
Lost , But found love

Relationship requires openess,that brings vulnerability.If you open up ,you risk getting hurt.If you dont ,you may never know the relationship you deserve . Lolu chibuike has always been an introvert. and someone who likes privacy .he finds it difficult to make friends with people,but the whole stroy changes when he enrolled Into Calgary university. I could see her staring at me ,i move closer to her and grabed her closer to my chest.i blushed and whispered into her ear I think i wanna start over i'm giving love a second chance .

Official_Dara · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter seven

The air was buzzing with excitement as the students filed into the dining hall. It was the end of the semester, and they were all ready to celebrate. The tables were set with a feast of food, and the mood was festive and jovial. There was laughter and chatter, and everyone was enjoying themselves. 

"School dinner parties are lovely and you have the opportunity to mingle," said lolu.

"Yeah! , It really fun", sylvia respond.

Lolu and Sylvia stood hand in hand, gazing up at the moon. It was a clear night, and the moon's light cast a soft glow on their faces. Lolu turned to Sylvia and said, "I've had a wonderful time with you this semester. You've made me so happy, and I appreciate everything you've done for me."

Sylvia smiled and said, "The feeling is mutual, Lolu.

"I was thinking," Lolu said, "we should keep this connection going. I know we're going our separate ways after this semester, but I don't want to lose touch with you. Would you like to be my long-distance girlfriend?"

Sylvia's eyes widened and she felt a rush of joy. "That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me," she said. "I would love to be your long-distance girlfriend. We can text, call, and Skype each other as often as possible. I want to keep this connection we have."

"Lolu, I have an idea," Sylvia said. "Instead of going to Nigeria for the holiday break, why don't you and your friend come to London? We can spend the time together, exploring the city and getting to know each other even better. I think it would be a wonderful experience for all of us."

Lolu thought about it for a moment. It would be a change from his usual holiday plans, but he liked the idea of spending time with Sylvia in her home city. Plus, he had never been to London before and was eager to see the sights.

Lolu and Sylvia were having a lovely conversation, sharing stories and laughing together. They were completely immersed in each other's company when they heard a familiar voice. "Lolu! Sylvia!" Jayson and Hermonie stood before them, smiling and waving.

Lolu felt his cheeks flush, realizing that he and Sylvia had been caught up in their own little world. They all went back into the hall together.

The dining hall was filled with the sound of lively conversation as Slyvia stood up and tapped on her glass. "Could I have everyone's attention, please?" she said, smiling at the group gathered around the table. "I'd like to make an announcement. Jayson and Hermonie are here with us tonight, and I would like to invite them to join us in London for the holiday break. I know it would mean so much to me if they could be with us, and I'm sure it would be a wonderful experience for all of us.

As the party came to an end, Slyvia, Lolu, Jayson, and Hermonie gathered their things and headed for the door. They said their goodbyes to the other guests and made their way to the airport. Slyvia and Lolu carried their luggage, while Jayson and Hermonie followed behind them, chatting excitedly about the trip ahead. They checked in at the airport and made their way to the gate, ready for their holiday adventure to begin.

As they boarded the plane, they felt a sense of anticipation and excitement.

As the plane took off, the cabin crew began serving the first course of the meal. The dishes looked and smelled delicious, and everyone was eager to dig in. The first course was a creamy soup, followed by a fresh salad. The main course was a choice of chicken or fish, and for dessert, there was a decadent chocolate cake. The entire meal was accompanied by a selection of fine wines and soft drinks.

Slyvia and Lolu enjoyed every bite, while Jayson and Hermonie savored the food and wine.


The taxi pulled up to a towering skyscraper, and Slyvia turned to the others with a smile. "Welcome to my home!" she said, as they all gaped at the impressive building. It was easily one of the largest in London, and they could not believe that this was where Slyvia lived.

"Wow," said Jayson, "this is incredible! I had no idea you lived in such an amazing place."

"It's certainly impressive," added Hermonie. "How long have you lived here?"

"I've been here for about a year," said Slyvia.

As they carried their suitcases into the building, Slyvia led them to the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. Once they reached the penthouse, she ushered them inside and offered them drinks.

"Can I get you anything?" she asked, as she led them to the living room.

"A glass of water would be great, thanks," said Lolu.

"I'll have the same," said Jayson.

"I'll have a soda, please," said Hermonie.

As the others continued to chat, Hermonie flicked on the TV, and they all stopped to watch the news. The headlines were filled with stories about the latest political scandal and economic turmoil.

"It's hard to believe all of this is happening," said Hermonie, shaking her head. "The world seems so chaotic right now."

"It does," said Lolu, "but we can't let it get us down. We have to stay positive and look for the good in the world."

"That's a great way to look at it," said Hermonie.

"Here you go," said Slyvia, handing out the drinks. "I hope you're all comfortable. Feel free to make yourselves at home."

"Thank you, this is so kind of you," said Hermonie, taking a sip of her soda.

"It's our pleasure to have you here," said Slyvia. 

"After we get settled in, would you all like to go to the mall and cinema?" asked Slyvia. "There's a really popular shopping center and theater not far from here. It's one of the best in London."

"That sounds like a lot of fun," said Lolu. "I'm definitely up for some shopping and a movie."

"I'm always up for some retail therapy," said Hermonie. "Count me in!"

Jayson nodded in agreement.


The plane touched down with a gentle bump, and Doyin's heart raced with excitement. As the plane taxied to the gate, she could barely contain her anticipation. She'd been away from home for so long, and she was eager to see her family again.

The plane came to a stop, and the passengers began to disembark. Doyin made her way down the aisle, her eyes scanning the crowd for her sister, Desola. Finally, she spotted her in the crowd, a huge smile on her face.

Desola's eyes lit up as she saw Doyin walking towards her. The sisters ran towards each other and embraced, laughing and crying with joy.

"It's so good to see you, Doyin!" said Desola, her eyes shining with happiness. "I've missed you so much!"

Doyin smiled and hugged her sister tightly. "I've missed you too, Desola. I'm so happy to be home."

As Doyin and Desola climbed into the car, they both let out a sigh of contentment. It felt so good to be together again, and they could barely contain their excitement. As they drove through the city, Doyin marveled at how much had changed since she'd been away. The city looked more modern and bustling than she remembered.

The gates of the Banana Island estate opened, and the car pulled through, entering a world of luxury and opulence. Desola pointed out all the new homes and buildings that had been built since Doyin had last visited. The roads were lined with palm trees and lush greenery, and the air smelled of sea salt and tropical flowers. Doyin felt like she was in a tropical paradise.

Finally, they pulled up to their house, and Doyin felt a wave of nostalgia wash over her. She stepped out of the car and took a deep breath, inhaling the familiar scent of home.

Doyin's eyes welled up with tears as she saw her mother, who was beaming with joy. She ran towards her, and the two embraced, holding each other tightly.

"Doyin!" her mother exclaimed, her voice full of emotion. "I've missed you so much. Welcome home, my dear."

"Thank you, mom," said Doyin, her voice trembling with emotion. "It's so good to be back."

They sat down on the couch, and Doyin told her mother all about her time away.

How as law department been her mother asked her about school.

"The law department at Calgary University is excellent, mom," Doyin replied. "The faculty are world-class, and the facilities are top-notch. It's a very competitive program, but I'm holding my own. It's definitely a challenge, but I'm determined to succeed."

Her mother nodded approvingly. "That's my girl! I know you can do anything you set your mind to. How have you been adjusting to life in Calgary?"

"It's been an adjustment for sure," Doyin said.

"It's definitely a different experience, Desola," Doyin said. "Lagos is so bustling and busy, while Calgary feels much more laid-back. I've enjoyed the change of pace, but I do miss the hustle and bustle of Lagos sometimes."

Desola nodded in understanding. "I can imagine it must be a big change," she said. "But I'm sure there are lots of things to love about Calgary too."

"There are!" Doyin said enthusiastically. "The nature here is incredible, and the people are so friendly. It's a great city to live in." Desola picked up her phone and dialed Monife's number. "Hey Monife!" she said when Monife picked up. "How's it going?"

"Hi Desola!" Monife said. "I'm doing great. What's up?"

"Well, I was wondering if you might be interested in coming over for a visit. My sister Doyin is back from university, and I thought it would be fun to have you both meet."

"That sounds great!" Monife said. "I'd love to come over. What day would be good?".

"I was thinking this Friday," Desola said. "We could order in some food, watch a movie, and just hang out. It'll be like a little girls' night. What do you think?"

"I love the sound of that!" Monife said. "It'll be so nice to meet your sister and catch up with you. I'll bring some snacks and drinks, and we can make an evening of it."

Desola smiled. "That sounds perfect. I'll see you on Friday, then."

"I'll be there!" Monife said, and the two friends hung up.

Desola knocked gently on Doyin's door. "Doyin, it's me. Can I come in?"

Doyin's muffled voice responded from inside the room. "Yes, you can come in, but just a moment. I'm on the phone with a friend."

Desola waited patiently for a moment, until she heard Doyin hang up the phone. Then she pushed open the door and poked her head inside. "Hey sis!" she said, grinning. "What's up?"

Doyin looked up from her desk, where she had been sitting.

"Speaking of friends, I have some good news," Desola said, her eyes sparkling. "Monife is coming over on Friday. I thought we could have a little get-together, just the three of us. We can order some food, watch a movie, and just chat. Does that sound like fun?"

Doyin's face lit up. "That sounds amazing! I can't wait to meet Monife. I've heard so much about her from you, and it'll be great to finally put a face to the name."

Desola laughed.As Doyin headed into the bathroom to get ready for the evening, Desola began to tidy up the living room. She put away any stray books or magazines, straightened the pillows on the couch, and wiped down the coffee table. She wanted everything to look nice for Monife's visit.

As she was tidying, Desola's thoughts drifted to her sister, Doyin. She was so proud of how far Doyin had come in her studies, and how well she was doing at university.


Monife was sitting at the kitchen table, talking to her mother as she prepared dinner. "Mom, I'm so excited for tomorrow!" she exclaimed. "I'm going to Desola's house to hang out with her and her sister, Doyin. I can't wait to finally meet Doyin in person. I've heard so much about her from Desola."

Monife's mother smiled as she stirred the pot of stew on the stove. "That sounds like a lovely evening," she said. "I'm glad you're making friends.

Bisi, the family's maid, was busy cleaning up the kitchen, washing the plates and utensils from dinner. She was humming softly to herself as she worked, and she seemed happy and content.

Bisi had been working for the Chibuike family for many years, and she considered them to be like her own family. She was especially fond of Monife, who was always kind and respectful to her.

"What a lovely evening it was," Bisi thought to herself as she dried the dishes. "I'm glad everyone is happy."

As Bisi put the last dish away in the cupboard, she turned to Mrs. Chibuike. "How is Lolu doing, ma'am?" she asked. "I haven't seen him in a while, and I miss him."

Mrs. Chibuike smiled. "Lolu is doing well, Bisi. He's enjoying his studies and making friends in canada. I know he misses you too."

Bisi's face lit up. "Oh, that's so wonderful to hear!" she said. "I'm so glad he's doing well. "But I wish his coming home for the holiday", said monife. "Me too", Mrs chibuike replied.