
Lord of Reality : I Prevail in Chaos

Daniel , a man died with regrets but a mysterious being pitted him a decided to reincarnate him but before his reincarnation Daniel told the being something made him surprised and the being accepted what Daniel said then he reincarnated him in a world of sword and magic with the same name. Daniel vowed to live his life without regrets and get stronger to protect the people he loved . Follow him with his journey of becoming the strongest in the world. ---------------------------------------------- well this is my second time writing a novel as the first one did make me satisfied so I hope this one be good . Anyway , I'm just writing for fun and don't have a specific schedule for publishing I just write when I'm in the mood . This novel is just to satisfy my desire so if you don't want to read it you are free but if decided to read so I hope you enjoy I give me your review so that I can improve myself . And again this novel for my satisfaction you've been warned btw , the English is not my mother language so if you found any mistakes just tell me in comments . P.W : Cover is not mine so if the owner wants me to remove it just tell me and I will , hope you enjoy

RedMoth · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Land of Eternal Darkness 2

" First , let's start with this place , The Land of Eternal Darkness, you need to know what is it ? And why did we call it by that name ? " Veorra said with a calm tone .

She took a sip from the cup of tea in front of her " this place or what we call The Land of Eternal Darkness is a place where the souls of the dead reside in , a place where they will be judged for what they have done whether it was good or bad everyone will be judged by the judges of this place, we call them the Judges of Darkness "

Veorra stopped a little for Daniel to digest the information as she wasn't in a hurry , she has all the time in the world after all .

She continued " you maybe find that this Land is like how hell works and that is not wrong but it's not right too , then why ? "

She grinned " Because this land doesn't judge the souls of those who did wrong deeds like killing someone or good deeds like helping someone , the souls it judges are special as it contain a type of power that can affect the world "

" What do you mean by that ? " Daniel asked in confusion as to the extent of his understanding all people can have powers that can affect the world , a perfect example of that is the Seven Lords and beings with special powers like the queen of vampires or the the seven deadly sins .

" People understand that they can have the power to influence the world like the seven Lords or the beings like the queen of vampires but they are all wrong , sure they have the power to cause mass destruction and chaos in the world or literally destroy the world if they gave it all they have but- "

Her expression turned into disdain and mock yet majestic .

" they all are delusional if they think they can influence and affect the world which in turn means that controlling it , the world can't be affected by such powers or rather the World Tree won't allow mortals take control of her domain which is the planet , sure their powers are top-notch but that was meant to protect the planet from invaders "

" Then who are the beings who can influence the world ? If as you said then mortals have the power to protect and destroy but not to influence or the World Tree will take action and eliminate them as she is the being that is supporting the entire planet nourishing it with her powers so she gave the people of this world the power to protect it "

" Hoooo~ quite smart aren't you ? Well you are right about that " Veorra said as she knew that Daniel has prior knowledge about the World Tree from his memories that he inherited from the primordial death but she didn't point it out as he said it unconsciously but he will remember everything in the end . She smiled mysteriously looking at the young man in front of her who will become a great figure in the future.

" Who are the beings that can affect the world or ... The Planet "

" Hmmm~ ... They are the beings that have full control over the concepts of the balance like Time , Soul , Speed , Lightning and the like , the concepts that made up the world or in the big the picture, the universe "

" You mean ... "

" Yes , the primordials and the gods or the beings whom souls ascended to a higher form after gaining authority over their elements . "

Daniel's eyes widened slightly when he knew that , that means that The Land of Eternal Darkness is the Hell of the higher beings while on the other hand the normal hell is the hell of the normal beings like the seven lords , the seven deadly sins and the like .

Daniel knew that the seven lords didn't gain a full authority over their elements like him so they can't be judged in the Land of Eternal Darkness .

Of course that was from the memory left by Arcanum as a farewell gift .

' then that means what Earl said to me about the seven lords and the world is a pure lie !! But why ?!! ' Daniel was questioning himself while Veorra sipping her tea in a calm yet elegant manner like a noble lady , she smiled secretly when she saw the surprised expression of Daniel .

' so he knew , that everything is just a pure lie to hide the truth but he will know in the end but not now as he isn't strong enough and seems his consort agree with that too '

" now you knew the purpose of this place and what it is , then let's talk about why did I called you here ? "

Daniel snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Veorra's voice and decided to put the matter at the back of his mind in the time being .

" I called you here to give you this "

On Veorra's left palm a dark black Orb appeared .

" this is Orb is called The Orb of Chaos and Darkness , although it's a very weaker version of the true one but this will make you progress into your understanding of the chaos element and the darkness element "

" Although the amount is not much but it's enough for the time being as your soul won't be able to absorb the true Orb or you will be consumed by the chaos and darkness and lead you to madness which in return leads your elimination completely even your soul will cease to exist "

Daniel shuddered when he heard that , sure no one wouldn't risk their lives for a power up in exchange for their soul to be erased from existence.

" here , take it, you can absorb it anytime "

Daniel nodded and took the Orb from her , he noticed that his system was back so he put it into his inventory.

" Then good luck in your way , the future is not fixed just by your efforts you can reach what you want "

Daniel nodded then remembered about that old man from before " then what about that old man ? "

" Oh ! That ! It's just a system that acts as a referee and judge whether the challenger is qualified or not to pass the trial of death "

" So if anyone rather than me passed the trial wouldn't he be called here ? "

" Pfft !! Hahahahah ... No silly , of course not , if that happened then they will just teleport to the treasure house and take one prize from their if they were to come here then won't return as only death is the king here. You are special case so don't compare yourself to them , remember you are the king , our king ! "

" And don't ask anything as I won't tell you now , you will know in the end "

Daniel didn't have a say in this so he just shrugged his shoulders and put the matter at the back of his mind .

" then until we meet again " Veorra said as she waved her hand and in the next second Daniel disappeared.

" Haaaah ... Finally I met him but he didn't remember me , anyway he will remember in the end so it's okay I can wait , after all I waited for thousands of years~ " Veorra said as her body was enveloped by darkness and after a minute the darkness disappeared revealing a very stunning woman standing at a height of 175CM .

She was a bombshell with huge chest and round ass with slender body . Her skin was the same as before and her eyes also the same with black screla and glowing white eyes with black pupils in the shape of slits like a dragon , her hair was long dark black hairr reaching her ankle , she was wearing an elegant yet majestic pure black dress emphasizing her body .

The aura around her was mysterious yet dangerous and cold . She suddenly laughed seductively with a voice that was so alluring yet soothing...

" Fufufufufufu how amusing ~ "