
ChapterBonus 181: Ice Cream Sundaes-02

"I'm glad you are finally getting to follow that dream of your's Kevin. You deserve the world and I know that you are going to rock it in San Francisco!" She cheered, kissing his cheeks.

"The only thing I want to be willing to deserve is you, Lily. As long as I have you, I have the world."

"Well, that's a great thing cause you are stuck with me till the end, Babe!"

"Wouldn't want it any other way." He laughed. "So, is there any other work that needs to be done? Or did my Queen handle it all on her own while I was working away in my office."

Lily giggled. "Nah, I've gotten everything that we need for now. We're only staying in Pebble Beach for a few weeks before we shift into the penthouse."

"Yes." Kevin nodded. "And Benson will bring along anything else we need when he shifts as well."