
Chapter 24: The Tail

Casey came out of the shower. She kept tilting her head and hopping up and down.

Kimiko was parked in front of the TV, eating a Pop-Tart. She looked over. "What are you doing?"

"Feel like my ear is plugged up. Maybe some frosting got in there? It's driving me crazy!" Casey flopped onto the couch next to Kimiko. "How is it, even when I'm not making a horror movie, I still find myself having to come home and wash a whole lotta goo and food coloring off me?"

"It made for some pretty good TV," Kimiko said.

"That's what Tremaine said."

"He's right. It's one of those clips, when it airs, it's gonna trend up and down social media."

"Great. Me feeling like an idiot, captured for posterity," Casey said as she grabbed the second Pop-Tart.

"Poor Bryce looked like she wanted to crawl under the floor."

"Yeah. I assumed Miranda or Ade told her to flip the table."

"Same here." Kimiko nudged Casey. "Speaking of your deesy-beezy, are you two planning a secret rendezvous?"