
Lord of Reality : I Prevail in Chaos

Daniel , a man died with regrets but a mysterious being pitted him a decided to reincarnate him but before his reincarnation Daniel told the being something made him surprised and the being accepted what Daniel said then he reincarnated him in a world of sword and magic with the same name. Daniel vowed to live his life without regrets and get stronger to protect the people he loved . Follow him with his journey of becoming the strongest in the world. ---------------------------------------------- well this is my second time writing a novel as the first one did make me satisfied so I hope this one be good . Anyway , I'm just writing for fun and don't have a specific schedule for publishing I just write when I'm in the mood . This novel is just to satisfy my desire so if you don't want to read it you are free but if decided to read so I hope you enjoy I give me your review so that I can improve myself . And again this novel for my satisfaction you've been warned btw , the English is not my mother language so if you found any mistakes just tell me in comments . P.W : Cover is not mine so if the owner wants me to remove it just tell me and I will , hope you enjoy

RedMoth · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Land of Eternal Darkness 1

Daniel found himself in a dimly lit place that was changing its structure every some time passed which he found wierd .

" So you finally came,My King ! "

Suddenly Daniel heard a voice coming from the darkness. The voice was deep and seem old but doesn't belong to a man but rather a woman , an old woman to be exact .

" who are you ? Show yourself ! " Daniel asked in a calm yet cold tone .

" Ma ma don't be so cold. Seem you didn't fully awake "

" what do you mean ?! " Daniel asked again but in a calm manner with a hint of coldness in his tone .

" you will know when the time comes " the old woman said with deep calm voice , she is not in a hurry at all .

Daniel took a deep breath to calm himself as he heard this many times before from Anaressia and that made him angry every time he hear it .

" Okay , then at least show yourself, I don't wanna talk to someone who don't wanna show his face "

" hmm that's right , sorry for that " the old woman replied in a carefree manner with a hint of amusement .

Then from the darkness ,that seems like a living creature as it was always moving like snake ,a short figure with a black cloak covering its entire body and a calm yet dangerous aura surrounding it , the figure was holding a staff longer than its body in its right hand . The figure walked toward Daniel in a steady pace , no so fast and so slow until it reached Daniel who was standing in his place without moving with carefulness as he still doubtful about this whole place .

The figure aka the old woman looked up at Daniel with a smile that wasn't look like a smile to him when he saw her face . Her face was pale like she is dead and her eyes were white with black screla giving her a frightening appearance but Daniel was used to things like that so he was calm .

" You are not surprised or afraid ?! "

" why would I ? " Daniel asked back while tilting his head in confusion as he didn't know why he would be afraid of her .

" Hahahah that makes me remember my days when I was young hahahah " the old woman replied in amusement while laughing hard .

After some time she calm down and looked at him with warm smile .

" I don't like older women, so I'm sorry " Daniel said in concern when he saw her smile .

" you brat if you saw me when I was young you would be head over heels for me , I was what people call dangerous beauty that makes the people adore her in distance , haaah why am I talking about that with a brat like you "

" Don't know , anyway , who are you and what is this place ? " 

" tsk so impatient , well my name is Veorra The Guardian of the Land of Eternal Darkness , and this place is my mansion , and if you are asking where are you then you already know , don't you ? "

Daniel was surprised by the sudden news , although he didn't know what is the Land of Eternal Darkness but he heard that name in one of the ancient books that talk about the existence of the world , he knew that this land has a guardian but didn't know who as the book didn't have any information about it except its name but what he surly knows is that the Land of Eternal Darkness exist before the existence of the world itself as that was the only thing mentioned in the book about it . Daniel was excited to discover the secrets of this land and now he has the chance to do it .

Veorra smiled in amusement when she saw his expression, she knew that he is excited when she told him about her identity and this place's name .

Daniel saw her smiled and blushed in embarrassment but he quickly calmed himself down and faked a cough .

" Ahem ! Then this place is in the Land of Eternal Darkness, right ? "

" heheheh your expression is so funny hahahaha "

" shut up ! Haaah anyway there is one thing occupying my mind , would you mind if I asked "

" Why so polite suddenly hmm? Well you can ask "

" then why am I here ? Or why did you bring me here ? And what was that old man from before ? "

" haaah so many questions, I will answer them but not here "

Then she hit the ground with the bottom of her staff then a way was opened behind Daniel . Veorra walked past him signalling him to follow her . Daniel didn't say anything and followed her .

They walked until they reached a room with pitch black double door . Veorra touched the door with the tip of her staff then the door seemed to move on its own as if snakes were moving to open a path for them to enter .

Veorra walked inside with Daniel following behind her . They entered a big wide room with sofas and table , there even was a king size bed inside . The room was like any guest room except for the bed but what startled Daniel was that the room was all black , everything inside was black even the sofas , the table , the walls and the bed .

Veorra walked and sat on a sofa and waved to Daniel to sit on the sofa opposite to her .

He nodded without much question and went and sat on the sofa opposite to her .

" Do you like tea ? Our talk will be long so better you drink some to calm and relax your mind "

" Yeah, you are right. I need some tea to calm myself " Daniel said with a tired tone .

Veorra smiled and waved her hand and suddenly a tray with tea kettle and two cups of tea appeared on the table and surprisingly they were white with gold engravings giving it unique appearance, they apparently appeared like an elevator going up as the surface of the table moved like snake and the tray appeared. Veorra took the kettle and poured the tea into the cups . The tea was literally black , not your normal black tea but actually black in color which made Daniel skeptical to drink it .

" Don't worry it's normal tea but with special taste from the Land of Eternal Darkness"

" okay " Daniel didn't see any traces of her lying so he took the cup and sipped the tea .

" Ahh so good and relaxing"

" see like I told you " Veorra said while smiling warmly .

After some time Veorra put down the cup in her hand on the table and looked at Daniel with serious yet calm expression.

Daniel who saw this knew that she was about to start so he put the cup in his hand on the table and looked at her in a calm yet attentive manner .

" Seem you are ready , very well let's start "


Author : The update will be every Thursday.

Adios !