
Limitless Class Lever

The story of the lowest,a man rising into a legend.In the world of magic and mystical creatures,many mysteries and adventures are imminent.enjoy!

Rashid_Kabir · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 5 : Midas Touch

Aria was well aware what would happen if Sebastian got touched by Kael.She screamed rushing to shove Sebastian out of the way.

"His hands don't let them touch you!!!"

Sebastian's legs refused to obey he had no choice but to stand and face what was coming.

Sebastian grit his teeth,If Aria was worried of this guys touch he must be dangerous for sure.

Even blocking wasn't an option because he was lacking in speed.Tension grew more on Aria's face because even she knew she couldn't reach Sebastian in time.When hope was almost lost.

[ system ]

// User save mode. 1/1

//Automatic use. !1!

Enemy magic nullified [[[]]]

//User save mode. 0/1

"it's that screen again"

Sebastian muttered concentrating on the screen in his line of sight.The glow emitting from Kael's hand disappeared.Also when he touched Sebastian nothing happened,like he never possessed magic from the start.Kael currently being baffled took a huge defensive leap backwards before asking himself.

"what just happened?"

Aria paused with her face still frozen in surprise.

(Did Kael not use it?)

Sebastian immediately got provoked.

"Are you playing tag ?,really?am I so weak that you just choose to joke around with me."

Kael uttered gazing into his palm.

"That touch was suppose to turn you to an immobile gold statue."

"Cut the crap"


\\Teams have been downed.5 teams remaining//

Kael harnessed his magic and transformed his arms to solid gold.

"I don't have time for talk... Sebastian"

Moving close to the speed of a rocket,Kael swung his fist in a huge ark straight to Sebastian's jaw.


Sebastian spat out blood , unwillingly got dragged some metres away by the impact.

Aria hurriedly jump in,facing off Kael in a battle of sheer hand to hand combat.One team remaining,with 5 teams removal of the last team,calls for the limit of 4 teams and the close of the event.It was now clear while Kael was pushing so much.At war,to gain the upper hand take down the weaker ones.

Aria exclaimed,battering fists with Kael.

"Why did you hit him that hard?he could die."

"And how is that my concern.He can pass away for all I care."

Kael flipped escaping a giant rock flung towards him by Aria's earth magic.

"Let me give you a friendly advice,Aria.Try considering yourself first before others especially...involving the weak.Dont forget why you came to this guild.To become stronger not to form bonds with every single person you meet."

Throwing his palm in front.

"Wealth Drills ! ! !"

Shooting from the ground were lots of pointed yet twisted gold structures possessing intense speed.Aria called out.

"Hard wall! "

Conjuring a giant rocky wall stopping Kael's attacks,she created room to breath but didn't mean she was safe just yet.Luckily she noticed,one of the gold drills pierced through the wall heading straight for her face.Thanks to her reflexes,she avoided her head being torn to shreds but got grazed on the cheek.She grit her teeth starring at Kael through the hole made by the drill.Evidently,She would have to put friendship matters aside if she truly wanted to attain victory.

[ system ]

-3 HP

Health 7/10 HP

Sebastian stood up wiping the blood of his mouth and jaw.

"Tsst!!That guy is strong..the pain is unbearable.but..this screen that's appearing almost every time,it happened last night..so it wasn't a dream,I think."

"Riot laser!!"

Out of luck,the beam meant to slice open his head missed slightly,few hair strands slowly fell off his head.Sebastian quickly crawled behind a rock and remained seated with his hands wrapped around his legs.Kael and Aria continued countering each other's magical strikes.Kael got even his glasses cracked in the process.

"You cracked my glasses..not very decent".

Someone sneaked up to attack Kael from behind thinking he wasn't paying attention.Before he could attempt his plan he got solidified to gold without even knowing what happened.The use of his magic was too sudden,he pull back his hand from the person's chest then adjusted his glasses.Aria's eyes blazed with determination,her brown curly hair bounced from side to side as she dashed toward Kael.Kael's hand flickered brightly like a torch,his expression straight yet filled with confidence,his fingers weaving intricate patterns in the air summoning a large golden sphere enough to squash a human.The ground trembled..


The earth obeyed her command,and rocky inclined surface manifested from the ground in front of the sphere and changed it's path.They clashed once again.Aria's seemd to be getting more fluent but Kael kept on adapting every single time.


Finally,Aria landed a punch to Kael's gut.Enduring the pain,Kael reached out to grab Aria's hand but Aria reacted fast enough getting her hands out of his reach.Kael had a smug on his face even though he was the one that got hit.Not too long,Aria couldn't feel her legs,she immediately looked and realized the reason for the smug on Kael's face.

Aria asked with her lips barely able to open.

"When did he..."

Kael pushed back his glasses with his index finger.

"I missed your hands but luckily I was able to make contact with your shoe lace.It's over,Aria."

Aria's shoe got solidified to gold,her feet and the ground below her step also.Sebastian peeked from the rock he hid behind.

"This is bad"

While he secretly watched Kael avoiding being seen,Kael spotted him at an instant and threw a cold glare in his direction.Sebastian slowly dropped down his head from his peeking position.Kael started to approach Sebastian's hiding place step by step.

"Come out Sebastian, it's over."

Aria was unable to even raise her feet so she stood there watching, disturbed greatly.Sebastian on the other hand knew was coming but refused to leave the hiding spot.Not until he realized the rock was turning to gold.He left the spot and subconsciously

stepped back as Kael was getting more closer.Sebastian saw the hand glow and head for him but he was unable to avoid it.Just before Kael's hand touched Sebastian's face.


(Limit reached,4 teams remained,The event is over)

Kael's hand paused.Sebastian breathed out in relief.Graduall, those that turned to gold returned to normal with no idea what happened.Aria also got her feet freed finally.The announcer spoke.

"Victory to the last 4 teams.You all did your best."

Aria run to Sebastian and threw herself on him.Sebastian received the hug evethough he didn't know what it was for.

"We did it we won, Sebastian...we did it"

Sebastian smiled.

"I told you my plan was solid."


The voice offering congrats didn't seem familiar to them.Sebastian and Aria let each other go immediately,it was the Guild Master,Riphton Harrick and Second in command,Fret Zarfa.

End of chapter.I am a student so I may take long in releasing.please try to understand and if you feel like making any suggestions or feel like saying anything please leave it in the comments.have a great day.Bye :)