
Limitless Class Lever

The story of the lowest,a man rising into a legend.In the world of magic and mystical creatures,many mysteries and adventures are imminent.enjoy!

Rashid_Kabir · Thành thị
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7 Chs

Chapter 4 : The Event

Two minutes before the tournament began, Sebastian stood outside the arena,his heart racing with anticipation.He always had this sense of inadequacy,he always felt weaker than everyone else that's what also made killing a Goblin feel more like a dream.He said to himself forming unwilling smile.

"It's just a two v two,right? it's not that bad I can manage."

Another announcement was given changing Sebastian's mood entirely.

"The tag teams will face of in an all out battle Royale.Till the last 4 teams still standing.!"

Sigh !

"Sometimes I feel like being weak wasn't my only curse.Things just got much worse."

After lifting his head he saw Aria approaching with a delightful expression.

"Hi ! Sebastian,so are you ready?"


She smiled and continued.

"What a coincidence.We met yesterday and now we are in the same team."

"uh yeah..I guess so."

From a distance,Kael monitored Aria talk so freely and happily to Sebastian.Kael muttered.

"Do you you really think you have a chance to win with that guy with you?"

Little did he know his tag partner Veronica overheard what he said and had to pass on a question.

"Who are you talking to?"

Kael dropped his gaze starring back into his book.

"It's nothing.I was just....memorizing something."

"Are you sure because that's what I think you were doing."

"Just forget it."


The sound of a loud gong could be heard then the voice of the female announcer.

"Teams proceed into the arena !"

Complying with the announcement,all the teams stepped into the arena and the staff sat outside as audience watching keenly.

"I've got a plan."

Sebastian whispered.Ofcourse Aria was eager to hear what he had to say.

"The plan is....you fight them head on...while I try to avoid combat."

Aria showcased a look on her face expressing disagreement and a little bit of anger,as if she was ready to reject with his suggestion.but before she could do so Sebastian interrupted.

"I know you won't want to go with it..but I don't know why.If you really want to win this,you'll have to do what I say."

Aria had no another objection and had to go along with it.

"Ok,Let's do this."

( Begin!!!!!!!!! )

In a matter of seconds,the arena became intense,magic spell of different colours,sizes and forms flying here and there.Kael having his book in one hand,swiftly dodged the spell approaching him and with a single spell he downed two people.Aria was getting along well too,because of her silver level mastery of earth.Miracilously,since the start of the match Sebastian remained untouched the reason being his Diamond level mastery of hiding behind a huge rock.

Sebastian muttered wearing a brainless facial.

"I don't know why..but I feel like someone somewhere just insulted me."


The rock he hid behind got blown to peebles by a stray spell.Ferociously,the impact threw him in a direction tumbling right infront of the heated section of the battlefield.

He raised his voice.

"Hey!watch where you're shooting those things you idiot!"

and lifted his head to see the unfortunate situation he fell into.A tag team ready to attack him.

"there's one!"

"Let's get him"

Sebastian got himself into a really complicated situation.In his mind he was prepared to flee but the problem was the distraction he would have to cause to do so.Pondering on that he remember,he could only cast a single spell yet in this situation,it was perfect.

"Goofy time ! "

throwing his hand in amidst.The result was nothing but a silent stare at each other's faces.


Sebastian was confused,if anything were to fail but not that spell.It was a spell that tickles a person for 3 seconds.Somehow he could not feel that magic spell coursing through him anymore.So he had a change of plans,he pointed behind the two team mates and screamed at the top of his voice.

"Behind you!!!"

Heeding his warning they looked behind them simultaneously.


Wasn't it obvious?there was nothing there.They got outsmarted by a weak trainee who was incapable of casting a single spell.

"It was a trick."

"where did he go"


Sebastian had already made the run for it to a new hiding spot.(panting)

"hh..hh..If I continue like this I might just survive this."

At the high seat,the guild master watched the trainee's face off one another with a smile.The second in command,Zarfa,asserted to Master Riphton Harrick.

"Master.It seems you are enjoying the display of talents."

Master Harrick stroked his white beard from top to down.

"Zarfa..young ones struggling to become heroes, guardians of the righteous.There is much excitement watching them grow... especially that one"

He pointed at Sebastian who was currently trying to escape another trainee.Zarfa had his eyes locked on Sebastian.He started to ask himself why a person as prominent as Master Harrick would be interested in the weakest person on the arena.

"Stop chasing me you bastard!!!"

Sebastian exclaimed attempting to outrun the trainee chasing him.Out of nowhere,Aria knocked the trainee out of the arena with a hard kick to the face.

"I thought your plan was to hide."

"I'm trying ! For some reason I can't use magic anymore."

Aria became baffled in a ridiculous style

"You can use magic ?"

Sebastian spoke trying to keep himself for shouting even though he felt a bit offended by her question.

"Just because I am weak doesn't mean I can't use magic!!..."

"But you just said..."

"Why don't we keep our minds in the fight for now.."

Aria sensed danger and her eyes widened.Before she could sound the warning.

"Times up... Sebastian"

Sebastian turned to see Kael reaching out to touch him.



Aria's eyes toggled from Sebastian to Kael's glowing hand.

"Don't let him touch you!!!"

End of chapter.I am a student so I may take long in releasing.please try to understand and if you feel like making any suggestions or feel like saying anything please leave it in the comments.have a great day.Bye :)