
Limitless: 10 Billion Times Power at the Start

Have you ever wonder: what could be achieved with a multiplier of tens of billions? [Ding!] You obtain various currencies, and with a multiplier of ten billion, your wealth increases 10 billion-fold. [Ding!] You acquire new techniques, and with a multiplier of ten billion, your technique evolves into a more powerful version. [Ding!] You collect various pets, and with a multiplier of ten billion, your pets multiply by 10 billion. [Ding!] You are attacked, but with your defense fully maxed out in your current realm, all attacks at the same level are completely ignored. [Ding!] You practice diligently, and with a ten billion-fold increase, your cultivation instantly reaches the highest level of your current realm. ... As Li Taixing continued his journey of cultivating immortality, he realized that the multiplier of ten billion didn't just apply to objects—it applied to himself and his pets as well. Slowly, he discovered that anything could be multiplied, from as little as one time to as much as ten billion times, all under his control.

Eternaldevourer · Urban
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37 Chs

Chapter 31 The Situation In The Village

The village head informed Li Taixing about the situation in Dulong Village.

Having been robbed multiple times, the villagers had some understanding of Dulong Village, especially the village head, who had even ventured there once to negotiate for the release of hostages.

After listening to the village head, Li Taixing was deeply moved. Dulong village had grown from a few dozen to more than 200 people, thanks to the contributions of the surrounding villages. These villages had been repeatedly plundered, each time fattening Dulong village, until the robbers became too strong to handle, and the villages nearly brought themselves to ruin.

"Over 200 people... I've killed more than 20 so far, so there are at least around 180 left," Li Taixing thought, a headache brewing at the sheer number of bandits still to deal with.

Yet, despite this, he resolved to face Dulongzhai himself. After all, this was his mission from the sect.

"Mr. Qian, are you really planning to go up there alone?" the village head asked, curious.

"Yes." Li Taixing nodded, "Why? Is there a problem?"

"No, not at all! With your abilities, especially your skill at detecting flying objects, I'm sure you could wipe out those villains. Besides, you're a cultivator of immortality," the village head reassured him.

"I..." Li Taixing was about to respond when suddenly, a surprised voice interrupted from behind.

"Young Master Li!"

He turned to see Tang Caidie and Gouzi approaching, both visibly relieved and happy. They had been waiting outside the village, but worried about the villagers, Tang Caidie had snuck back with Gouzi. Upon discovering the villagers unharmed and the bandits slain, they rushed over.

"Brother Gouzi, I told you, big brother is amazing! Look, everyone's safe now!" Tang Caidie said excitedly.

"Mm," Gouzi nodded.

The villagers, recognizing Tang Caidie and Gouzi, greeted them warmly. Gouzi had been working outside the village and returned only to find it under attack. He had tried to get help but was caught. Without Li Taixing's intervention, Gouzi would have been killed.

"Thank you, Mr. Li, for saving my life," Gouzi said gratefully as soon as he saw Li Taixing.

"Mr. Li?" The village head looked puzzled. "Isn't this Mr. Qian?"

Li Taixing chuckled awkwardly, "Village head, I only used that name to deceive the bandits. I didn't expect you to believe it."

The village head, realizing he had been fooled as well, blushed with embarrassment. "Well, Mr. Li, regardless of the name, thank you for your help," he said awkwardly.

"Big Brother, can you save my father?" Tang Caidie, encouraged by Li Taixing's strength, asked him eagerly.

"Don't worry. My master entrusted me with this task, and I intend to fulfill it. But I don't know the way—could someone guide me?"

"I'll go!" Gouzi immediately volunteered. He was known as the most resourceful and active in the village, and by some stroke of luck, he had escaped capture by the bandits several times. Moreover, he knew the terrain around Dulong Village well.

Seeing his enthusiasm, Li Taixing smiled, "Alright, with your help, I'm sure we'll succeed."

"Don't worry, Mr. Li, I'll lead you up the mountain," Gouzi assured confidently.

"Good. Mr. Li should be fine with Gouzi leading the way," the village head said approvingly. "But please, be careful. If things get too dangerous, don't act recklessly."

"Of course, village head. I'll run if things go sideways," Li Taixing thought, hiding a slight grin.

At this moment, Tang Caidie stood up and said, "Mr. Li, I want to go too!"

Li Taixing rolled his eyes. 'Are you going to help or just be a burden?' he thought to himself.

"Nonsense!" the village head scolded. "Tang caidie, not only will you be unable to help, but you'll also distract Mr. Li. How will he be able to save your father if he's worrying about you?"

Tang Caidie blushed, realizing the truth in his words, and lowered her head in disappointment.

Li Taixing, noticing her sadness, comforted her, "Don't worry, it'll be fine. I'll definitely save your father."

"Okay, Mr. Li, please be careful," Tang Caidie said, her voice filled with concern.

"I will."

Turning to Gouzi, Li Taixing asked, "You know the way, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Li! I even led the village head up there before," Gouzi said, thumping his chest in confidence.

"Really?" Li Taixing raised an eyebrow in surprise.

The village head quickly explained, "That's right, Mr. Li. Gouzi is our best scout. He's the one who gathered most of our information about Dulongzhai. The kid's clever."

Li Taixing nodded, impressed. "I didn't expect you to be so capable."

"Hey, I can't do heavy farm work, so I prefer tasks like this," Gouzi said with a grin.

"I see."

Li Taixing looked at Gouzi—about twenty years old, thin and short, but with bright, sharp eyes full of intelligence.

"Alright." Li Taixing smiled. Gouzi was indeed a smart young man.

He then glanced around at the villagers and noticed several teenage boys among them. Although few in number, they could prove useful.

After thinking for a moment, Li Taixing said, "Once we leave, I suggest everyone hide well to avoid any accidents."

"Also, you can use the weapons and horses left by the bandits. From what I've seen, most of them weren't very skilled—just thugs with weapons who acted tough."

"Form a militia with those sabers and horses, so you can defend your village in the future."

The village head nodded thoughtfully, "You're right. Why didn't I notice that sooner?"

"Thank you, Mr. Li. We'll definitely form a guard to protect the village."

"Good. Let's head out then," Li Taixing said, bidding farewell to the villagers.

"Mr. Li, be careful on the road!" Tang Caidie called out, waving worriedly.

"I will."

As Li Taixing and Gouzi set off, the village head quickly gathered everyone, instructing them to hide in case more bandits showed up.

Meanwhile, the villagers collected the bodies of the bandits, their horses, and weapons, as the village head began planning to form their first guard team.