

Megan was raped at 16 by a reputable soldier. she later gives birth to a pair of fraternal twins. what happens when the two people meet after 7years but don't recongnise each other

Namatovu_Shakirah · Ti vi
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6 Chs

chapter 5

In the military camp Xander and his comrades are back from the mission. Xander goes to the chief to report. On entering his office he salutes him and calls "chief am here to report"

"have a seat" said the chief. After two hours in the chief's office xander went out but bumped into a woman the woman looked at him with shyly and called softly " xander i had that you are back from a mission so i came to find you." xander didn't say anything and started to walk away the lady panicked and shouted "xander wait can't you even spare me a minute on your time i have been chasing you for years now." "what do u want from me chloe i don't like you no matter what you do so please respect yourself and stop disturbing my peace." xander said and walked away "xander xander...." no matter how many times chloe called he didn't stop chloe burst into tears. The chief saw chloe crying and called out to her. " dad she said and hugged him and continued to cry " dad can't you help me his your subordinate he will listen to you." " am sorry chloe i hinted to him a few times if he can consider dating you but he flatly refused so i advise you to just give up." "but dad i can't i like him so much i pester him again before he goes on a mission if possible i will follow him " chloe said "am afraid it's not possible he was ordered to go home and take a long vacation so daughter just let him go" the chief said. he sighed and patted chloe on her head.

xander returned to his dormitory and and packed his staff. while packing he received a call from his friends he smiled and showed his cute dimples he answered the call and assured them that he will be there tomorrow night.