
Love in a Cameo

Due to a misunderstanding between their parents, Feigh and Dominique had discovered that they are not real siblings. Feigh was forced to leave with her mother and transfer to another school where she was introduced to her childhood buddy, Tyron, which she could not remember. On the other hand, Zy, her former classmate follows her to her new school to find the identity of "w" -- the mysterious post-it man who keeps on bugging Feigh and the person whom he thinks is related to the death of his brother.

Mimi_Orenji · Thanh xuân
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7 Chs

CHAPTER 6: Turning on Another Page


Days had already passed after that incident. But what happened that day was probably one of the worst things that happened to me. How I wish I could turn back time and undo it. How I wish I hadn't gone to that parlor. We wouldn't have made a scene. But if I stayed in the bookstore, I'd be very uncomfortable knowing that the guy from the tailor shop kept giving me meaningful looks.

I sighed.

We had already received the tailored uniforms yesterday, and my uniform was really cute. It's a white blouse matched with a necktie and a black miniskirt. I tried wearing it, and it fits perfectly.

Today is Monday, and it will be my first day at my new school. Mom briefed me yesterday that both Zy and I would be in the same section. This is to make sure that I will have company during my transfer here.

Right now, I'm currently changing into my new uniform. I allowed my short hair to flow freely, and I also wore my black backpack.

"Feigh! Zy's already here!" I heard mom shout from below, making me roll my eyeballs. I haven't finished preparing yet. But he is already here. I guess I need to get used to being early. I looked in the mirror one last time before heading downstairs.

As I arrived in the living room, Mom was already wearing her corporate attire. She was sitting on the sofa and busy typing on her laptop, which she had placed on her lap. Zy was also seated adjacent to her. I scoffed, making them turn in my direction.

Zy immediately stood from his seat and grabbed his backpack. Mom, on the other hand, continued with her task.

"We'll head first, Mom." I bid farewell before kissing her left cheek. She just nodded in return.

Zy was leading the way, and I only followed him. We've been walking for a few minutes now, and the school is not yet in sight.

"I never thought that the school was a bit far. It's even farther from the shop that we visited a few days ago," I complained, making Zy turn to face me. "What? I'm just stating a fact," I continued, making him shake his head. I bet I'm probably getting on his nerves now.

Another minute had passed before we arrived at the gate of the school. Students were also heading inside, and we decided to blend in with the crowd.

From afar, I saw someone waving his hands at us. I squinted my eyes to see who it was. And guess what? It was his buddy. He was smiling from ear to ear when he saw Zy, but when he glanced at me, his expression changed. He gave me his meaningful look again. It's probably the nth time. I don't understand. But I felt my heart beating so fast, as if it were about to explode. Am I feeling imminent danger again?

"Hey, Zy!" he called as he approached us, but Zy only passed by him. He paced up to keep up with us. I remained silent beside Zy, who only kept walking straight ahead. "You're really going to ignore me, don't you? After I've helped you find that journal?"

What his buddy last said made Zy and I stop and turn to face him. A smile was now plastered on his face. "Finally, I'm able to say something that interests you," his buddy continued.

What happened next shocked me. Zy grabbed my wrist and dragged me towards the nearest stairs. I was supposed to debate, but when I turned to face his buddy, I became obedient to Zy. Of course, I don't want to stay beside that wolf in sheep's clothing.

When we're already on the second floor, Zy decides to let go of my hand. He then let out a deep sigh before looking at me. When he realized that I was also looking at him, he immediately tried to look at his watch. Something feels weird about him.

"We'll head off first to the faculty," he said as he led the way. I only followed behind him.

Beep. Beep. I was supposed to check my phone when Zy took his phone from his pants. There, I realized that it was from him. He looked at the message, and his brows further knitted.

He typed back before walking towards the faculty. As we entered the faculty room, a teacher immediately approached us. He smiled at Zy before looking at me. "Come inside," he said as he motioned us towards his table.

"Zy Enriquez and Feigh Alvarez, right?" he said while looking at our transfer forms. "Mr. Enriquez, I really wondered why you decided to transfer here when you are excelling at North High," he said before looking at the person beside me.

Zy didn't respond. "On the other hand, it's understandable for you, Miss Alvarez, because your grades are failing." I raised a brow at his remark. I know I'm not doing well at school but blatantly telling my academic performance when Zy is beside me, seemed unbearable.

My grades are indeed very far from Zy. After all, I'm not a study geek like him. I won't really be surprised if Mom recruits him as my tutor.

Our teacher explained other stuff with regards to the school policy, but it feels like all of that information passed through the other ear. What I was only able to hear was when he said...

"I hope you won't regret transferring here, Mr. Enriquez. Our school was more than grateful to have a protege like you," he commended Zy. "And for you, Miss Alvarez, I hope you will follow his example." I ended up nodding to his remark.

"So, I guess, that would be all. Now follow me," he said as he stood up from his swivel chair and went out of the faculty. We only followed behind him.

When we arrived at the classroom, the teacher immediately went towards the front. "Good morning, class. Before we proceed with our discussion, let me first introduce the two transferees that we have this semester," he said as he signaled us to come inside.

Stepping inside, the students gave us different looks. But most of them seemed to be in awe as they saw Zy. They were all mesmerized, except for me.

Some were giggling, like they'd seen their crush in front of them. Some were also whispering, and some were giving me their murderous glares.

"You can introduce yourself," our teacher said, motioning us both in front. I elbowed him, causing him to sigh and walk in front of the crowd.

"Zy Enriquez," he briefly introduced before turning back at me. Both the teacher and I meaningfully looked at him. He, in turn, just innocently looked at us. I was left with no choice but to roll my eyeballs at him.

"And this is Feigh," he continued as he grabbed me forward, beside him. I tried to remove his grip, but he was so strong, so I was left with no choice but to comply. I faked a smile at the crowd and was supposed to introduce myself when he interrupted me. "Feigh Alvarez. The one betrothed to me," he said without hesitation, making me look at him with confusion.

The students in front of us are also in shock at what he said. Some seem to enjoy the show, thinking it's just a random joke. But from the serious face of Zy, I think it's not.

"Okay. I guess we should proceed with our lesson for today," our teacher said, thankfully calming the crowd. "By the way, thank you, Mr. Enriquez and Miss Alvarez. You can now take the empty seats on the back," he continued as he pointed out the vacant chairs near the window.

"It's not funny," I randomly blurted as we walked towards our chairs, before rolling my eyes at him.

"I guess your mom hadn't disclosed to you what she and my father had already agreed," he calmly said before casually sitting beside me.

"What agreement are you talking about?" I turned to face him. He was supposed to open his mouth to answer me when our teacher interrupted.

"Is there a problem, Ms. Alvarez?" I shook my head before saying no to our teacher, so he continued with the discussion.

"If you want me to tell you, I have one condition," Zy remarked as he placed his chin on his right hand which is still holding a pen. 

"I'll be willing to strike a deal as long as it's not going to compromise me," I replied while still looking at the board where our teacher had already written a mathematical equation.

"Okay," he said shortly before taking something from his bag. He handed it to me, and when I read it, it was an application form to be a member of the Science Club. "Fill this up and then give it to Perez," he continued.

"Who's Perez?" I questioned him, who was now busy taking notes. In fairness, his penmanship is commendable. It's way nicer than mine. He should try calligraphy.

"He's that blabbermouth," he replied with a hint of annoyance. When I heard him, I tried to hold my chuckle. I did not expect him to be this annoyed with that wolf. I guess we had finally agreed on something.

While filling up the form, I randomly asked him a question. "By the way, why did you choose this condition? At least you should tell me a reason before I officially sign up for something," I continued as I brought the pen towards the signature part of the form.

"Fine. If that would make you stop asking more questions," he replied as he encircled his final answer. 

He was still reviewing his when he answered me. "He texted me earlier that if I would be able to encourage someone to sign up for their club, he would no longer bother me," he explained, making me look suspiciously at him.

"So that's it? You're now willing to sell me off to that dude?" I seriously retorted, but he just chuckled. Wait. Did I just see him chuckle?

"Okay. Who would like to answer the problem on the board?" our teacher said while scanning who's going to raise their hands. Surprisingly, no one had the courage to do so, except for my seatmate, who confidently raised his left arm and said," I'll do the honor, sir."

He stood up from his chair and went towards the board. He smoothly wrote the formula, proceeded with the solution, and encircled the final answer. Our teacher was even looking at him with amazement. "Thank you, Mr. Enriquez."

As Zy walked towards his chair, our teacher continued to discuss his answer. He then wrote another set of problems and informed us that it would be our assignment and we should pass it tomorrow during his period.

When our teacher finally left, we also headed towards the cafeteria since it's already time for recess. The cafeteria is a bit crowded, so both me and Zy decided to skip recess. We headed back to the room.

"So how's the form?" he asked as he went back to sit in his chair.

I sat beside him before taking the form, which I hid below my desk. When I looked at it, I saw that I hadn't signed it yet. I took my pen and wrote my signature.

"It's finally done," I said as I handed him the form. He only looked at it before answering.

"You should now hand it to Perez," he monotonously replied before he decided to lay his head on his desk.

"But you were the one who made a deal with him," I debated, but he only ignored me. "Okay. You prefer me tearing this form for you," I threatened, causing him to suddenly lift his head from the desk and face me.

"Fine. I'll hand it to him," he annoyingly gave in before reaching for the form. "But I would no longer disclose what my father and your mother had agreed," he continued, making my eyes grow wide.

I tried getting the form back from him, but he immediately stood up and went outside. I tried to follow him, but his pace was so fast. I was out of breath, so I decided to stop. Not far from the nearest stairs, I saw him standing in front of a classroom. He no longer has the form in his hands. He had already handed it to his buddy, Perez. He said something to Perez before glancing at me. 

When I looked at the person in front of him, I saw Perez holding the form. His face cannot be painted. He had probably read whose name was written on the form. He probably could not accept that I'll be joining his club instead of Zy. 

When Zy noticed that I was looking in their direction, he gave me a thumbs up. What? Is that his way of telling me that he has accomplished the task at hand? Then, he walked towards me, who was still standing there, seemingly waiting for him to come.

When he was a foot away from me, he grabbed my wrist again and dragged me in the direction of the cafeteria. I tried to look back, so I was able to see Perez smiling wildly at me. What's wrong with him? Is he also a lunatic?

At the cafeteria, the long lines were no longer present as students were already seated and eating their snacks. Hence, we are able to finally buy. Zy was beside me at the counter. He ordered a burger and a soda.

"What are you going to eat?" he asked after saying his orders. He was still holding my wrist. He hadn't yet removed it, and I feel a bit uncomfortable. My eyes were stealing glances from it. He probably noticed it, but he remained unbothered. "Feigh, are you even listening?"

I was brought back to reality when I heard him speak again. "Ammm, I'll have what you ordered," I responded, so he immediately told the person on the counter to double his order. He even paid for my order too. I guess, I should thank him later. 

Then, when our order had been served, he finally let go of my wrist. He brought the tray to the vacant table and arranged the food.

His actions reminded me of the last recess that I had with my older brother. Just reminiscing about it already made me feel gloomy.

"Are you okay?" I looked at Zy, who had now sat in front of me. He did sound worried, so I just nodded before sitting in my chair. "You should eat. You're just probably hungry," he said as he took a bite of his burger.

I looked at the burger he bought, and it's indeed appetizing. It has a large fried chicken patty, fresh lettuce, thinly sliced tomato, and mayo, packed inside the buns covered with sesame seeds. When I took a bite, I was almost blown away by the flavors.

"Your face tells me that it's your first time to taste this kind of burger," Zy said while holding his chuckle. I glared at him, but he only ignored it.

It took us just enough time to finish our recess before the bell rang, signaling our next period. Zy immediately stood up from his seat, but instead of just heading directly to the exit of the cafeteria, he returned to the table and started cleaning it. I was shocked because I used to just leave the table after eating.

"Why are you cleaning it? Shouldn't you just let the staff clean it up?" I asked out of curiosity. He stacked our trays and also placed the empty containers of our sodas and burgers in them.

"Haven't you read the signs on the wall? It says CLAYGO," he replied as we walked towards the nearest trash bin to throw them. 

"I guess you're right. They have that rule. I guess I'm not that observant," I remarked while following him as he returned the tray to the counter.

"That's understandable since you are always preoccupied with your world." What he said caused me to stop in my tracks. Is he insulting me again? I sighed. I guess I should also get used to his insults.

He looked back when he realized that I was not following him. "What?" I asked as I raised my eyebrow at him. His brows furrowed, then he signaled to me that we're running late for the next period. "You're incorrigible!" I remarked as I rolled my eyes. Then, I walked towards him while stamping my feet.


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, songs, places, events, and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.