

Since the beginning of time, all beings were born with limits, be it physically spiritually or psychologically, all living things have had limits. The universe has a limit it cannot cross, the void has a limit it cannot exceed, light has a limit to its speed, reality has a limit, Space and time have limits. Even the creators of the universe understood this very important principle and acted accordingly. However in a world filled with divine beings who exist to uphold the natural law, what will happen to a young half god with the ability to continually transcend his own limits.

David_555 · Tranh châm biếm
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17 Chs



Few weeks later...

The city of Argos was bustling with activity, especially in the market place. Despite being the most prosperous empire currently, it was also well known for its trading activities.

Within the market place today, a young man, with dark spiky hair, built like a warrior, stood like a pillar on one of the pathways, accompanying a middle aged woman and her son.

He was dressed in a blue sleeveless top and blue pants along with a red rope that fastened his pants to his waist.

His handsome face was bored and exhausted, going back and forth with Electra and her son, Heron, as they bought themselves foodstuffs. Over the few weeks of staying with them, he had grown attached to the mother and son duo, and was unusually close to Heron.

Astylos could sense the divinty hidden deep within that youth's tall and lanky body, however since his mother had never spoken to him about it, he kept it to himself.

"Astylos, can you help out? Too heavy...."

Struggling to carry a basket of fruits onto his head, Heron called out, while Astylos simply walked to him and carried it with a single hand.

"You didnt need to show off..." Heron glared at him in jealousy while Astylos shook his head with a smile.

"Today, if you are able to beat me during training, I'll teach you a move..."

Astylos whispered to him, while Heron cheered with a smile, not wanting his mother to detect what was going on, and he nodded with determination.


After getting whatever they needed to do, and upon reaching their home, Astylos quickly headed towards his room, wanting to take a nap, but was quickly stopped by Heron.

"What?" He asked in confusion and peered at the electric blue eyes of the expectant youth.

"You said you'll teach me a move during training. Let's go train right now." Heron spoke with a smile, anticipating the next training lesson. It wasn't that he was a battle maniac, rather, Astylos was just a very good teacher and although training with him was tough, at the very least it was worth it.

"What are you boys up to?" Right as Astylos was about to answer, Electra saw them and raised a brow while Heron shook his head awkwardly and walked away, not before signaling to him.

"Nothing much. I'm just going to train a little. I'll come back when lunch is ready.."

Astylos said with a polite smile and walked out, as Electra sighed.

Walking out, he saw Heron swinging his sword ferociously which brought a small smile to his face. He reminded him of himself back then. Passionate about combat and everything, wanting to be the strongest, and the best at it.

After all that had happened, he had lost his edge, his motive and his drive. He had given up on his goals. After all, what was the benefit of becoming overwhelmingly strong when you were alone with no place to call a home, no one to call a family.

Didn't he want revenge? Was he just going to allow the murderers to go scot free after killing more than ten thousand souls in one night, including his own family? The revenge wasn't going to bring his family back even if he was able to kill those bastards, rather it would rather bring back the memories, memories he had chosen to leave behind. Right now, even life didn't feel as good and as wonderful as it did before.

"You're swinging it wrong..." He walked to the boy and corrected his posture.

"Your posture is critical to eruption of explosive power. A wrong posture means you will not be able to use all of your power."

Astylos spoke and placed one hand at his back, before extending out his other hand and gesturing with his fingers.

"Here I come..." Heron smiled and Astylos rolled his eyes.

Exploding forth with immense speeds, Heron reached Astylos immediately and thrust his sword, reaching for his chest.

Simply waving his palm, Astylos deflected the sword, before slamming his palm into the youths chest, hurling him back while he reeled in pain.

"I know I ask this question all the time, but how are you so strong?! It's logically impossible..."

Heron staggered to his feet aided by his sword and glared at Astylos in annoyance.

He was so strong to the point where now it felt annoying to the young boy.

"I'm not strong...I'm far from that.." Astylos moved with blinding speed and appeared before him, before using his fingers to poke multiple parts of the youths body, rendering him almost immobile at once.

A/N: Sorry for the late update😅