
Living The Slow Life

Takumi Just wants to live the slow life but one day while tending to his crops something crashes from the sky. The Dragon Princess Kira! How will this effect Takumi's plans to live a Slow life? Stay tuned to find out.

Nico_Leztier · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

The Morning Dew

"Man! These Plants really don't want to cooperate!" Takumi was pulling at the beetroot trying to get it out of the ground. "Come on!" With one good tug he managed to pull out a tiny beetroot, sighing in defeat Takumi threw it in his basket. "I should have never left my parents house" Takumi started to reminisce about his parents. 

-Four Years Ago-

"Taku dear you should find a nice girl to settle down with" Akami Remarked to her son. Akami was a gentle soul with long black hair and purple eyes that shone with the ethereality of magic. Her favorite outfit of choice was anything that made her look deadly. A long black dress outlined by red or maybe it was blood.

"Mom ive told you a thousand times, I just want to live in a quiet place in the countryside." Takumi shot back at his mother. Takumi is the kind of guy to help anyone no matter the danger even though he has no magical or physical power whatsoever. 

"But you could be hurt! You dont have any way to defend yourself" Akami looked down as tears threatened to flow from her eyes.

"You heard the boy dear" Takumi's father interjected. "He made up his mind, and a man who follows his dreams can only be my son!" He laughed heartily. 

"But Zen…" Akami looked at him with that gentle gaze of hers. 

"But nothing!" Zen went over to Takumi and placed his hands on his shoulders "Follow your heart no matter what others say kiddo" Zen was the Hero of this last Era he held off 10,000 enemies by himself for 5 days. He had light brown hair cut short, and eyes that blazed red with fire. These days he just sits around the house wearing casual clothing until Akumi reprimands him. 

-Present Day-

"I really do miss them, I wonder what they're up to" Takumi looked up to the clouds that surrounded his land, his black hair getting in his eyes. He then noticed an object heading straight for him but it was too late, with a loud crash they collided and Takumi was sent flying through the dirt. Gathering his senses he looked up he saw a Dragonoid? He coughed up some dirt and brushed himself off. 

Carefully approaching the figure he loomed over what appeared to be half person half dragon. Takumi grabbed a gardening tool and poked the figure with it. 

"Eep!" The figure squeaked in surprise and immediately shot up. "How dare you!" Takumi took in the person's appearance it was a girl. Her hair was a deep maroon and her eyes were the most beautiful azure blue. Her outfit looked royal like she belonged to more of an army then of the king's family. She had what looked like a sword strapped to her waist. "Stop Staring at me!" suddenly she raised her hand and a ball of fire was being charged. Takumi snapped out of his stupor and backed off a bit. 

"Sorry!" Takumi yelped a bit surprised at the sudden use of magic.

Thanks for reading the Introduction Chapter more will be on the way and hopefully longer!

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