
Love From Beyong

My name is Alex Espinosa, im 21 old guy born in Mexico, i moved to japan 5 months later after i finish my photographic illustrator career, my life isn´t as interesting as you think, just a normal photographer doing his job with a girl following me anywhere i go. What? Oh, she? Her name is Aishi, she makes my everyday life a bit exciting, oh by the way.. she is a ghost.

Drumssticks · Teen
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Chapter 3.- "Home, Sweet Home"

I went to meet my boss's friend who would help me to find a home, the man was a house salesman about 36 years old, a nice man and pacific, he took me to see the houses in different neighborhoods, all the houses were beautiful and the neighborhoods were very full of green grass, i could see the children playing in the parks, which in Mexico was not seen very often, i smiled, so i pick my camera and captured the moment.

—you enjoy taking pictures, dont you?— said the salesman grining.

—well, you know what they say, work never ends— said alex with a giggle.

—the last house is 3 blocks from here, then you can tell me which you want—

— mhm— alex noded.

The house he showed had 2 bedrooms and a bathroom with a tub, a spacious but not very big backyard, enough to have a meeting with friends, the kitchen was normal and the living was also a bit big with a wondow facing outside, when he finished showing me the house and its qualities, my attention was directed to a house that was across the street, the house looked old but stable, it required work to fix it, the man surpriced that i was looking to that old house then he droped a sweat.

—what about that house sir?— alex asked.

—that house... uhm.. you see... is not on sale— said the salesman in a spooked tone but still he was controlled like not trying to show panic or thrill.

—mm? is not on sale?—

—y-yes! The house is old, it was going to be demolished anyway—

—well i dont see anyproblem with the house— alex said incredulously and relax.

He tries to drag my attention away from that house, but it was still useless, "what's wrong with this guy.. isn't he scared or what!?" the salesman thought while staring at me with a worried face, i wasn't afraid by the house, seeing houses like this on mexico was normal, it just needed a restoration.

—you said this house isn't on sale.. but.. would you like to bargain?— said alex smiling to the salesman.

—ah.. e-ehm... okey then..— said the salesman giving up and sighing.

There was no way the seller would take me away from the house, I think that's why he gave up, we discussed over the price of the house and I finally bought the house at a good price, the house now was mine, The seller could not show me the house, he seemed in a hurry, so I did not take his time anymore and I thanked him for the help, I thanked him as a Japanese would do to adapt well to the country, the man did the same and left in his car.

From outside you could see the broken windows from outside, and the curtains were badly battered, no problem with that, i walk to the entrance and i try to open the door which was stuck, i try to push harder and i finally opened the door, but the door came down and I fell along, ofcourse that hurt, I stand up cleaning the dust that covered me when I fell, I realized that the hinges and knob were rotten.

—woow... there is so much to clean... lets see...— said alex walking inside with curious.

The place was dark and full of spider webs, I turn on the flashlight of my cell phone to see better, luckily there were no rats or insects, a house like this in Mexico would be plagued with insects or animals like the ones I mentioned earlier, there would also be homeless people invading the property, that or it would be a perfect place for a "spot", a "spot" it's where a group of people sell their drugs, and i don't mean meds, the living is big and the kitchen aswell, i walk to the main room now and the door is open, when entering the room I was scared when in front of me a snake fell.

—SUP-puta madre...— said alex in spanish after jumpscare, then he sigh.

It wasn't a rat tho but still i got scared, i look at the snake again and i realized that it wasn't venomus, i always wanted a snake for pet thanks to Exotics Lair videos on youtube, so i adopted the snake and i name her shima, yes the snake is a female, how do i know? Exotics Lair videos, after the encounter with shima, i check all the rooms of the house, it was pretty big, 3 rooms and one bathroom and big kitchen and living, and the backyard is a bit bigger than the other house, this will be my new home, along shima ofcourse!.

I search for people to help me restore the house and a little enclosure for shima, after 3 hours of searching i was ready to restore the house, new floor, new windows, even roof was fixed, everything was fixed with new forniture, I have to thank Akira for helping me with the costs of the restoration, I wanted to return the favor for her kindness but she said that she wanted to help, since the day of the photo session she had fun, she is such a nice lady, the day ran off so fast, it was like almost 10 pm so with the last of my money I went to do some grossery, of course it wasn't that much but enough till next payday.

I return home with my stuff, i bought a bicicle so it was kind of easy to go and return, i was ready to do my dinner while on my laptop i was watching anime on crunchyroll, i enjoy the romantic comedies and sometimes a little action animes, watching anime while eat my dinner is relaxing and enjoyable, may be thats why I didnt notice something or should i mean... someone was looking at me from a dark room behind me.

—uuuuh?... この男は誰?— said the mysterious voice in a cold, slow and whispery tone.

I went to sleep, i just had a nice day one on my job and i wanted to have a rest, tomorrow it would be another day, but.. i wasnt noticing i was being watched again.

—彼は私の家に何をしましたか?..— the mysterious voice said looking the remodelated house.

The voice in the shadow brayed softly expressing disagreement for me, it felt that I was invading its property, I did not expect my life to change after this.. but it did.. alot..


End Chapter 3.