
Limitless: 10 Billion Times Power at the Start

Have you ever wonder: what could be achieved with a multiplier of tens of billions? [Ding!] You obtain various currencies, and with a multiplier of ten billion, your wealth increases 10 billion-fold. [Ding!] You acquire new techniques, and with a multiplier of ten billion, your technique evolves into a more powerful version. [Ding!] You collect various pets, and with a multiplier of ten billion, your pets multiply by 10 billion. [Ding!] You are attacked, but with your defense fully maxed out in your current realm, all attacks at the same level are completely ignored. [Ding!] You practice diligently, and with a ten billion-fold increase, your cultivation instantly reaches the highest level of your current realm. ... As Li Taixing continued his journey of cultivating immortality, he realized that the multiplier of ten billion didn't just apply to objects—it applied to himself and his pets as well. Slowly, he discovered that anything could be multiplied, from as little as one time to as much as ten billion times, all under his control.

Eternaldevourer · Thành thị
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37 Chs

Chapter 32: Infiltrating Dulong Village

Dulong Village is perched atop Luanshi Peak, hundreds of meters above sea level. There is only one road leading up and down the mountain, transformed by the villagers into a formidable fortress that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The mountain path to Dulong Village is treacherous, flanked by steep cliffs that make it extremely dangerous. The middle of the road is wide enough for several people to walk side by side, but narrows at points, making it difficult for more than one person to pass.

Looking at the precarious road ahead, Li Taixing sighed, "Dulong Village is not easy to access."

"Indeed," Gouzi replied quietly. "They've recently captured many people as slaves, including Tang Caidie's father. These slaves are forced to carry goods for them."

At that moment, both men concealed themselves in a hidden spot, observing the situation in the village. Upon arriving on the mountain, they realized the conditions were worse than anticipated.

"How about this? I know the way to Dulong Village. You should head back," Li Taixing suggested.

"Master Li, what do you mean?" Gouzi asked, surprised.

"It's safer for me to go alone. If you follow me, I won't be able to protect you," Li Taixing explained.

"Then I'll wait for you at the foot of the mountain," Gouzi insisted.

"Alright," Li Taixing agreed, nodding.

After parting ways with Gouzi, Li Taixing looked up at the mountain. "To save the captives, I need to eliminate the bandits first."

With that thought, Li Taixing activated his Teleportation skill, vanishing from his spot. In an instant, he reappeared a hundred meters away, as his Teleportation could only target places he had seen or visited.

[Ding! Triggered the multiplier effect of tens of billions!]


To his astonishment, Li Taixing realized that his Teleportation distance had expanded dramatically, allowing him to travel billions of meters.

"Wow, does this mean I can go anywhere with just a thought?"

As he pondered this, the system chimed again.

[Ding! System automatically updated.]

[Ding! All skills learned by the host will now have their effects multiplied by tens of billions.]

With this new update, Li Taixing felt his Psychokinesis become incredibly powerful.

"Psychokinesis? Can I use it to control others?" he wondered. If he could control objects, why not living beings?

He attempted to manipulate a nearby butterfly, but the creature burst apart from the overwhelming force of his Psychokinesis.

Realizing he needed to better control his power, Li Taixing noticed he could now "see" the entire surface of Luanshi Peak with his Psychokinesis.

"Huh, I didn't expect this effect," he mused, feeling invincible as his vision extended further. However, the effort soon left him feeling dizzy.

"Damn, this is exhausting." He leaned against a nearby tree and sat down, consuming Spirit Stones to restore his energy. Thanks to his non-attribute Spiritual Roots, he could absorb the Spirit Power from the stones.

"It seems my skills are powerful, but my foundation is still too weak to fully realize their potential."

"In the future, I need to find ways to enhance my energy."

"The quality of my body could also improve by tens of billions of times."

Resolving to be more cautious, Li Taixing refrained from indiscriminate use of Psychokinesis. He had already gathered enough information about Luanshi Peak, though he regretted not being able to see what was hidden from view.

"The villagers weren't visible just now; they must be hiding," he thought, suspecting that a bandit might be lurking nearby. He used Teleportation to appear behind a lookout.

This lookout, tasked with watching for intruders, was oblivious to Li Taixing's presence.

"Psychokinesis, activate."

Li Taixing employed his power to control the bandit, who was just an ordinary man. Under his influence, the bandit fell into a trance.

Learning from his earlier mistake, Li Taixing kept his control in check. Soon, the bandit was completely subdued.

"I need some answers," Li Taixing demanded.

"O-Okay.." the bandit replied obediently, answering all of Li Taixing's questions.

However, as the interrogation continued, Li Taixing began to feel overwhelmed.

After consuming more Spirit Stones to regain his focus, he sighed, "Damn, this is really pushing my limits."

At least he now knew where the villagers were held captive. He looked at the bandit, now a mindless fool due to the damage inflicted by his Psychokinesis.

"This power is too dangerous," Li Taixing realized, frustrated by the unpredictability of his cultivation techniques.

With no time to dwell on his frustrations, he knocked the bandit unconscious and Teleported to the summit of the mountain.

Li Taixing's Teleportation allowed him to bypass spatial barriers. He first entered the bandits' treasury, swiftly collecting all the valuable materials into his dimensional space bag.

Ignoring the series of system notifications that followed, he was aware that he had acquired a significant haul.

After clearing out the treasury, Li Taixing made his way to the villagers' holding area—a dark cave filled with the stench of neglect. The villagers, including those from other nearby villages, were crammed together and only let out to work.

As he approached, the overwhelming odor made him grimace. "Ugh, that's disgusting."

Confirming that the villagers were imprisoned, Li Taixing understood he needed to eliminate the bandits before he could free them.

Checking his earlier findings, he noticed numerous gunpowder barrels and his eyes lit up.

"Good, I can use these."

With a wicked grin, he set a plan in motion to blow up the entire Dulong Village. He Teleported around, strategically placing the explosive barrels.