
LITRPG: Etherea System

In a future where reality ruptures, unleashing ethereal energy across the globe and destabilizing the balance, humanity is reduced to scattered cities. Factions vie for power, while a remnants of humanity thrive to survive and overcome the evil that now stands against them. Myles Stone-- a gifted human, emerges as one of humanity's last hope, taking on the perilous journey of restoring order and mending reality's shattered fabric amiss the chaos. Join Myles as he faces moral dilemmas, forms bonds with superhumans, and unravels dark truths about the cataclysmic event. The story of Myles Stone, a thrilling tale of heroism, vigilantism, and a world on the brink of chaos. PS: This cover is not mine

DannyL · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs


"A while later, we found you.

Myles Stone, a teenager lost in his rage and bathed in the drenching blood of his foes, who had taken the life of your beloved friend. You had single-handedly killed every single person who consented to and was involved in the death of your friend in their own clubhouse without breaking a sweat.

Others saw chaos, but I saw potential. At that moment, I knew you were destined for more than you knew. You had used your abilities in the best way you knew how, to stand up against the gangs of the underworld, vanquishing them in their own domain.

Never could I have anticipated what you would become.

A couple of years after you were recruited, we developed a prototype system for grading the level of energy each anomaly possessed at the time as part of research to prepare countermeasures for any unforeseen circumstances, in case any one of us would ever go rogue like Denumbit.

When we ran your DNA through the system, we found out that your energy readings had surpassed every living and known anomaly we had ever encountered. You had surpassed even the best of all the agents.

Our greatest mistake was not telling you the truth. We had hidden this from you, constantly developing technology that would suppress your abilities for the time being. We managed to keep the project under wraps so no one would ever find out.

"What?" Myles exclaimed, cutting in abruptly.

"No, no, this can't be true, all this, it can't be, why couldn't you tell me? Why?" Myles grunted, trying to get up from the bed.

"I'm sorry, Myles, I've failed you, I was selfish, but you have to understand," Nylar responded in a tone and expression of remorse and regret.

"Later on, when we finally got ahold of some extra records and files Denumbit had in his possession and was working with before his demise, we were dumbstruck to find out some of what he was up to.

He was allegedly working on a project he tagged 'revelation'.

In his files, we found mappings of different presumed energy gates -- the bridge connecting through time and space that allowed the waves from the Ethereal planes to seep into our reality.

We were not sure of the reason he had ventured into such a line of research, but we knew one thing for sure, it definitely wasn't for any good reasons. After a careful assessment of the information, we finally decided to send out some of our best agents to check out these sites. Although they unfortunately returned with no results, we received the shock of our lives that day.

That was the day you were attacked by Denumbit. We didn't know that we were playing along unwittingly into his perfectly orchestrated plan as it came together. He had discarded every other location and opted to present himself at only one location, the one you were assigned. It wasn't a mere coincidence.

I had a hint of what Denumbit had been up to. I knew it had something to do with your energy. I was afraid that something bad might happen. I tried reaching out to the few hyper-anomalies that were left for help, but we received no response; we had been compromised.

As danger loomed closer, we instated all our countermeasures and sent out a couple of agents to retrieve some of our former personnel who had gone off the grid, but then again, only you returned with Jon. Fortunately for us, Jon and his former team had arranged countermeasures in case of any unforeseen circumstances or anything that went wrong.

Not too long later, I got the news, Martha, an old ally of ours had been killed. She was a leading scientist at District Incorporations but then had a change of heart and allied with CREED, providing us with enough information to know the corporation's method of operations and plans.

We tried to protect her to the best of our powers, but she was targeted by Denumbit himself. She was diagnosed with a cancer due to exposure to a strange kind of radiation. We were uncertain about the cause of her illness and, more importantly, the remedies that could be administered.

The best we could do was provide safety for her within the deepest confines of the city. Unfortunately, Denumbit somehow managed to get to her amiss her last days; she was close to discovering something and denumbit didn't want any of us to know or find out about.

Denumbit had gained access to the Ethereal plane in his lifetime. That was his plan the whole time, though the events that conspired to create a breach in reality were unknown, Denumbit tasked himself with combining the two planes permanently.

The day you decided to take a leave, I knew it was a risky move. I couldn't let you out of my sight, but still, I couldn't deny you your freedom. So we sent Stiles along with you.

The SYND, along with Denumbit, had been capturing anomalies and hyper-anomalies alike all around the world and draining their energy to power their reality-destroying machine.

That's when denumbit found out about you. You possessed something unfathomable, something different, a kind of stability different from other anomalies.

Unfortunately, the events at the cliff had caused some sort of destabilization in you. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you earlier.

After you passed out at the cliff, you nearly fell to your death; luckily, Stiles was able to step in and transport you to a safe facility far off human civilization where we were able to later track you after a couple of days. CREED HQ was destroyed that day, along with a majority of our personnel.

After the second cataclysm, chaos reigned on Earth, world powers crumbled, leaving the SYND with all the advantage. Now they stand at the top of all organizations along with Denumbit, and we have no idea what will happen next; for all we know, any day down here could be our last as we are under-resourced and unprepared for any infiltrations."

"You're a fighter Myles, a really tough one at that. You survived all that to be here on this day. I know I have failed you as a friend, I have no justification that might make sense, I might have lost your trust, but I want to plead with you. Please, promise me that if anything goes sideways, you'll carry on our legacy, that you'll finish what we started."

To all my committed readers:

I really appreciate the support from all of you, if you've made it this far in this novel, then I am highly grateful to have you.

I'm sorry I've not been around for a while, I promise to constantly upload at a decent rate from now on.

DannyLcreators' thoughts