

It was dark and bad day, this suffering old man keep driving that limousine to live his last year.

He stopped the car in dark place to sleep. His nightmares keep chasing him and steal his sleep. The old man chose a calm place, out of trouble. But he slept for five minutes only, he woke up when the car started to shake. He heard voices of Mexican men. He was so angry and he said " Fu*k!" He looked tired and tried to stay out of burglars all the day. The old man opened the car door and felt pain while trying to stand on his legs. He saw a bunch of Mexican burglars trying to steal the limo's wheels. He looked at them and said " Uh guys, those are chrome-plated lugs, you're gonna strip them. The plating flakes off, this is a lease no one's gonna pay for to ride..."

But the burglars shot him in his chest with a shotgun and said " Take a nap."

The old man healed his wound and felt sorry about these guys for what's going to happen to them. He got up, one of the thieves said " How he survived the shot?!" The other said " It's The Wolverine!"Then he run, Logan said bravely"Guys trust me you don't wanna do this, you can run like your friend did or you can die here." He got his claws out, but slowly.

The leader of the thieves said "take him out".

They started to hit him with pipes. Wolverine started to stab them angrily, they tried to shoot his car but he cut their hands off. They beat Logan by hitting him at his head several times until he hit the ground, the burglars started to kick him until Logan started to scream and got up then cut the head of one of them and another shot Logan's car. He cut his hand and then killed him. He started to kill the others angrily until they decided to run for their lives.

Logan was washed with his own blood. His face was full of injuries and wounds. He closed the limo's doors and drove to the nearest public restroom in order to change his clothes. He took off his torn jacket and the rest of his bloody clothes. He started to eject the stuck bullets in his chest and wore new clean jackets.

Logan returned to car hopping he find a good person that can get up with him. But it was bad for him, he picked up some drunk teenagers, while the other guy he picked him up wasn't drunk. He stopped delivering people, Logan turned the radio on, and a man named Clade said "Alright my friend, all humans and mutants are asleep, what you want to talk about?"

The other replied :``hey Clade, it's 2029, why are we still talking about mutants, they are gone no…" but Logan turned the radio and went home and wake up for another bad day.