
Man of Justice

“You all heard him, he’s ready to be the head of the clan just like his father.

Is there anyone here who thinks otherwise?” He ask and there was great murmuring.

Lincoln and his men raise their hands.

“Order!” The man yells again.

“Step forward” the spiritual head command Lincoln and he steps forward beside Alex stepping fully on the blood that Alex was afraid to step on.

“What do you have to say?” Lincoln was asked.

He cleared his throat and look at Alex from head to toe.

“This boy standing here is… if I'm not mistaken, he's a boy of 27 years old, what can a 27-year-old give to this great council?” Lincoln asks and the murmuring continues.

Some are saying Lincoln is right, and some are saying he’s not. The man with the scroll tries to calm down everyone but the murmuring increase.

“Order!”  the spiritual head yelled standing up this time. And there was silence again.

“Mr. Lincoln” the man continued “Are you saying you disagree with the people because I know how that we all agree that after Mr. Wale, his son Alex will take his place and lead the people.

“I was not in that meeting my lord” Lincoln said and a lot of the people put their heads down, and shook their heads knowing that Lincoln was lying. He was present that day.

“My lord, all I’m saying is that this boy knows nothing about leadership, he’s just a boy, what does he know about strategies of running a company not to talk of him knowing who to bring to book?. I taught his father what he knew before he passed away” Lincoln continued.

He’s not fit, for the position, this position is too big for his age, run along boy, your mates are playing football, don’t concern yourself with matters like this” Lincoln said to Alex giving him a wicked smirk.

Alex was silent but the spiritual head ask Alex if he has anything to say.

Alex compose himself, stood facing Lincoln, and starts to speak.

“My lord, I have come to understand that you are a man of Justice, as I stand here stepping on this blood” he puts his head down to look at the blood. “I now understand why they are killed. Justice must be served, and that is what I’m going to do when I become the head of the clan.”

He turned to face the spiritual head. “Lincoln is not a man of Justice," he said "Lincoln is just like one of these people whose blood I stepped upon, and I know, my lord that you will love for justice to be done just as you clearly show today” he pointed at the blood and the man turned to look.

"I Alex Wale, will serve Justice to all the bad guys, I will not only behead them, but I will also fish them all out and I  will grind them to dust. Just as you have done today my lord” he finished his speech and bows to the spiritual head.