
Love From Beyong

My name is Alex Espinosa, im 21 old guy born in Mexico, i moved to japan 5 months later after i finish my photographic illustrator career, my life isn´t as interesting as you think, just a normal photographer doing his job with a girl following me anywhere i go. What? Oh, she? Her name is Aishi, she makes my everyday life a bit exciting, oh by the way.. she is a ghost.

Drumssticks · Thanh xuân
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6 Chs

Chapter 2.- "Meeting Day!"

— finally... after 15 houres... im here, japan.. should be a guide for me..— said alex looking the airport entrance.

Japan...it is very different from how is shown in the animes, i should mention before that im a bit fan of anime, and standing here is like a dream, the first thing i notice is that everyone is short compare to me but im not so tall anyways, i check the second e-mail i got before i arrive here, it said some one will take me to the business but i dont see who, i moved my head upwards to look at the people surrounding me, the place full lot of lights this night made a charming feeling, the stores on the airport brought my attention even tho i didnt know that they say, my attention returned to my phone when vibrated, looks like i got another e-mail, i check the mail and it said the person as arrived outside of the airport, so i walk outside of the building just to see my name wrote on a cartboard on hands of a man that appears to be the driver of a black kia car behind him, "he must be the person.." i though, so i walk to him.

—aah.. excuse me sir...this is the— alex asked but the gentleman interrupted.

—greetings sir, my name is kimura tanaka— said with a peacefull voice.

—are you.. going to take me to the place?— alex ask.

The driver noded, and so he helped me with my travel bags, and then we go on our way, while on the road i was looking to the city it was so charming, and full of life, reminds me of my home city monterrey, just without mountains and more nature surrounding, feels fresh.

—excuse me Mr... tanaka...—

—mmh? need something? —

— ah.. what do you do on the business?—

—ooh you see... we are a recent magazines publisher...—

—recent?.. so is a young publisher..—

— mhm— the driver nods, — we don't have many photographers for our magazines..— he added.

I rest my head on the car window and see through it the lovely city, I was tired, the driver gave me more details like who is the manager I will meet, where and what time will I be there, we stopped at a hotel that At first glance it seemed luxurious, I thank the driver who responds with a smile and a bow, then he gets in the car and proceeds to leave, i enter to the hotel I enter the hotel looking at the decorations, from the outside it looks luxurious but it is a 3-star hotel, I approach the receptionist.

—aah.. he-hello?— ask alex to the lady receptionist.

—ようこそ! どういうご用件ですか?— she asked smiling.

When the lady said that i didnt know what exactly to answer, but by her reaction she said "hello" or something like that, the rest i felt lost, the receptionist understood that i didnt understand what she said, so she in response she was calling a partner, the receptionist smiled at me.

—Welcome sir, what can i do for you?— the guy smiled.

—ah yes, i got a lodging from.. ichikawa ichiro..— said alex to the gentleman.

—aah! yes, then you must be the new photographer, welcome to japan.— the gentleman bowed gently to alex. —please, follow me—

The driver told me the name of my boss on the road, and he made the lodging on the hotel just for one night, i cant be more grateful to him, im now laying on my hotel room, my new life is going good for now, i got a call for my mom and dad, how nice of them, now is 12:21 am here on japan, time to sleep, tomorrow will be another day.

6:34 am, is so early... time to get ready for my interview and meeting, i should be there in 1:30 houres, so i get a shower, wash my teeth and dress on, thanks mom for helping me packing my clothes, so i grab my bags and i go down, before i go there i should have a breakfast im starving as hell, luckilly the receptionist on day shift couldn speak spanish so it was easier for me to ask some directions, before i heading to somehwere to eat, the same kia car arrived infront of me, and when the back door opened, i saw a young guy around 27 years old wearing a nice brown sweeter and casual clothes.

—Alexander Espinosa.. is nice to finally meet you— the guy smiled at him.

when i saw the man infront of me siting, i was sure he was my boss, so got on the car and i closed the door, the driver heads to our destination.

— hello Mr, alex is nice to see you again— the driver noded gently.— ¿どこに連れて行ってくれますか?— he ask to his boss.

— what do you wish for breakfast my dear Alexander?—

—uhm.. whatever is fine with me— Alex smiled.

Ichiro smiled to alex and gave the order to his driver to take them to a restaurant near of the work place, i suppose the interviow will be on the restaurant so i questions later, when we got to the restaurant I was surprised by the Japanese style it had, it was nothing like the ones I had seen in videos of Japanese restaurants.

—wow.. this is amazing!...— said alex looking around.

—glad you enjoy it— said ichiro.

We sat on the table near the entrance, and right away a waiter served cold water, i was confused so i said thanks to him, the waiter's face told me he didnt understood what i said, my boss was grining by the situation, he bowed his head to the waiter in signal of grate, the waiter does the same but in a short bow.

—so.. you are.. ichikawa ichiro?..— Alex asked.

—indeed is me, so.. what do you think so far?— ichiro ask.

—is not like mexico thats for sure.. its nice to meet you by the way— said alex.

—its nice to meet you too—

— so... how did you find me?..—

—tumblr— ichiro smiles.

The same waiter returned with a little notebook, looks like he asked the order but nobody gave us the menu, my boss grinned again, seems like he understood my confusion, my boss explained my situation to the waiter and he grinned too, the waiter smiles.

—Qué desea de beber, señor?— the waiter asked to alex.

I was surpriced the waiter could speak spanish, the relief i have to hear another person talking in spanish, then i faced the boss who was staring at me with a gentle smile then he nods to me, it was like he knew where exactly were to go, i smiled to him and then i ask to the waiter what do they have for drink, "there is something that doesnt have alcohol?" i though, the waiter mention fanta, so i ordered fanta, "holly crap!" i thought when the waiter mention they have grape fanta, so i ordered that drink.

— uhm.. Mr. ichiro.. how did you know i was about to go for breakfast?..— alex asked intrigued.

— well.. Mexico, as far as i know.. is not like Japan when it comes to puntuality, so I thought you wanted to make a good impression by wanting to arrive early.—

He was heck right, i was speechless when he said that, its like he knew what i was planning to!, honestly that scared me but surprised me at the same time, the waiter bring our drinks and asked for our orders with the menu on his hands, we order so we now waiter, minutes later he bring our food, we had a chat meeting ourselves, and he gave me my first task, he wants me to take pictures on a sakura forest with a idol we are going to met there, i was exited to meet a japanese idol! this gonna be amazing.

After our breakfast we ahead to the meeting spot, when we arrive the morning sun was peeking up making the pink oranged clouds and the sakura trees look like an anime scene, it felt beautifull.. i have to take a picture in a good spot, i pick my camera on my hands as fast as i can and before i take the picture i take a minute to resee the scene, then suddenly the final scene of angel beats came to my mind, i released a tear remembering tachibana and otonashi parting away, a lady's voice behind me brought me back to reality.

—beautiful, isnt it?— the lady smiles.

I look at the woman who is about my age, she was wearing a kind of blue dress with pink touches on the edges of the sleeves, skirt and zipper with black shoeswith, pink hair and blue eyes, she was the idol, i whipped my tear away

—ah! hello! my name is alexander! its nice to meet-.. — Alex got interrupted by the idol.

—i also cry when i come to here, it reminds me of my childhood when i lived with my parents, my name is akira hinode— she said quitely looking to the sunrise.

I saw the lady on my side, she was looking perfect for taking a picture, without asking i take a picture, the morning sky and the light reflecting her and she looking into the sunrise.. perfect angle.. when i took the pic she was surpriced.

—uh?..— she faced to alex afted noticing the flash on her.

—oh.. sorry its just.. you look amazing.. wanna se?..—

Akira noded, when she saw the pic, she got speechless, she felt love and soul in the picture, she saw her mother throught the picture, suddenly a memory came to her mind making her crying, alex freak out.

—are you ok!? w-whats wrong!?...— said alex tryiing to confort her.

—ごめんなさい.. its just... its beautifull..— she said smiling with tears on her face.

I was glad nothing bad happened, The rest of the morning went off by took photos in different places in Japan, needless to say that several fans approached her and there I took the opportunity to take photos with her fans without her noticing, she seemed to enjoy the company with her fans, each photo it was her smiling and having a good time every moment and with groups of fans too.

later that day, the idol said goodbye to us, my boss thank me for my job and we go to the business place to see the pictures, when he saw the pictures he enjoyed them each one, his face was expressing a sincerely smile then he gave me my first payment, i thank him, i asked him how can i buy a house, he contacted a friend of him to help me out with that, i thanked him again and i head where that contact was, my life on japan.. is about the start...


End Chapter 2

the next episode! alex is looking for an apartment to live! he finds one eventually! what he will encounter there?

if you like the story so far let me know!

see ya on chapter 3 my readers!

Drumsstickscreators' thoughts