

A Crown Princess who secretly and accidentally falls in love with her Royal Guard, and it all started in the Forbidden Forest. Where the Crown Princess survives and ends up becoming connected to the Beast of the Forest. Will the Crown Princess choose her love to rule by her side and possibly start a war, or will she make a marriage alliance to save her kingdom? The choice is hers to make. ***************************** They came in and checked his pulse. They said I had to let him go and that he was dead, but I couldn't, I wouldn't. I can hear my mom crying behind me, but I stayed strong because I believe that he isn't dead, just sleeping. I stayed seated by my father, holding his cold hand. "My Lady... you have to let go... he is gone. Now, may he Rest In Peace.",stated the Physician. It pissed me off hearing him say those words. "Don't you dare speak ill of the King! He is alive and well, he is just sleeping! Now I demand you all to leave this room at once!",I yelled. They all walked out of the room hesitantly, leaving me once again alone with my father, yet it felt like he wasn't even in the same room as me. "Father... you can wake up now... They are all gone. And I'm still here with you. Please don't leave me... I can't loose you now. Wake up... I said WAKE UP! NOW FATHER! WAKE UP!",I cried. He still laid there, lifeless, cold. I got up to blow out the candles because I thought that maybe he'd wake up when it goes suddenly dark. He will wake up because he isn't dead, it's just pretend. I mean, he is really good at just pretend. I mean, he is really good at playing dead. I blew the last candle out and it was completely dark. The only light in the room came from the moon. Everything else was pitch black and cold. I walked up to father's bed and he still hasn't moved an inch. He was still as cold as death itself, he still seemed lifeless. "Your not going to wake up are you? Because you really are dead. No, you can't be dead, I won't allow you to die. I forbade it. Your alive just unconscious and cold.” I cried. I walked away from his bed and fell to the floor, unable to control my own body. I laid on the cold, dirty floor, curled up in a ball, and I cried. Finally accepting his death, finally accepting the fact that he is really gone. He is dead. He is gone. And I can't do anything about it. "He is dead", I mumbled, barely speaking. I repeatedly said those three words as a rocked myself in the dark, cold room.

Angelina_Lewis · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

Chapter 8- The Awakening

One month later...

Astrid's Dream:

Prince Abu killed everyone... he is trying to kill me... how am I back in the woods? Doesn't matter, I have to keep running. It's so cold out here... the cabin! It's right there! I ran into the cabin and somehow ended up back at the castle. Where I fell unconscious. How'd I get here!?! Ahh! Prince Abu is right there! I have to get up and run! I got up and starting running, he followed. I ran inside a room and ended up seeing myself in my room grabbing the fan. The other me looked in the mirror and screamed at the sight of me! The guards came rushing in! What is happening to me? It's hot in here... I have to get out! I walked out of my chambers, it scared me to see myself. Wait! I'm the monster that was behind me earlier! But I don't look anything like it! I walked into another room and stared into the mirror. Ahh! I'm the monster! I look exactly like the monster! Somebody help! Prince Abu isn't anywhere to be seen. I walked out the door and found myself watching Prince Abu order the attack on my family, after I refused to dance with him. He tested me! He was going to leave my family alone if I accepted the dance, but I didn't so now they're going to suffer for it. I turned around and started walking into the west wing crying... I walked into the room that Prince Abu stabbed me in, and started wondering around. Shortly after, Prince Abu came in holding the other me hostage, he stabbed her twice. I got scared and took a step back when the floor board creaked. That was me, too! I jumped out the window in fear of him stabbing me all over again. "Ahhhhhhh!",I screamed. Falling for what seemed forever. Then I fell into a lake that wasn't supposed to be by my castle. The next thing I know, is that the minute I hit the water, I was in my bed.


I was in my bed with my wounds wrapped up. "What happened to me? Is this real!?!",I cried out. The door was shoved open by the guard from the woods. "My Lady! Your awake!",he shouted. Running up to my bed post. "Is this real? How long have I been asleep?",I said. He looked at me confused. "My Lady... you've been asleep for a month...", he explained. I can't believe this! A whole month! He looked at me with worry on his face. Am I dreaming still? I don't know what's real anymore. I decided to test it out for myself. I stood up, grabbed the guard and pulled him close to me. "My Lady! This is inappropriate!",he cried. I didn't care, if I am dreaming, then it doesn't matter what I do. I leaned in and kissed him, it felt good. He wasn't kissing back. "Kiss me back, that's an order.",I demanded. I pressed my lips against his and he obeyed my order. I fell back onto the bed and kissed him passionately. I heard noise coming from the other side of the door, so I pushed him off me, and ran to the door. I opened it and walked out, but nothing changed. "Ahh!",I screamed. I really am awake! Which means, I just kissed my guard passionately! Oh no, no, no! "Sister, are you ok? You shouldn't be out of bed. What's wrong?",James asked with worry in his voice. "I... I'm fine...Gah!"I cried falling onto the ground. My wounds, why are they hurting so much! "Sister! Your wounds! They reopened! Daniel! Go fetch the physician!", James said. The guard that I was just kissing on left my side immediately with his face all red. obeying his orders my brother gave him. He was blushing. So, his name is Daniel. Well at least I can call him Daniel instead of the guard from the woods. Haha. Nobody can ever know that I just kissed Daniel. That would ruin my reputation and get him beheaded. It was a nice kiss though. My brother lifted me off the ground and carried me back to my bed. He laid me down and sat on the side of my bed. "Why did you get up out of bed? And why did you leave the party?",he asked. "I... I thought that I was still dreaming... so I thought my actions didn't matter... and I left the party because I cut my hand and I had to take care of it before anyone would notice...",I mumbled. "How'd you cut your hand?",asked James. "Ugh... promise you won't harm her?",I asked. His eyes widened when I asked that. "Did somebody harm you!?!",he raised his voice. "No... I was helping one of the kitchen servants clean up the broken glass and I cut myself on accident. You better not hurt that servant! She was innocent! I demanded her to let me help clean up the mess! She had to obey me!",I cried. He seemed calm and worried when I said that. "Okay, I promise the servant won't get harmed, we will leave her alone, after all, you did demand her to allow you to help. If she denied you, then she would've gotten hurt. But she didn't, so she is protected. I'll send in Clara when the physician is done with you.",he said. He Helped me up, and brought me into my room. He laid me down on my bed. He walked away, leaving me alone in the room.