
8-I-ISLAND (3)

Today is the last day for us on I-ISLAND. Dad didn't have to do anything today. So he planned to spend all day with us.

"Good morning Aska, go brush your teeth" - mom walked into my room

*yawn* "Good morning mom"- Aska said as he walked to the bathroom half sleepy.

After I brushed my teeth. We headed downstairs to get breakfast. After breakfast dad wanted to visit the showrooms of other companies. I went along because I wanted to see if there were any other cool equipment. And to put it simply, there were a ton of different gadgets. from vehicles to simple ropes. Anything a hero could possibly need was available. There were equipment for people with all kinds of quirks. Mom also seemed to be excited about the new technology, almost as much as dad.

'It's really impressive. All of these are actually helpful in one way or another' -Aska thought as he looked at some of the equipment around

After walking around a bunch of showrooms and even tried some of their inventions, it was already 3 pm. we decided to go get lunch.

"What do you want to eat Aska?" -mom

"I want to eat pizza" -dad

"I asked Aska not you!" -mom

"Aska my dear son, could you please tell your mother, that we want to eat pizza" -dad

"Aska, don't listen to that him. Pick anything you want" -mom

Before I could answer, dad already had some snarky answer ready, and I couldn't stop the two from having their usual arguments. It's actually heartwarming how the two are so open to each other like that.

I decided not to stop them, but I subtilty changed my walking direction while they were arguing, and they just followed me.

By the time they were done, we were at a plaza that had different stores, that offer different types of food.

"Dad, you can get pizza if you want. See, there is a pizza place over there." -Aska said then pointed at a store.

"Alright, I'll get pizza, do either of you want pizza?" Asked dad as he was ready to head to the pizza place.

"let's see... oh there is a ramen shop over there, I think I'll get ramen. What about you Aska?" -mom

"Not sure yet. I want chicken, but not sure how I want it... oh, I think I'll get some fried chicken" -Aska

"Alright, lets go get our food, and then meet up in this area with the tables" -dad pointed at an area in the middle of the plaza with tables and chairs for people to sit and eat their food.

After that we split, I went with mom. There was a Korean food place near the ramen shop, so I got my fried chicken from there.

After we got the food we sat together and enjoyed our meal, that was until mom took one of dad's pizza slices.

Well after some snarky comments back and forth, she gave him some of her ramen and it was all settled.

"Alright Aska, it's your turn to pick what to do" -mom

"Why don't you pick, mom?" -Aska

"huh? Well I already had fun in the showrooms this morning, so you pick" - mom

"I tried all of the courses yesterday, so I'm not sure what to do" -Aska

"what do you mean you tried all of them? The ones you tried were focused on attacking aspects and people with attacking quirks, there are more courses with different aspects like accuracy, or maneuvering, and more" - mom

"Really?!" -Aska

"yeah. Do you want to go there?" -mom

Aska remembered the feeling he had yesterday with lightning around his body, running at a speed he could never dream of in his previous life.

"Yes, let's go there" -Aska

We started walking towards the courses mom mentioned before.

when we got there there were a bunch of other kids trying to go through the courses. We were walking along the path with all the courses.

There was even a puzzle, some kids tried to solve the puzzle together, but it looked like they struggled to solve it, even after working together.

Aska looked at them once, and didn't bother with them anymore.

"I take it, you think you know how to solve it" -dad said after he saw the look on my face.

"Of course I do" -Aska

"Really? Tell me then" -dad

Say what you will about my dad, but one thing everyone aggress on, he is a genius.

After hearing his dad's question, Aska, looked at the puzzle again.

It was a hollow cube. It was opened from all sides, it only had the frame. It was about four feet, by four feet. There were 10 wood pieces, numbered from 1 to 10, that had to be put inside the cube in a certain way to fill up the cube entirely.

It was technically a 3D Tetris game. The only issue is. the pieces are cut in a way that it looks like it would fit together in any combination, but there was only one, maybe two combination that would actually work.

Aska was able to work it all together in his head and then said, "piece number 9 is supposed to be bottom front right corner, number 3 in the left back corner...…and lastly, number 4 will be in the center of everything without touching any of the corners" -Aska

"that's close, but not quite right. Number 4 and number 7 look quite similar, the only difference is, 4 is a perfect square, 7 has one of the sides a little wider than the rest" - dad

"Yeah I know, that's why number 7 won't work as the center piece" -Aska

"You're not considering the other pieces around piece 4" -???

"Of course I am! Piece 7 works perfect in the top right corner because the other pieces around it make a perfect fit, if we switch their places, then piece 8 won't fit with piece 4" -Aska

After going back and forth with this mysteries person who butted into our conversation for some more time, I finally take my eyes off the puzzle and looked at who it was.

'Wait! she looks familiar!' -Aska thought, but kept a cool face

"So are you finally convinced?" -???

"Of course not. I know I got the right solution" -Aska

"let's go down there and solve it then" -???

"Fine. I'll show you that you're wrong, and I got the right answer" -Aska

After that we went towards the puzzle. and we started to work on solving the puzzle.

she solved the puzzle her way first, which was correct. So I tried mine as well, and it was also correct?

"Congratulations you two! you found the two ways to solve the puzzle!" shouted the conductor with joy.

After we looked at each other, she had this half approving look on her face, so I returned the same gesture.

"Nice to meet you my name is Aska Minamoto"

"You're not half bad Aska. My name is Saiko Intelli"

'That's why she looked familiar!' -Aska remembered her. She was one of the few side characters he remembered from the show for one reason. In his previous life he thought that if he could get one quirk from MHA to his world, he would go for hers. Think about it, having a quirk that would give superintelligence in a world full technology would be better than any other quirk. Besides he would be the only one with a quirk, so he wouldn't have to worry about villains.

'Maybe I thought that because I had exams coming up when I first saw her in the show?' -Aska thought to himself

"Well, anyway it was nice talking with someone our age who is actually smart enough to hold a conversion without throwing a tantrum" she said as she walked away.

"Sure thing" is all Aska said.

After she left I started to look around me to see where mom and dad are. I was so focused on the puzzle I forgot to keep track of them.

Thankfully, they were just standing at the sideline watching me and the other kids solve the puzzle.

I walked towards them

"So how was it?" -dad

"It was easy" -Aska shrugged

After dad and I talked for a bit, we decided to continue walking. While walking mom saw a place that sold Ice cream and she bought us some.

We continued walking until we saw another area with courses.

There was one where a boy with, what I can only describe as telekinesis, was moving objects with different shapes and trying to fit them in a slot in a wall, each slot was shaped to match one of the pieces.

He kept trying till he was sweating, it took him some time, but he did it. After that boy, another one stepped up to do the same task.

The second boy had red hair. He stretched out his hands and purple sparks came out and then the shapes started to move.

'that boy is using magnetic force. Interesting.' - Aska stopped walking and then kept watching the boy.

'It feels like he is using lightning, but almost like a different wavelength'

Aska then sat down on the sidelines at the closest point to the boy, and he focused his observation haki solely at the boy. Aska observed everything, from his muscle movements, to breathing pattern, and even his body stance.

After observing for some time, Aska sat down cross-legged, and started to meditate.

Seeing Aska do that, both his parents were confused

"what are you doing?" -dad

"Aska, is everything ok?" -mom sounded a little worried.

"I'm ok" - is all Aska said before tuning everything out.

'If I go off of the wavelength of his magnetic force, I think I can match it'

Aska kept sending out a slight electromagnetic waves, coupled with his observation haki, that he kept focused on the boy and the wavelength coming from him.

It took the boy an additional 11 minutes to finish the course, the whole time Aska was meditating, and trying to match his wavelength with the boy's. When the boy was done, and stopped using his quirk. Aska opened his eyes, and there were purple sparks around his fingertips.


Hello everyone, I hope you like the chapters so far.

Thank you to everyone who recommended costumes for the MC (especially JOKER_JAY)

Also, how do you all feel about Saiko Intelli? I thought maybe they will run into each other during the license exam and have a rematch of wits. Who knows.

Feel free to leave any suggestions