
Clerics of the Beastial Truth.

From what Kurayami could see, the Fortress Monastery that Oliver set up floated above the open sea that used to have Texas. In his and Satanael's battle all of Texas, some of Mexico, and surrounding states were wiped out so Satanael took over that area.

He, Ophis, Rebellion, Kuromi, Xargomoth, and Shin appeared above the floating Fortress and saw armed guards all over. Kurayami took one glance at the sea and saw that it was full of many interesting sights.

A giant pack of different types of Sharks was circling under the fortress, and when they felt Kurayami many of them held their heads out of the water. Nyro retreated and left his right arm bare. He removed his engagement rings and let them float in front of him.

"I know you are going to get mad at me, but I got to."

Kurayami grabbed his right arm and ripped it off from the shoulder down.




Kuromi, Ophis, and Rebellion rushed to his side as they thought to stop the bleeding, but noticed no blood left his wound. His arm grew in less than a second so he wore his engagement rings again.

Ophis was not happy.

"YOU IDIOT! Why did you do that?"

"Dad, that was purely reckless."

Kurayami turned his arm liquid and let it fall into the sea. The moment the glowing purple liquid fell into the sea, things changed real quick. The water was tainted purple for hundreds of miles and the sharks began to grow and feed on the energy in the water. The biggest ones circled around where the liquid fell while the smaller ones were further out.

Most of the sharks dived down into the sea to feed on the pure energy while a few lowered their heads to him in thanks. Kuromi saw his Nyro cover his new arm again without a reaction.

Ophis crossed her arms as she watched the now purple sea. The magic in the air began to increase at a rapid rate, but that was just a small part of what Kurayami had planned. He was going to do it just before he left for Hell and finished his trip.

"Kurayami, explain why you just went mental and ripped off your own arm. I mean I know why you did it, but still. There were better ways to increase the power of this place."

Kurayami smiled as he was panning to rip off another, but he was sure they would not let him.

"I told you that you would be mad. I felt it would be a good idea and I now know that it was. If this place is to be my church it must reach a certain standard. Giving up an arm for that seemed perfectly fine."

Kuromi shook her head as her armor uncovered her right arm.

"You know what, good point."

She reached up and grabbed her arm. Ophis sighed as she thought she was the only normal Dragon God. Kurayami reached up and stopped her from ripping her arm off.

"Maybe don't do that.

Kuromi smiled.

"I will if you don't tell me the real reason you ripped off your arm."

Kuraaymi rolled his eyes behind his sunglasses as he said the real reason he did it.

"I like sharks and I wanted to help them."

Ophis facepalmed at his words.

"That is just like you Kurayami. This area of the sea will be forever tainted with your aura you know? Those sharks are going to evolve and become hegemons as they got an early head start. And the especially that big one."

She meant the giant female Great White that had already taken control of the exact place where the liquid fell into the sea. Kuraayami floated down into the sea and he was soon surrounded by thousands of sharks. He noticed Bull Sharks, Threshers, Nurse Sharks, Hammerhead, Sharks Oceanic Whitetips, Blacktips, Sandbar Sharks, Shortfin Mako Sharls, Black nose, and fine-tooth sharks.

More importantly, he noticed a few Tiger Sharks and Great White Sharks. They were not common in this part of the sea, but it might be a result of Oliver who radiated his aura. Many curious sharks approached Kurayami and limited themselves to gently nudging him.

He reached out and ran his hand down the side of the biggest Great White Shark who looked at him with interest. From behind a giant Great HammerHead lifted him out of the sea. He rose out of the sea when he had his fun and noticed his group was waiting for him.

He was happy that the sharks found someplace safe. Well, the humans were doing their best to not approach this place.

"I am glad they are doing well. I want to ask if Oliver is feeding them or something."

Rebellion saw how the water evaporated and left him dry. She reached up and ran her hand down his hand.

"Master, please think of yourself more before you do something like that. You may not feel pain, but I did. Watching you harm yourself feels bad."

Submission had to agree.

"My sister is right. I did not like to see that and I hope you do not do that again."

"I will try to not do that."

Kuromi now had a question as she saw the swarm of sharks.

"I thought you would have taken the Great White for yourself."

Kurayami shook his head as he had a reason for that.

"She belongs here with her kind. She is the queen of this place and I am not taking that from her. Come on, they know we are here."

They flew into the church where Oliver was in the middle of a giant sermon. However, that ended when he saw Kurayami. Especially now that the mana was rising to untold levels. He even began a new quick sermon.


Cheers sounded praising Kurayami, but Oliver stopped his sermon to kneel in front of Kurayami.

"It is an honor to be in your presence."

He took the knee in front of Kurayami while the rest of the worshipers did the same. Kurayami could feel that none of the ones present at the church were weaklings. They all felt strong and they numbered in the thousands as the fortress was that large.

"Oliver. I see you have been doing some good work here. Have you been keeping the sharks fed?"

Oliver nodded.

"Of course, they are too many to count, but we do try to keep them as happy as possible. They also go out to forage for food, but we do throw in as many cows as we can get. They are just one of the many creatures I roped to my cause."

Kurayami noticed a Lesser Dragons have perched around as guards. Despite wanting to greet Kurayami he stayed where he was.

"You really have. How much power can you access? I can feel you are in the Super Class.

"My lord, just the smallest bit of your power has brought me to the Super Class and growing. The stronger you grow the greater the power I can access. I know this is not enough, so I am not content wiht what I have."

Ophis knew that being a Cleric had its perks as you gained the power of an already strong being. Especially a Dragon God like Kurayami, but it had its cons. The power they accessed was limited by faith and it was not really their power.

At any moment it could be taken away so the harem of Kurayami had far more potential than Oliver. They were all already walking on their own unique paths to power. Kurayami wanted to see what limits Cleric had he was going to recommend his followers to try to do the same.

Submission analyzed all of the followers to see what races she could see. She felt humans, Fallen Angels, Devils, even Oni, Yokai, and different monsters. Even new world creatures were here as there were many demi-humans from the New World. These creatures were truly varied and similar to Kuroka, they all could feel their restrictions to grow stronger being lifted.

When Kurayami blessed this area, they all felt their power rushing through their bottle necks. Even if one was not a yokai or demi-human, the increase in magic alone was going to make them grow stronger much faster.

When he saw those Demi-Humans he was curious.

"I see you have been to the New World and recruited many demi-humans and monsters. I am glad."

Oliver nodded.

"Of course, I personally went over to the Abelion Hills and personally spread your teachings. All of the tribes submitted willingly and came here to the Church of the Bestial Truth. The aura I radiate speeds up their growth and allows them to grow beyond their old limits. I have one that you might be interested in. Vijar, come greet the lord."

(Image here.)

From the crowd emerged a giant demi-human that looked like a black panther. On his back was a giant battle-ax, and he stood double the height of Kurayami. He took the knee and lowered his head to the ground without shame in front of Kurayami.

"My lord, I am known as Vijar Rajandala. I am of the Zoastia race and I aim to serve."

"Hand me your ax."

Vijar did not hesitate and handed him his ax. Kurayami forced a drop of his blood to fuse into the ax bringing it up a level. He handed the ax back to Vijar who felt that Kurayami was a true god.

Kurayami placed his hand on Vijar's shoulder as he knew that this guy had potential in his bloodline. He wanted to turn this guy into one of his Abyss Dogs as he knew Demi humans and yokai were the best possible for his followers.

"Are you interested in becoming one of my executioners? Your job would be to kill those who wrong me or the Church."

Vijar held hi ax forward.

"Anything you wish of me and it shall be done. My ax is in your service."

Kuromi wanted nothing more than to touch his fur as it looked so fluffy. Kurayami was glad he came here.

"You will come with me when we leave. Oliver, you have done me a great service. With what I did to the sea, this place should be a paradise. Take more in and train them well. Does Grigori come here?"

Oliver nodded.

"Yes, they do. They send some trainers here to allow us to train under their tutelage. After all, we believe in the rule of the strong. We would shame you if we stayed weak and did not train daily. Everyone here is expected to train for hours and grow beyond their weakness."

Ophis was curious about something.

"So who are the ones who are allowed here? What is the criteria to say the least."

Oliver had one answer.

"Faith and strength. We believe that the world belongs to the strong and one should strive to banish weakness from oneself. I have been the only one to become your Cleric, their faith is weak and I am ashamed of them."

He bowed which made Kurayami pat him on the shoulder.

"Don't be. Who are the ones you consider worthy?"

Oliver snapped his fingers and 20 people all kneeled at the sight of Kuraaymi. They dressed in metal armor that was adorned with fur and parts of monsters. They were a mixed group of beings as they had Demi-Humans, Yokai, Devil, Fallen, humans, and even an Oni.

The Beastial Truth was not against killing animals and monsters. They believed one should honor the creature by using all of it. Making armor or weapons is a must.

"They are my most devoured disciples. As I am in the Super Class, I constantly use my magic to increase the identity of this place. That has allowed them to grow quickly, but the magic is increasing rapidly because of your blessing. What did you do my lord?"

Ophis's words made Oliver and even some of the more devout cry.

"Kurayami ripped his arm off and used it to bless the sea under the church. This aura is only going to keep growing. You are lucky."

Oliver wiped his tears as he started again.


That seemed to have increased the faith of the people around. Kurayami looked at the 20 disciples of Oliver and made them his clerics. They began to feel the power flow through their bodies as they too began to radiate Kurayami's blessing.

They were weaker than Oliver, but they were still impressive.

"Oliver, continue your work. I have more work to do before the day is done."

Oliver nodded.

"May your strength rise to even greater heights. We, your followers will train and grow to be worthy of your blessing."

Kurayami and his group teleported away to Paris. He had a creature to pick up and then he had to go to California to get Ladon. He also needs to go to Ireland to recruit someone. He checked his mental list of things he needed to get done and saw he was going to be busy.