
Lost , But found love

Relationship requires openess,that brings vulnerability.If you open up ,you risk getting hurt.If you dont ,you may never know the relationship you deserve . Lolu chibuike has always been an introvert. and someone who likes privacy .he finds it difficult to make friends with people,but the whole stroy changes when he enrolled Into Calgary university. I could see her staring at me ,i move closer to her and grabed her closer to my chest.i blushed and whispered into her ear I think i wanna start over i'm giving love a second chance .

Official_Dara · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Chapter Eight

It was early on a Friday morning, and Monife stood on the doorstep of Desola's house, knocking on the door. Desola answered the door, looking a little sleepy but still happy to see her. "Hi Monife!" she said, giving her a hug. "Come on in, make yourself at home."

Monife stepped inside, and took in the cozy, welcoming atmosphere of the house. Desola's parents were bustling around in the kitchen, making breakfast, and the smell of coffee and pancakes filled the air."It's so nice to be here," Monife said, smiling. "Your house is always so warm and inviting. And it smells amazing!"

Desola laughed. "Thanks, I'll pass that on to my parents! They're the real chefs in the family. Can I get you anything to eat or drink?"

Monife nodded. "I'd love some coffee, please," she said. "And maybe a little something to eat, if it's not too much trouble"."Not a problem at all!" said Desola, heading into the kitchen. "Doyin should be up and about any minute. I'll get her something to eat as well."

Sure enough, Doyin came padding down the stairs a few minutes later, still looking a little groggy. But she perked up as soon as she saw Monife. "Hi Monife!" she said. "Doyin, I want you to meet my friend, Monife," said Desola. "Monife, this is my sister, Doyin."It's nice to meet you, Doyin," said Monife, shaking Doyin's hand. "I've heard a lot about you from Desola. She's told me you're a brilliant student, and that you're really into science."

Doyin smiled. "Thanks, it's great to meet you too. I do love science.

Desola entered the room carrying a plate of pancakes, which she set down on the table. "Dig in, you two!" she said. "I hope you're hungry, because I made plenty."

"Wow, these look amazing!" said Monife, reaching for a fork. "Thank you, Desola. I'm starving!"

Doyin took a pancake and drizzled it with syrup. "These look delicious!" she said. "Thanks for making them."

"You're welcome!" said Desola, beaming. "I love to cook for my friends and family."

As the three friends chatted and ate, they heard footsteps approaching, and looked up to see Desola's parents entering the room. Monife quickly stood up and greeted them with a respectful bow.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Yakubu," she said. "It's so nice to see you again."

The parents smiled warmly at Monife. "It's lovely to see you too, Monife," said Mrs. Yakubu. "We're so glad you could join us."

"Thank you for inviting me," said Monife. "I'm honored to be here."

After exchanging pleasantries with Monife, Mr. and Mrs. Yakubu bid everyone farewell and headed off to work. Monife, Desola, and Doyin resumed their conversation and finished their breakfast.

"So, what do you have planned for the day?" asked Desola, once everyone had finished eating.

"I was thinking we could go for a walk in the park," said Monife. "It's such a beautiful day, and the fresh air would be nice."

Doyin nodded. "That sounds great! I could use some time outside."

Doyin dashed up the stairs to her room, eager to get ready for the day. She headed straight for the shower, eager to wash off the travel grime and feel refreshed. Once she was clean and dry, she browsed through her closet, trying to decide what to wear. She wanted to look nice, but also be comfortable for the walk in the park.

Eventually, she settled on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, with a light jacket to keep her warm. She added a touch of makeup and brushed her hair, then she was ready to go.

Desola, meanwhile, had chosen a pretty sundress and some comfortable shoes. She put on a light layer of makeup and let her hair down, then gave herself a once-over in the mirror. "That'll do," she said with a smile. She was ready for a day of fun with her friend.

When she heard Doyin coming down the stairs, she went to meet her in the hallway. "You look great!" Desola said, admiring her sister's outfit.

"Thanks, you too!" said Doyin, giving Desola a hug. "Let's go!".

As Monife stood by the front door, waiting for her friend, she spotted Doyin and Desola coming down the stairs. Her eyes lit up as she saw them, and she couldn't help but smile. "You both look lovely!" she said, giving them each a hug.

"Thanks, Monife," said Doyin, smiling back at her. "You look great yourself."

Desola nodded. "We're ready for an adventure," she said. "Let's go!". 

Doyin took the keys to the family's Mercedes from the hook by the door and headed outside, Desola and Monife following close behind. The three of them piled into the car, and Doyin started the engine. With a wave to their gatekeeper, they pulled out of the driveway and onto the road, heading for the park.

As they drove, Doyin turned up the music, and they all started singing along to their favorite songs. The mood was light and cheerful, and they were all looking forward to a fun day together.


As Lolu and his friends sat around the breakfast table, sipping coffee and munching on croissants, Sylvia was busy planning their itinerary for the day. "So, guys," she said, looking up from her phone. "I've got a few ideas for what we can do today. How does a trip to the London Eye sound?"

"Ooh, that would be amazing!" said lolu. "I've always wanted to ride the Eye and see the whole city from up there!"

"I agree!" said Jayson."I'm totally on board with that!" said Hermonie, enthusiastically. "I love the idea of getting a bird's-eye view of London. It'll be like we're on top of the world!"

"I'm glad you're all on board!" said Sylvia. "I think it'll be a great way to start our day. And then, we can grab some lunch and do some shopping afterwards."

"Sounds like a plan!" said Lolu, with a grin. "I'm excited to see what London has in store for us!".

Hermonie dashed upstairs to her room and began searching through her suitcase for the perfect outfit. After much deliberation, she settled on a stylish black dress and some comfortable shoes. Meanwhile, Jayson, Lolu, and Sylvia were doing the same, trying to decide what to wear for their day of exploring London.

"I'm going for a casual look," said Jayson, "with jeans and a T-shirt. I want to be comfortable while we're walking around the city."

"That's a good idea," said Lolu. "I'll probably do something similar.

"I'm having a bit of trouble deciding," said Sylvia, frowning at her closet. "I want to look good, but also be comfortable. I don't want to be lugging around a big bag of clothes all day."

"I get what you mean," said Hermonie, who had just come back downstairs, dressed and ready to go. "It's a fine line to walk, looking good and feeling comfortable."

"It's the eternal fashion dilemma," said Lolu, with a chuckle.The four friends gathered by the front door, ready to head out for their day of adventure. Sylvia took the keys to her car and led the way, opening the front door. The sun was shining, and the day was full of possibilities. They piled into the car, eager to see what London had in store for them.

"First stop, the London Eye!" announced Sylvia, putting the car in gear and driving off. The group chattered excitedly as they made their way through the streets of London.

The car pulled up to the entrance of the London Eye, and the four friends disembarked. They walked over to the ticket booth and purchased their tickets, then waited in line for their turn to board the giant Ferris wheel.

"Wow, look at the size of it!" said Hermonie, in awe of the huge structure looming above them.

"It's even more impressive in person," said Jayson, as they got closer to the front of the line."We're so lucky to have such a beautiful day for this," said Sylvia, looking up at the clear blue sky. "I bet the view from the top will be incredible."

"I can't wait to see what London looks like from up there," said Lolu, his eyes shining with excitement.

After what seemed like an eternity, it was finally their turn to board the London Eye. They all stepped onto the platform and found a spot inside one of the pods. The door closed, and the wheel began to move.As the pod started to rise, Hermonie let out a shriek of delight. "This is amazing!" she exclaimed, pressing her face against the glass to get a better view. The pod rose higher and higher, and the view of London below them grew more and more spectacular.

"I can't believe how big London is!" said Jayson, taking photos with his phone. "We're so tiny compared to the city!"

"I feel like I'm on top of the world!" said Jayson, laughing. As the pod started to rise, Hermonie let out a shriek of delight. "This is amazing!" she exclaimed, pressing her face against the glass to get a better view. The pod rose higher and higher, and the view of London below them grew more and more spectacular.

"I can't believe how big London is!" said Jayson, taking photos with his phone. "We're so tiny compared to the city!"

"I feel like I'm on top of the world!" said hermonie, laughing.


Doyin, Monife, and Desola were driving through the beautiful greenery of a park in Lagos. The sun was shining, and the air was fresh and sweet. The car windows were rolled down, and the girls were enjoying the breeze as they chatted and laughed.

"This is such a great way to spend the morning," said Monife, taking a deep breath of the fresh air. "I love how peaceful it is here."

"Me too," said Doyin. "It's the perfect escape from the city. I feel like I can breathe here", said monife.

Doyin, Monife, and Desola got out of the car and looked around at the amusement park in front of them. There were rides and games, and the air was filled with the sound of laughter and the scent of popcorn and cotton candy.

"This place is amazing!" said Doyin, looking around in awe. "Let's go on a ride!"

Monife agreed, and the three of them headed over to the first ride they saw, a spinning teacup ride. They climbed into one of the teacups and laughed as it began to spin.As the teacup ride spun faster and faster, Doyin, Monife, and Desola held on tight and laughed until their sides hurt. They pulled out their phones and began snapping pictures of each other, capturing the moment forever.

After the teacup ride, they decided to go on a roller coaster. The line was long, but they didn't mind. They chatted and joked as they waited, enjoying the time together. Finally, it was their turn to board the roller coaster.

"Ready?" asked the attendant, as they buckled into their seats.

The roller coaster slowly began to climb the first hill, and Doyin, Monife, and Desola could feel the butterflies in their stomachs. Then, the roller coaster began to plummet down the hill, and the girls screamed with exhilaration. They looped and twisted, feeling like they were flying. After what felt like an eternity, the roller coaster pulled into the station, and the girls disembarked, their hearts still racing.

"That was incredible!" said Doyin, her eyes shining.

"I'm never going to forget that!" said Monife.

Doyin, Monife, and Desola decided to take a break from the rides and go to the game booths. They tried their hand at tossing darts at balloons, tossing rings onto bottles, and shooting water guns at targets. They won a few stuffed animals and some candy, and had a great time.

Then, they heard the sound of a band playing, and decided to check it out. As they walked towards the sound of the music, they saw a group of dancers performing traditional Nigerian dances. The dancers were dressed in vibrant, colorful costumes, and their movements were fluid and graceful.

As they watched the dancers, Doyin, Monife, and Desola couldn't help but move to the music. The rhythms were infectious, and soon they were all dancing together. They laughed and spun, their feet moving in time with the beat. The dancers saw them and invited them to join in, and they gladly accepted. They danced together, feeling like a part of something bigger than themselves.

When the music ended, they all clapped and cheered, feeling exhilarated and connected to each other and the dancers. Then, they decided to explore the rest of the park.

As they wandered around, they discovered a variety of vendors selling everything from jewelry and clothing to food and drink. They tried some delicious street food and browsed the colorful stalls, taking in the sights and sounds.

Next, they came across a stage where a group of musicians were playing traditional instruments. The musicians were dressed in traditional robes, and the music was hauntingly beautiful. Doyin, Monife, and Desola sat on the grass and listened, transported by the melodies.

The music carried them away, and they felt like they were floating on a cloud. The sun began to set, and the sky turned a brilliant shade of pink and orange. It was the most beautiful sunset they had ever seen. As they watched the sun dip below the horizon, they felt a sense of peace and gratitude.

"This has been such a wonderful day," said Doyin.

"I couldn't agree more," said Monife.

"It's been magical," added Desola.

And they all agreed that they would remember this day for the rest of their lives. "You're right, Doyin," said Monife. "This has been the most incredible holiday. And it's not over yet! We still have more to see and do."

"That's the truth," said Desola. "There's so much more of this beautiful city to explore. And we have all weekend to do it!"

As they discussed their plans for the rest of the trip, they felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. They knew that there were more adventures ahead, and they couldn't wait to experience them together.As the sun fully set and the sky turned dark, the three friends knew it was time to head home. They said goodbye to the city and headed back to the car. The drive home was quiet, each of them lost in their own thoughts about the day. As they pulled into the driveway of their home, they all felt a sense of contentment. It had been the perfect day, and they were grateful for the memories they had made together.

"I think we all need a good night's sleep," said Doyin, yawning.

"Agreed," said Monife.

They finally reached home.

"How about you have a sleepover?" suggested doyin to monife. "We can stay up late, talking and laughing, and then we can sleep in tomorrow morning."

Doyin and Desola loved the idea, and they all agreed to stay up late and have a slumber party. They gathered up their pajamas and headed inside, full of excitement.

Once they were settled in their pajamas, they gathered around the TV and put on a movie. They snuggled under blankets and shared snacks as they watched the movie. They laughed and talked throughout the film, having the time of their lives.

As they lounged in their pajamas, eating snacks and chatting about their lives, Desola turned to Doyin and asked, "So, do you have a crush on anyone?"

Doyin blushed and looked down at her hands. "Well, I'm not sure if I want to say," she said. "It's kind of a secret."

Monife leaned forward, intrigued. "Come on, Doyin! You can tell us," she said. "We promise not to tell anyone."

Doyin hesitated, then later talked.

"Okay, I'll tell you," said Doyin, taking a deep breath. "But you have to promise not to tell anyone else."

Desola and Monife nodded seriously, and Doyin continued. "There's this boy at my school," she said. "I've had a crush on him for a while now, I actually bumped into him , and since then I can't get him off my head.

Monife smiled encouragingly. "That's okay," she said. "Crushes can be like that. It's totally normal to feel nervous."

 Finally, the movie ended and it was time for bed. They all headed upstairs and got into their pajamas, then gathered in Doyin's room. They turned out the lights and snuggled under the covers, talking about the day and making plans for the future. They drifted off to sleep, happy and content.

In the morning, they woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking downstairs. Desola's mom had made pancakes, eggs, and bacon, and they all enjoyed a delicious meal together. They talked about the previous day's adventures and what they would do next.


Okay, here we go! As Sylvia and Hermonie are walking to the car, they notice something strange. There's a large, black cat sitting on the hood of the car. It's staring right at them, its eyes glowing green in the darkness. They stop in their tracks, unsure of what to do. Do they approach the cat, or do they run the other way. The cat's eyes continue to glow, and Sylvia and Hermonie feel a shiver of fear run down their spines. They turn and run back to where Lolu and Jayson are sitting.

"There's a cat on the car!" they say, gasping for breath.

Lolu and Jayson look at each other, not sure if they should believe them. But they decide to take a look anyway. When they approach the car, they see the cat sitting there, staring at them.

"Wow, that's definitely not normal," says Lolu. "What should we do?". Just then, the cat lets out a deep, rumbling purr. It starts to walk towards them, its tail swishing back and forth. The girls are terrified, and Lolu and Jayson are unsure of what to do. But then the cat does something unexpected: it rolls over on its back and starts to meow, its paws batting at the air.

It looks like the cat just wants to play! Lolu and Jayson start to relax, but Sylvia and Hermonie are still wary.Despite their reservations, Lolu reaches out a hand and gently strokes the cat's fur. It purrs even louder, and rolls over onto its side. Lolu laughs, and the girls start to relax as well. It seems like the cat really is just friendly!

The cat keeps purring and rolling around on the ground, its tail flicking back and forth. Then, it jumps up onto Lolu's lap and starts kneading his jeans with its paws. Lolu scratches the cat behind its ears, and it purrs even louder.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the cat gets up from Lolu's lap and walks over to the side of the car. Lolu, the girls, and Jayson all breathe a sigh of relief. They pile back into the car and drive off towards Sylvia's apartment.

"That was certainly an unexpected encounter," says Hermonie, still a little shaken. "But I'm glad it turned out okay."

"Me too," says Sylvia. "I was so scared!"

Lolu laughs. "I think that cat just wanted some love and attention. 


Sylvia, Hermonie, and the boys all fall into their beds, exhausted from the long day. The soft sheets feel like heaven as they drift off to sleep, their dreams filled with friendly cats and spinning carousels.

It's only a few hours later when they're woken up by the sound of the alarm clock. Sylvia groans, and hits the snooze button. She's tempted to roll over and go back to sleep, but she knows she has to get up. With a sigh, she sits up and stretches her arms over her head.