
Love like petals, Chapter 10: Outing with Rachel and……

I woke up this morning with numb hands AGAIN… but it was ok, I got off from my bed carefully and washed up in bathroom. I took out a white T-shirt, a black cargo pant and some accessories with a black cap and a black mask.

I have wheatish skin colour, monolid brown eyes and black hair. My height is about 5'1, pretty normal, so I don't stand out much in crowd in anything I wear.

I changed my outfit and went on the dining table and started to eat egg and toast for breakfast.

Alora and Ace were looking at me in hope to take them out with me, but mom denied their permission to go out. So, it was just me waiting for Rachel near the park.

As I opened the contact list to text Rachel, I saw Liam's contact. His pfp changed. It was now him holding a cat.

When I first saw Liam, he didn't looked like a Korean. He had pale skin and hazel eyes that made him look a bit different from Korean beauty standards or whatever. I mean I can't differentiate Asians being an asian. So, I won't be able to know their nationality until they tell it themselves.

And if we leave the nationality, Liam has these natural facial features that makes him attractive. I envy him for that.

I was still look at Liam's pfp, when I heard Rachel whispering in my ear:

"Hot, right?"

I nodded without thinking and then suddenly faced towards Rachel who was dying from laughter , and tried to explain:

" I mean the weather is hot!! Where were you?"

"Yah, weather? *Still laughing* ahm- it was Liam wasn't it?" Replied Rachel.

"Who Liam? I was just going through pfps of people." I said.

"Mmmk, I don't know anymore!" Rachel said and continued:

"Anyways! Let's go to the mall before it's too late!"

We headed towards a mall named "Big Mart". I saw big queues of people in each stall of tteokbokki-kun's merchandises as we enter the mall. It was surprising that this many people were tteokbokki-kun's fans. The whole lobby was crowded and it was hard to walk.

As I and Rachel were struggling in the crowd, we somehow got separated and now it was just me again, standing in a corner like a lost child in a fair.

I tried to look for Rachel but it didn't work, the mall was just too crowded! I got tired of trying to find her so I sat on one of the empty seats which were kept outside a pizza store in the mall.

As I sat down on the seat, I could hear some girls gossips who were standing beside me:

"Wasn't he handsome?!?" Girl 1

"Yah totally! Bet he's a modal!" Girl 2

" If not then, someone should take him as a model!!" Girl 3

And then all of them started to giggle among themselves. And then one of them continued:

"What was his name again??"

"LIAM!!" Girl 1

"YAHHH!!" All of them.

And then they continued making fan girl noises, But my mind was not on them, it was on the word 'Liam'. I mean it is not even possible for him to be here right? He would also have gone to his native place or something, and perhaps Liam is a common name so there might be someone else with his name, yah? But anyways I got up again to find rachel and I bumped into someone, who said:

"Oh I am sorry! You're not hurt right?"

The voice subconsciously sounded familiar. I looked upwards and saw it was Liam!!

I quickly jerked back, bowed to him and ran in an unknown direction.

Now I was totally lost in the crowd and didn't knew where to do. Before I could decide where to go next, I saw Liam rushing towards me and I don't know why but after seeing him running towards me I also started to run away from him, I ran fast and got inside one of the stores and hid behind a mannequin, I could feel people staring at me like I am doing a sin. I am just trying to hide from somebody without any reason. As I saw Liam running past the shop, I got out of the shop after few minutes because I couldn't hang in there while people starting at me as if they are going to pierce a hole through me.

But as I got out I saw Liam just beside the entry gate looking at me. I could no longer move, I froze wherever I was standing, While Liam said to me:

"Miss, you forgot your purse, if I was a bad person I wouldn't have returned you this! but look here we are."

I had this sense of relief inside me when I heard 'miss' from him as he still hasn't recognise me. I took the purse and bowed to him. As I turned in other direction to move on, I heard Rachel scream:

"OH MY GOD! XIA! There you are!!" and she rushed towards me.

I prayed 'Please god! Just this time! Please! Let Rachel run past me!' but it didn't happened. Rachel came and hopped on me, in front of Liam.

Now I could no longer hide my identity or myself. I just wanted to bury myself inside the ground at that time. When Liam heard Rachel saying my name he asked:

"Oh you are Rachel and Daisy! From XX highschool? Its me Liam your classmate, I had lunch with you guys, Remember?"

I thought to myself who can't remember you? The hot topic of the school since the beginning and then Rachel replied:

"OH! Who are you again?? Just kidding! Its you Liam!*nervous laugh* What are you doing here?"

And then whispered to me:

"Sis! You got luck today! Why don't we invite him with us?"

"What the hell are you talking about? He has got his own things to do! Don't disturb him! " I whispered back.

" Aww our Xia's worried about him, but it's ok let me ask him!" Rachel whispered back

"Hey- Whose worried about who-!?" I replied when Rachel interrupted:

"Anyways, Liam! You are not busy right now , right! Let's hangout in this mall together!"

" Ok, if you're comfortable with me in" Replied Liam.

"Of course we are! Aren't we?" Said Rachel. I just aggressively nodded my head out of shame.

I didn't even got a chance to speak.

Now it was the 3 of us walking around the mall. I looked like shit between these two legends. Liam who had and ideal look of a model and Rachel who was shining brighter than the sun. I almost had to wear sunglasses to protect my eyes.

It was almost 1:30 an we all were hungry, so we went to a convenience store which was beside the mall and purchased the food.

I am not good with spicy things so I mostly preferred fruit or cheese sandwiches, mild sweet things, non-spicy ramen , milkshakes and fizz drinks.

I took a cream bun, an orange fizz drink and was on my was to take some cream biscuits. As I reached the biscuit section, I reached out for my favourite chocolate cream biscuit and before I could take it another hand reached out for the same biscuit and our hands touched.

I quickly pulled back my hand and looked up to see that it was Liam.

'OUR HANDS TOUCHED' popped up on my mind where as Liam asked:

"Do you want that?"

My voice just won't come out when I am with Liam so I just nodded to say 'no' and then Liam replied:

"Oh well! Then I am taking it and... that was the last pack of that biscuit! You sure you don't want it?"

And I still stupidly nodded a 'No' and thus the last packet of my favourite biscuit was taken away by Liam.

I just took other pack of biscuit which was kept beside the chocolate biscuit and paid for the food.

We all shared our snacks with each other and went inside the mall again.

We were still hungry ( specially Rachel), So we ordered some fried chicken and corn dogs from a store named 'Hot wings' which was inside the mall.

We continued to discover the entire mall. Time passes really quickly when you start to have fun, Same goes for us. Time passed so quickly that it was 6:00 already. We had a lot of fun but now it was time to go home.

Before we could leave Rachel asked Liam to exchange numbers with us for which Liam replied:

"Oh! Daisy has my number! You can ask it from her!"

"Ohhhhhhh~…. Ok! Thanks! We had fun today!" Rachel replied to Liam and then she whispered to me:

"Damn Sis, you were faster then expected!"

"Rachel, cut it out…. It was just for project." I replied.

"mmmk…. Then I wasn't wrong when I said that it was Liam picture that you were seeing in the morning." Rachel said.

I didn't reply anything for it but Rachel still continued her chat on the merchandise that we purchased and soon we returned back to our homes.

Hope you enjoy love like petals, please share your thoughts in comments.

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