
Love like petals, Chapter 9: The beginning of summer vacation.

Today was our project submission day and it went well. Liam also did good in his Vocal/speech part. Even though Ms. Karen is never happy with anyone's project, she looked quite satisfied with our project.

After that our days went pretty smooth, Rachel's project submission also went well and our summer vacation were also coming close.

Many of my classmates were planning to visit their native place in vacations, others who were foreign student wanted to go back to their homes and many others were planning to visit any tourist places during vacation. How did I knew it? Its Rachel of course who told me everything.

What about me? What am I going to do in vacations? Nothing, I'll be just staying at home, maybe locked up in my room.

When I was younger I used to go to my grandparents house but now, its been years since I saw their faces. No, my grandparents aren't dead! They are alive and are doing really well. Its just that I haven't gone to meet them since few years.

Rachel went to Hawaii last year in her vacation and her parents had already made plans for the coming vacation to go to China. Hope she has fun.

Anyways today was the last day of school and everyone was busy talking about their stuff. Rachel who was sitting beside me said:

"Hey… You know about the china trip that my parents planned for this vacation…"

"Yah" I replied

"Yah so, about that… may… be.. I.. won't be able to go to…. any trip this year…"

"Why!?" I exclaimed.

"Just my Dad got some work to do here, but hey anyways! You are also not going anywhere right??" Rachel said

"Yah" I replied

"So we can hangout during summer break!" Rachel said.

"You know I can't go outside without any elder right?" I said.

"Its ok… we can at least go to each other's home right?" Rachel said.

"Yah sure, if you can kidnap me then sure!" I said

"I'll make sure to do that!!" Rachel replied

And then we both laughed.

Finally when the school got over, I returned back to my home while listening some songs of tteokbokki-kun.

I reached home, changed my outfit and sat on my study table.

I opened my book 'An eternity with illusion' and continued where I left off. The name of the protagonist of this story was Aliza and she was 20.

She was suffering from Psychosis Delusional disorder since 18. She had an accident which caused her great mental damage causing this disorder. Currently she was in love with a boy named Andrew, who didn't existed. Andrew is not a person created by her own imagination, he was a part of her memory. Andrew was Aliza's best friend who died in an accident 3 years ago.

As I was reading the book, A notification came from my phone, it was Rachel's text:

"Hey! Whatcha doing?"

"Nothing just reading a book." I replied

"An eternity with illusion?" asked Rachel

"Yah" I replied

"You're surely reading it from quite a while" Rachel said.

"Yah" I replied.

"Girl, you're obsessed with that book."

"I am gonna steal your treasure from you╰( •̀ε•́ ╰)" Rachel said.

"No you can't." I replied

" I'll go to rob your house one night┐(´ー`)┌ " Rachel said.

"You better keep your doors lockedヽ(`Д´)ノ" Rachel said.

"Alright." I replied.

As I was texting Rachel I looked at the time, it was 9:00, almost time for dinner. I texted Rachel:

" I have to go to eat my dinner, Good night."

"Ok! Good night.♪~(´ε` )"

I plugged my phone to charger and went to help my mom to arrange dishes.

We sat on the dinner table and started to eat dinner.

I have a nuclear family. It consists of Me, dad, mom, a younger brother and a baby sister.

My younger brother (Ace) was 4 years younger than me and my baby sister (Alora) was 6 years younger than me.

We would mostly talk about our daily activities during dinner.

After eating dinner I helped mom with cleaning the dishes and went back to my room.

I climbed my bed and arranged my pillows to sleep but as I was switching off my light I saw Ace and Alora peeking at me through the door. As I saw them alora squealed and said to Ace:

"Hide! She saw us!"

I smirked and went near my door and whispered to them:

"Oh my! Who am I going to tell the story of the Pea and princess"

Both of them rushed inside the room and squealed:

"ME! ME!"

And before I could say anything they rushed towards my bed and Alora tapped on the space present between her and Ace with her hand, signing me to lie down there.

I laid between them and both of them cuddled me from both of my sides. I started:

"Once there was a prince who lived in a big castle, he was very wealthy, he had all the luxurious items anyone could ever afford but he still wasn't happy...."

I hadn't even completed half of the story when I saw both of them sleeping.

I snuggled between both of them and went to sleep.

When I woke up in morning I couldn't feel both of my hands. They were numb, as Ace and Alora were sleeping on them.

I carefully pulled my hand out and got off the bed. It was 7:30 am currently and I went in washroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. When I came out I saw Ace and Alora still sleeping soundly.

I got out of my room and saw mom cooking breakfast for us and Dad sitting on the dining able doing his work in his laptop. He called out for mom and said:

"Honey! Xia's awake!"

" Xia! Come to kitchen!" Mom replied

I went to the kitchen and mom asked me:

"Alora and Ace were sleeping in your room again, weren't they?"

"Yah, but it's ok. I like it" I replied as I handed mom a loaf of bread.

Mom was making sandwiches for us. It was looking really delicious.

The junior members of family woke up from delicious aroma of the sandwiches and came out of my room. They rushed towards bathroom brushed their teeth and wash their faces and then hurried towards the dinning table.

We all sat down and ate our sandwiches. After eating I help to keep the utensils back in there places and went back to my room.

I switched on my phone and saw 5 missed calls from Rachel. Before I tried to call back, another call from her popped up on my screen. I picked up the call:

"Xia!! Why weren't you picking up my call!?"

"I was eating breakfast"

"Oh ok! Anyways! I called you to inform you that I am coming over!"

"ok … when?"

"I am at the door〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜... Open it...?"

"OH YA! Ahm- Coming."

"Who is it Xia??" mom asked.

"Rachel" I replied.

" Ohh its Rachel!" Mom said.

"Mornin, Mrs. willson! You still look so young and pretty as ever!" Rachel said to butter my mom.

"Oh stop flattering me! Here have some sandwiches!" mom replied.

"It looks delicious, Thank you!" replied Rachel. And then they giggled among themselves.

After sometime Rachel came into my room munching on one of the and said:

"Man! Its surely something that I can life for!! Its so good!" Then she gobbled up the sandwich and continued:

"You know! *Still eating* I saw some merges of *swallowed the food* tteokbokki-kun on my way. They looked quite good and best part was that *sipped some water* they were very chea-! COUGH! COUGH! COUGH!"

"Oh my god! Are you ok!!" I exclaimed and patted her back.

Soon she stopped coughing and said:

"Oh my god... I almost died…..My past… was flashing infront of my eyes.. woah!"

"Its ok now, continue what you were saying." I replied to change the topic.

"Oh ya! There were tteokbokki-kun's merges on my way, so I thought why not go for purchasing them tomorrow and they were pretty cheap!"

"Sure if my mom allows..." I replied.

"Ughhhh okk! Wait!" Rachel said and she got out of my room and shouted:

"Mrs. Willson! Can I take Xia outside tomorrow to a nearby Mall?!"

"Sounds great dear! But bring her back before evening!!!" Mom replied.

And I thought to myself that was it that easy to take mom's permission?? No struggle required?

And then Rachel came back to my room and said:

"You heard that! I'm kidnapping you!"

"You surely did that." I replied with a smile.

Then we both stayed in my room for the whole day either talking about tteokbokki-kun's song and listening to them or Mr. Ivan, Rachel's crush and an unknown entity for me.

At evening when Rachel was going back to her home she said to me:

" You should better be ready on time tommorow."

"Mmk sure." I replied.

"Byeee!" Rachel said.

"Bye! Make sure to text me when you reach home." I replied.

"OK!" Rachel replied.

And I went back to my room. At around 7:30 pm, I received the text from Rachel:

"I reached home! Sorry for informing you late…"

" Its ok" I replied.

And then I read 'An eternity with illusion' AGAIN for some time before eating dinner. When I got back to my room I saw Alora and Ace had already made themselves comfortable on my bed waiting for me to lie down between them.

We began another adventure in our imagination which ended halfway through only, as both the younger siblings slept in between. I also felt sleepy and slept.

Hope you enjoy love like petals, please share your thoughts in comments.

Sam005_ncreators' thoughts