meghan awoke lying on her mother's couch, she had fallen asleep to her mother's voice, she was telling her about her day and her life that Meghan hadn't missed. Meghan was happy to learn that her parents were being taken care of by the town, they were never forgotten. Meghan went into her father's study and left a sweet note to her parents, she wished they would have another good day filled with adventure and love. Once she had folded her blanket up and put it away she left her parents and into her own home to get ready for work.

After her shift at the Cooper's Meghan hugged Mrs Fisher thanking her for telling her, her story. Meghan promised Mrs Fisher that she would keep the family the together, nothing that Pierre could do could break their family ties, she also promised to never forget her mother. Mrs Fisher smiled as she went on her journey home, her story had been worth repeating however hard it was for her to speak of, if it would change the outcome of where Meghan was going then it was worth it, it was Mrs Fisher's greatest hope that she would find a man who was worth a stunning women like Meghan, and Mrs Fisher feared that Pierre was not a man worth getting involved with. Although Mrs Fisher knew many from the West were kind and gentle, good folk. There were just as many if not more more cruel folk. It is this number which concerns Mrs Fisher, the hatred stems from the top, the name Pierre rings negative alarm bells to Mrs Fisher, she just can't remember how or why. Mrs Fisher would not rest until this mystery is solved, her beloved granddaughter was counting on this information.

As Meghan arrived home she heard her phone ringing from her room, she had forgotten that she had left it behind for she had been in bit of a rush this morning, it was Pierre. Meghan answered it and she found Pierre's wrathful voice on the other end Meghan pulled the phone away and left for the bathroom, when she came out she heard Pierre question her "Why would you send me that message and then not answer me?" Meghan picked up the phone and spoke to him saying "I really, really want to say it is because I was super mad with you, that I chose to ignore you Pierre. But then I'd be lying, I want to lie to you Pierre because then you might feel how I feel, cast aside like I don't matter. You were such a gentleman when I first met you and now look, you barely have time for me, when we are together we argue, when we're not together you criticise. I can't believe this relationship we have. Aren't you tired? Maybe we weren't meant to be." With that Meghan went to hang up when she heard Pierre say "It's not you. . . Work has me so stressed right now, I thought Mr Cooper wouldn't be such a problem but he is proving to be so stressful, but maybe he wouldn't be so stressful if I wasn't worried about you, my focus is divided by so many, my love for you is killing me, you want to spend time with me, and I want to spend more time with you, I just don't know how to make it all fit. On top of all that, you want me to make time for your family, it's hectic, I guess I'm breaking." Meghan felt bad that she had put him under so much pressure, "It wasn't my intent to get you this stressed, just that my father is dying, I don't know how much time I will have left with him, each moment counts, my father has been diagnosed with stage 5 Dementia, the Doctor says he showing signs that he is slowly entering into the 6th stage, my father remembers me but can't understand why I look so old, in his mind I'm still in high school other times I'm in college. Pierre, my parents need me and if you want to be a part of my life, you have some choices to make, you already know the sacrifices I am willing to make for you" Pierre was quiet over the phone, he made a noise which seemed to be in agreeance to her. "Pierre, my family have a dinner each week, in three days time, please come, or I won't visit you on the fourth day." With that Meghan hung up on him, she had put the stakes high on his head, he had a lot of re-shuffling to do for he was determined not to lose her, Pierre is lost whether it is his stubbornness and ego hurt or if this is all part of his plan, this woman is turning out be more than just a revenge plan, his heart is beginning to be turned by this woman, these feelings he must fight if he is to succeed in his conquest Pierre's choice will determine their future. All Pierre knows is that for now the woman has the upper hand and he must not blow his cover, he will obey and bend to her will, or all of this would have been for nothing.