
Love From Beyong

My name is Alex Espinosa, im 21 old guy born in Mexico, i moved to japan 5 months later after i finish my photographic illustrator career, my life isn´t as interesting as you think, just a normal photographer doing his job with a girl following me anywhere i go. What? Oh, she? Her name is Aishi, she makes my everyday life a bit exciting, oh by the way.. she is a ghost.

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6 Chs

Chapter 4.- "Death Feelings"

Have you ever wondered what's next after death?... what is rest in peace?... my life was taken from me along with my heart a long time ago... a tranquil bright sunset, a dirt road with green grass, then an agonizing pain in my heart lefting me a cold breeze and a deep scar on my heart... so i don't know how is resting in peace... Since i died, the house i used to live along with my familly was taken by other people but i got rid of them... and time later a priest came to seal me for my actions... He sealed me on the basement along rests of my dead body...The priest... he may sealed me but my presence was still tormenting the ones who owned the house... Many years passed and the house were modified, i was mad seeing how people kept modifying my house, ¡I wanted them to stop!... ¡This was and still is my home!... And just like that, nobody used my house again, which gave me satisfaction cause i can now stay tranquil... the last one who came moved on the 3rd day after seeing me in a photo that was taken in the backyard with the house on his back and the camera looking at him, i was staring at him from a window... i think they call them selfies... and then my story spread all japan, it was normal to see people come to my house and take a picture from outside to check if my story was real...

"Rumours say if you take a picture of the old house, you will see a lady who suppose to be the one you loved on your past life"

That is just a fake rumour... The seal has gotten weak across the time but yet still powerfull enough to hold me so i couldn't harm any one... since i got sealed on the cold and dark basement... i can only feel cold, loneliness, sadness, anger... VENGEANCE... i want to get vengeance againts the one who took my life away but he died long time ago... im still not satisfied... the priest before seal me said something...

—You will rest in peace!... when you achieve your wish!... — Said the priest determinated.

—¡AAAAAAH!..— The Ghost girl screaming in fury and pain while being sealed.

And then i was seal up... and nowdays i keep thinking what the priest meant.. ¿My.. wish? i only want to be alone.. and nothing else, i got used to live on the basement even tho is dark and cold.. but some how i like it... gives me peace and a bit of happiness... One day heard a voice outside of my house, it was that salesman again!.. and be brought some one along, it was a tall guy who doesn't look japanese, "is he trying to sell my house to an outsider!?..." i got mad at him..i would accept another japanese familly but an outsider?... i felt insulted, i saw him comming inside looking around, he seems curious about my home i desided to watch him closely and see who is this guy...

He did the same as everyone else did... he took my home... he changed it... he invaded it!.. and. he released me... while he was brooming the floor he found the basement by accident, he rested his back on the wall where the entrance to the basement was, the old wood crack and break throught it making him to roll down.

—Sir! are you ok!?— Said one worker.

—Y-Yes!.... im... im fine!...— Said Alex massaging the sore area of his back.

Anyone would be Badly injured or dead on the worst scenario, but he survived.. even he was able to stand up!.. i was concerned... I saw the hole on that wall, honestly.. i was here for long time that i didnt remember the blue sky. The workers went downstairs for him.

—The basement... Woow.. this place... is so dusty— said Alex looking around.

—Sir.. This house has a leyend..— said one of the workers.

—a leyend?...—Said Alex still on pain by the fall from earlier.

—Yes... People say that this house used to live a young woman with her children.. her children were murdered, and the woman had to watch all the scene... and then a guy killed her... and her spirit haunting the house— Said one of the workers.

What that worked said gave me a snap on my head, was that what happened?... i.. dont remember.. when i try to remember i cry every single time!... my head hurts, my heart pulsating intencelly

—and also.. people say if you take the pic of this house you will see a Ghost who suppose is the girl you loved in your past life..—Said another worker.

—well... uugh-.. that hurted... in mexico we have urban leyends too such as La llorona, El Chupacabras, The naguales, and more..— Explained alex to the workers.

—And you arent scare of them?..— One worker ask worried.

—Well... like every one says... its just a leyend.. or myth...—Said Alex still with a backache.

Those people investigated my basement without my permision.. and then went uptairs but that outsider stood here for a little longer, he released a grin and said "there is no such thing as ghost" and he went uptairs, im not real?.. he said im not real!?.... all my pain.. suffering, agony, loneliness, anger is not real!? how dare he.. i will show him that i exist, he will regret comming to my home.. Later than night i was able to set free and fully manifest in my house, He did remodelate my home like every one else did.. i walk around my home and i saw things i havent seen before, this stuff new for me.. i got worried and mad.. i went to that outsiders room..

—Who is he?...— Said the Ghost girl looking to Alex in distance. —What have he done to my house?...—

A new commer... this time was an outsider, i will rib of him like i did in the past... but this time... You will regret comming to my home.. you will regret entering into that basement... My name is Aishi...and this how everything starts..


End Chapter 4.


On next chapter Aishi is going to get into Alex's life! What would happend in the next chapter??


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