
Love in a Cameo

Due to a misunderstanding between their parents, Feigh and Dominique had discovered that they are not real siblings. Feigh was forced to leave with her mother and transfer to another school where she was introduced to her childhood buddy, Tyron, which she could not remember. On the other hand, Zy, her former classmate follows her to her new school to find the identity of "w" -- the mysterious post-it man who keeps on bugging Feigh and the person whom he thinks is related to the death of his brother.

Mimi_Orenji · Teen
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7 Chs

CHAPTER 7: The Consequence of A Choice


Beep. Beep.

Zy and I were walking in the hallway towards our classroom when my phone suddenly beeped. I opened the screen, and an unknown message popped up. I rolled my eyes. Don't tell me that it's going to be Perez.

When I opened the message, it said, "We'll have a meeting at the Science Club at 5. By the way, this is Aldrin Perez, the club's president."

After reading his text, I almost regretted agreeing to Zy's condition. After all, I never received the answers that I've been looking forward to. Now, I know that Zy is a scammer.

"Why are you glaring at me again?" Zy asked when he noticed that I've been giving him my side eyes.

"You're a scammer!" I shouted at him, making him hold a chuckle. He's been this weird lately. I mean, he used to treat me with indifference, but now he's acting as if we're close.

When we entered the room, the class was already starting. The lecturer even glanced at the both of us. I was expecting him to reprimand us, but hopefully he didn't. He continued with his discussion. Wait. I'm reminded of Wandough again. He used to talk loudly in class, but our lecturer only ignored him.

"Aren't you going to enter?" Zy asked, making me go back to my senses. I immediately sat beside him. I also took some notes during the discussion.

Our morning periods have passed, and we're now having our lunch. Our school provides free lunches as long as we pay them in tuition. Thankfully, mom did.

Zy and I were sitting near the counter, and only the two of us were occupying the table. I guess this is how newbies are.

"Are you going to eat the stew?" Zy asked, making me look at him. I was supposed to open my mouth when my gaze shifted to his now-empty bowl.

"You can have it," I remarked as I handed the bowl to him. He gladly accepts it. I was expecting him to say thank you, but he didn't. I guess that'll be my payment for the snack that he bought me earlier.

"You're still stealing other people's stew." I immediately looked at the person who suddenly talked. It was Perez. Wait! Don't tell me that he's going to be joining us today.

 "I thought we had a deal that you would no longer bother me if I made someone join your club," Zy said as he finished his meal.

"Well, I'm not here for you," Perez remarked as he sat beside me. "I'm here for your friend. Or should I say, your fiancé?" He said as he looked at Zy, whose eyebrows are now furrowed. The moment he mentioned the word fiancé, I almost threw up. I mean, he knew about that thing too?

"Then I'll still be seeing you often," Zy mumbled as he stood up from his seat. Perez only chuckled at his response before meaningfully looking at me. He has been doing that for the nth time. It was just fortunate that I'm able to stop myself from having the urge to remove his eyeballs.

Zy headed towards the counter to return his now-empty Dosirak case. I was hoping that he'd return to our table, but he didn't. So he's going to ditch me now?

"Don't worry. I don't bite," Perez suddenly remarked before eating his meal. "You can continue your meal. He won't return anyway."

 Him sitting beside me was not as bad as I thought it would be. I think he's not as harmful as what my gut has been telling me. But I guess I should not let my guard down for him. After all, I still don't trust him.

I remained silent beside him. When he noticed that, he bumped my elbow, causing me to choke. He chuckled as he saw me immediately grab my bottled water and chuck all of its contents. I glared at him, but he only kept a silent laugh while trying to eat his food. He became silent after that, so I was supposed to enjoy my meal, but then he became serious as he said something.

"By the way, I'm sorry for giving you meaningful looks." He blurted out of nowhere, making me look at him. His tone sounds serious, and by the feels of it, he could be sincere with what he's saying, so I'm feeling myself that I might give him the benefit of the doubt. "It makes you uncomfortable, right? So I deserve to apologize for that." He continued as he looked at me. I met his gaze, and I could really feel his sincerity.

I was supposed to open my mouth to answer him, but I felt tongue-tied. No words seemed to come out of my mouth. He probably noticed it again, so he decided to continue talking.

"Oh, I almost forgot, I'd appoint you as my secretary," he said as if it's the most brilliant idea he ever shared.

"What!? But, I--" I was not able to finish my sentence because he interrupted me again.

"No buts," he remarked as he placed a slice of Gimbap on my plate. "You can have that," he continued as he pointed at the gimbap he gave. "If you're worried because of your lack of experience, don't worry; I'll be your mentor."

"By being my mentor, does that mean that we have to meet frequently?" I asked out of curiosity. He nodded in response, making me almost lose my mind. Then I won't be able to escape his presence. No!

He chuckled. "I know that look," he said while pinpointing my face. "Zy also gives me that, every time."

"Sorry," I timidly remarked.

"You don't have to. I'm used to people hating my existence. Maybe both me and Tyron deserve this treatment from people. After what we did, it's somehow justifiable," he said with a hint of sadness as he looked elsewhere.

"Tyron?" I asked after hearing the name he mentioned. "Don't tell me that it's the name of that guy...?" I continued while looking at him.

"Yes," he shortly responded as he turned to face me. His short confirmation reminded me of how Zy treated that stranger. It's as if he doesn't deserve to exist.

"And by your question, I bet he hesitated to introduce himself to you. Or probably, he wants you to recall him by yourself." What he stated last made me more confused.

"What do you mean? Do I really know him?" I asked while patently waiting for his reply.

"Yes. You were close before, as if both of you were inseparable," he said calmly as he finished his meal. "I even think that he had feelings for you but was only afraid to confess, thinking it might ruin your friendship. But at the end, both of you were forced to be separated after that incident."

"What kind of incident are you talking about? Is that the reason why I can't remember Tyron?" I asked after finishing my meal too.


"The bell is up, so I guess I should tell you about it next time," he said with a warm smile as both of us stood up from our seats to place our empty Dosirak cases on the counter.

After leaving the cafeteria, we headed out to our respective classrooms. And there, I realized that we were just a room apart. He was in the same grade as me, but he was only enrolled in a different section. He even waved goodbye before entering his room. I only faked a smile at him in return.

When I entered our classroom, everyone was already seated, but our lecturer wasn't yet present. We only have two subjects in the afternoon, both taking two hours. Hence, I'll be free by five, and I will be able to meet Perez again. Maybe that would be the perfect time again to talk to him about that incident that he's been mentioning. I guess Zy's offer is not a hopeless cause after all.

As I sat in my chair, Zy handed me his notes. I gave him a questioning look, but he only pointed his gaze again to his notes. When I looked at it, I almost burst into laughter. What was written seemed childish. I mean, if he hadn't left, he would no longer need to ask.

"What!? I'm just curious what the two of you talked about," he said defensively.

"I won't tell you. It's only for the two of us," I teasingly replied, making him hide his notes, and he sat grumpily beside me.

I held my chuckle as I looked at him. He looked so childish. When he turned to look at me, I immediately showed my serious face.

Our two periods passed, so I immediately placed my stuff inside my bag. Zy also did the same.

"Are you going to meet Perez again?" He randomly asked as he stood from his seat. I nodded as I also stood up.

"Why? Don't tell me you're going to stop me?" I monotonously asked. I waited for his reply, but he only walked towards the door, so I ended up rolling my eyes before wearing my bag and following him.

"I won't stop you. In fact, I'll even take you there." What he said made me stop in my spot. "What? I just want to make sure that you'll not be lost on your way to their office." 

"Okay," I shortly replied as I continued to pace beside him.

We passed Aldrin's classroom, and he was no longer there.

"He probably went to the office already," I said to myself in a low voice.

"Of course. He's the president, so everybody expects him to be early," Zy remarked, making me glare at him. "He'll be leading the meeting after all." I rolled my eyes at him again. He's indeed a know-it-all. This is the side of him that I really disliked.

We passed by the hallway and a few more classrooms before we finally were able to reach the office of the Science Club. It was just a small room, and a sign board was also plastered on the front of the door to allow passersby to recognize it.

Zy tried to knock, but no one from inside answered. He decided to turn the knob, but it was locked. "Your meeting must have been postponed," he said as he turned to face me. I was standing behind him, so he had to do that.

"He did not even inform me," I debated. "I shouldn't have looked forward to this meeting," I continued.

Zy raised his brow after hearing my last remark. "Did I hear you right? You looked forward to your meeting. Are you that interested in their club? Or in the topic that you two were supposed to discuss?"

My eyes widened after I realized what I had implied to him. "I-I'm just interested. Nothing more." I cut him short.

"Your stuttering tells me otherwise," he suspiciously said as he stepped closer. 

I tried to look away, but I realized that it'd give him more reason to be suspicious, so I decided to bravely face him. I looked directly into his eyes and swallowed the nervousness that's been eating me whole. "I'm looking forward to it since he'll be appointing me as the club's secretary!"

Hearing my explanation, he immediately stepped away. His face also returned to neutral. "Okay. Then, I should bid you good luck in advance," he mockingly said, emphasizing the word "good luck."

"Thank you," I confusingly said, making him scoff at me. When I saw his reaction, I almost wanted to cuss at him. He's actually mocking me, and I don't even have the means to get back at him.

He suddenly looked at his watch. I was also curious as to what time it was already, so I tried taking a peek. But it's too late; he caught me. "I'm just checking the time," he explained.

'I know what he's doing, so why does he have to literally mention it?' I thought as I rolled my eyes.

"It's still 5 p.m., so he's probably still on the school premises," he randomly blurted out as he started walking.

"Don't tell me that we're going to look for him?" I asked for clarification. He nodded, so I had no choice but to walk with him.

We walked for another set of minutes until we arrived at the gymnasium. It was quite big. Much bigger than my previous school's.

"Why did we go here?" I asked as I tried to catch my breath. I'm probably exhausted from the walking.

"Because he's a member of the varsity." What he said made me pause for a moment.

Really? Aldrin also plays basketball. So he's not just interested in organizational stuff but also in sports. This is probably why they're friends. Both of them are fond of extra-curricular activities.

When we entered inside, I was amazed to see how well-maintained it was. The floor was even well polished. But, sadly, no one was there. The one beside me even sighed after seeing the empty court. "I thought they were here for a practice," he remarked.

I looked at him, and he already sounded hopeless. It's my first time seeing him disappointed, and it's kind of satisfying.

"I guess he already went home. So we should too," he suggested as he went towards the exit. I was supposed to follow behind him when I noticed something from the bleachers. There was a gym bag placed on one of the seats.

Zy continued walking, so he did not notice that I did not follow him. I tried entering the male's comfort room, hoping to see Aldrin, but it seems impossible. I had already opened all the cubicles, but I have not seen a shadow of him.

I was biting my lip out of so much annoyance. I guess it's better if I just go home. After all, it looks like mom will really scold me because it's already 5:30.

I was about to walk towards the exit of the gymnasium when someone suddenly said, "Feigh?"

I stopped where I was standing when I heard the soothing voice of the speaker. When I turned around, a guy in a basketball jersey appeared in front of me. The big number "04" is written on his jersey. His face was also wet with sweat, and so was his hair. He was also holding a basketball with him.

I wasn't able to say a word or two after finally seeing him; that's why he spoke again after swallowing the rest of the mineral water he was holding. "Are you looking for me?"

I was supposed to answer him, but I was not able to because he walked towards the trash bin to throw the mineral bottle he was holding. "Is it about our meeting? Or what we had talked about earlier?"

"What did you talk about earlier?" I was supposed to reply, but I paused when I heard Zy's voice. I froze from my spot.

When I looked at Aldrin, he quickly took his gym bag, which was on the bleachers. "It's none of your business," he replied to Zy before passing by him. "And Feigh, about that thing. I'll tell you about it next time," he said before exiting the gym.


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, songs, places, events, and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.