
Chapter 23: Scenes from a Cake Shop Part II

Ade ran around, trying to do a million things at once. This was not his normal way of running things. Usually, he had one camera and no time or money, so he just had to get everything in focus and call it a day.

But, on this show, he had up to five camera operators going at once and, while he had way more money, he still had no time.

Getting all the necessary coverage felt like a logic puzzle he was unprepared to solve. There were methods, surely, but he didn't know them.

Grayson had approached Ade, reasoning that it might be easier if Casey worked with a director she trusted. Ade knew full well Casey didn't trust him as far as she could shot-put him. But Grayson didn't know that, and the opportunity was too juicy to turn down.

To be fair, Grayson did ask if Ade had any experience in TV production. So Ade lied his ass off. The most he'd ever worked with TV was back in high school when he used to hock big-screen CRTs at the local Circuit City.