
Lord of the Dead Matallost

Dark gods decided that the heroes were too strong and the Lord of the Demons could no longer be able to cope with them ... They called on a man from our world and gave him the ability of necromancer. What will the Lord of the Dead in the New World?

Matalost · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs


4679 year of the world of Triass. Collection of dark gods.

There are many gods in this world, and they are all separated on dark and light. As understandable by their name, some are responsible for good, and others for evil. Now all the dark gods have gathered to discuss what the entire Triassic was to shake.

It was almost an empty hall, the ceiling and the walls of which were drowned in the dark. Only obscure shadows walked along it. And the conversation was heard.

- The new 1000-year-old cycle is nearing. The new lord of the demons will be born, and we must help him ...- Someone spoke to a strong and powerful voice.

- Help with what? - Woman answered him. Or some creature with a woman's voice. This voice was sweet and mounted. One voice could drive many men crazy. - Don't you remember what was last time? Lightly called for heroes and they killed the Lord of the Demons for the year!

- What do you suggest? - said the owner of the mighty voice. It is, he was the main among them.

- The matter here is in a banal numerical advantage. Let's also call anyone ... and give him strength comparable to heroes. Let him help our lord.

- Great idea. Who will we call?

There were many votes:

- Some swordsman!

- Dark Maga!

- Another lord of the demons!

- Enough! - again there was a domineering voice. - We will call the necromancer. This will be able to quickly and easily create a whole army, and therefore in the quantity it certainly does not lose. Appears, Lord of the Dead.