

A Crown Princess who secretly and accidentally falls in love with her Royal Guard, and it all started in the Forbidden Forest. Where the Crown Princess survives and ends up becoming connected to the Beast of the Forest. Will the Crown Princess choose her love to rule by her side and possibly start a war, or will she make a marriage alliance to save her kingdom? The choice is hers to make. ***************************** They came in and checked his pulse. They said I had to let him go and that he was dead, but I couldn't, I wouldn't. I can hear my mom crying behind me, but I stayed strong because I believe that he isn't dead, just sleeping. I stayed seated by my father, holding his cold hand. "My Lady... you have to let go... he is gone. Now, may he Rest In Peace.",stated the Physician. It pissed me off hearing him say those words. "Don't you dare speak ill of the King! He is alive and well, he is just sleeping! Now I demand you all to leave this room at once!",I yelled. They all walked out of the room hesitantly, leaving me once again alone with my father, yet it felt like he wasn't even in the same room as me. "Father... you can wake up now... They are all gone. And I'm still here with you. Please don't leave me... I can't loose you now. Wake up... I said WAKE UP! NOW FATHER! WAKE UP!",I cried. He still laid there, lifeless, cold. I got up to blow out the candles because I thought that maybe he'd wake up when it goes suddenly dark. He will wake up because he isn't dead, it's just pretend. I mean, he is really good at just pretend. I mean, he is really good at playing dead. I blew the last candle out and it was completely dark. The only light in the room came from the moon. Everything else was pitch black and cold. I walked up to father's bed and he still hasn't moved an inch. He was still as cold as death itself, he still seemed lifeless. "Your not going to wake up are you? Because you really are dead. No, you can't be dead, I won't allow you to die. I forbade it. Your alive just unconscious and cold.” I cried. I walked away from his bed and fell to the floor, unable to control my own body. I laid on the cold, dirty floor, curled up in a ball, and I cried. Finally accepting his death, finally accepting the fact that he is really gone. He is dead. He is gone. And I can't do anything about it. "He is dead", I mumbled, barely speaking. I repeatedly said those three words as a rocked myself in the dark, cold room.

Angelina_Lewis · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 7- Prince Abu’s Attack

The hallways are dark and cold. I'm feeling weaker the more I walk. "Princess... you can't run forever... Astrid!",Prince Abu shouted throughout the halls. The minute he said my name he turned into the hall I was in. "Gotcha!",he laughed. I ran as best as I could. I can't stop running, or he will kill me. "Help! Somebody, anybody! Help me!",I cried. "Oof!",I cried. I tripped and fell. I can't get up... I ran out of strength to go on. "Get up Princess... face me...", he laughed. He kicked my side to flip me over on my back. "Gah!",I cried. My eyelids keep closing, they are so heavy like my eyes are being shoved closed, I can't hold them open anymore.

The Guard from the woods point of view:

She just walked away like her cut isn't a big deal. Maybe I should just let her go, I have to be somewhere anyways. I walked into the ballroom and noticed other guards from a different kingdom. They're not supposed to be here, how odd. "Move out of my way! I have some unfinished business to attend to.",Prince Abu said. Somebody seems mad, ha. I wonder what he's up to. Those guards are his, but they aren't by his side, this doesn't seem right. "Hey, excuse me, but I was wondering why you aren't with your master.",I asked one of the guards. "Because we are here to assassinate the royal family of Teleria, but the princess is Prince Abu's.",He laughed as they all pulled out their swords. "Protect the Royals!",I screamed as loud as I could. We pulled out our swords and started fighting. They came from everywhere, but I had to get to the Princess before Prince Abu does. The guards kept attacking me and I kept killing. This was supposed to be a ball, not a blood bath. We killed every single guard that was ordered by Prince Abu to kill the royal family of Teleria. I was catching my breath when I realized that Princess Astrid was left alone with Prince Abu. I pulled my sword back out and started running throughout the halls. I have to protect her, it is my sworn duty to keep her safe. The door to this room wasn't opened before. I walked into the dark room and stepped into something wet, blood. I searched the room, when I realized she wasn't here anymore. Am I too late? Is she already dead? No, I can't give up. I walked out of the room and started searching the halls once more. "Help! somebody, anybody! Help me!",Princess Astrid calls out from a distance. Princess! I'm coming! I started to run as fast as I could trying to find her. I stopped when I heard Prince Abu talking. "Get up princess... face me...",he laughed. "Gah!",cried Princess Astrid. I can't just stand here and do nothing. I turned around the corner with my sword held high and attacked the prince. I didn't kill him, but I did knock him out. I turned around and saw Princess Astrid lying on the floor unconscious with blood all over her. I ran up to her and fell on my knees. He stabbed her twice, he will pay for what he has done, I'll make sure of it. I picked her up gently and carried her to the closest physician. I ran into Prince James, and when he saw her in my arms, he just broke. "What... happened?", cried Prince James. "My lord, the man who did this is previously knocked unconscious in the east wing.",I replied. His face turned from sadness to anger and full out hatred, and I definitely didn't want to get on his bad side. He ordered his guards to go seize the man. I told Prince James where I was taking her. He told me to take her to her chambers and he will send over a physician. Everyone from the ballroom were struck with fear and they seemed filled with trauma, soon after they started to return home one after the other. I carried Princess Astrid into her chambers and placed her gently on the bed. Soon after, the physician entered the room. I was dismissed from the room, but I just stood outside her chamber doors. I'm not planning on leaving this post until she awakens. I don't know why I have these feelings for her, but I just do. Why is she always on my mind. I can't love a Royal, I can never have her. Right now, I just need to make sure she is safe and that she will get better soon.