
ChapterBonus 180: Ice Cream Sundaes-01

- Ice Cream Sundaes -

It was weird what love could do to a person.

As people are born into the world, it seems that the only things that are necessary for survival are food, water, and the oxygen that we breathe. In biology, we learn that those are the three essential things in order for the human species, or any other living organism, to survive.

We are taught the survival of the fittest, all of these theories that the strongest ones are those who survive while the weak wither away. That those who are skilled enough to find resources and a shelter at which they can sleep under, are the only ones who will make it till the end.

But that is the perspective of one that has yet to fall in love.

Love changes everything.

Food, water, even oxygen becomes quite useless when a person falls in love.