
What Hell Really Is?

(Hell in my story is pretty much Doom Hell, but maybe worse. I found a really good way to tie it into my story and my Dark Souls FF. Things are coming together nicely.)

Kurayami, Ophis, Shin, Rebellion, Submission, Kuromi, and Azazel all went toward Azazel's lab where the top-secret research took place. That was something Kuromi did not know about as this was something unique to true Kurayami.

In her timeline, the best feat was that Kurayami was going to Hell. He did not fight Satanael or Atlas as he did not contain the true soul of Kurayami. She was learning far more about the true Kurayami who was far superior than what she expected.

"Azazel, anything special happened while I was gone?"

Azazel stopped smiling as he rubbed the back of his head.

"You are damn right something happened. Your prophet, Oliver created a church in your name called the Beastial Truth. Humans and even supernatural beings are all flocking to worship you. as that mad Devil preaches in your name. They are following your values of the strong should rule. What happened to peace?"

Kurayami was proud of Oliver.

"Just as he should. The strong should rule and I will soon remake Earth in the way I want. As soon as this party is finished I will begin my plans."

Kuromi started to clap as she was truly impressed with her dad. Azazel sighed, but he did not try to stop it.

"You are not going to stop no matter what anyone tells you right?"

Submission glanced at her creator to answer.

"You know the master better than anyone. Once he sets his mind on something nothing will stop him from achieving it. It's just expected that things will go the way the master has planned."

Azazel sighed.

"Well, I have given him the support of Grigori. He is fanatical in your worship and he is amassing a large following. One of the traits is that your true believers can talk to animals and monsters. Oliver has a mutating aura similar to yours. Just what did you do?"

Kurayami did not do anything.

"He is a Cleric so he is gaining the power that he is had earned. Now that I am being worshiped I can actually feel tiny gains in my strength. No wonder gods spread their religions."

When they reached the lab/office Kurayami saw a giant open portal.

"The portal to the New World. What has gone on in this time frame?"

Azazel had a lot to explain.

"While you were gone, we began the takeover as we finished quicker than we thought. Ainz actually got stronger than before as he has been learning our world's Necromancy as he added it to his own. However, he has been asking about Shalltear and comes over often to check on her. What happened to her? Her aura was off the charts."

Kuromi pointed at his neck and asked a question.

"What happens when a Vampire drinks a lot of powerful blood?"

Azazel's face went blank as he knew what happened.

"Did she become a Vampire Dragon or something?"

Ophis snapped her fingers in agreement.

"You are right Azazel. She went through a Sublimation and became far stronger than before. She even became a unique race as she did not just absorb his bloodline, she used the raw energy in his blood to evolve beyond a vampire."

Kurayami picked up some papers as he read them over. All the reports over what happen in the last 2 months.

"So Baharuth has successfully taken over the kingdom. Ainz used a powerful spell called Iä Shub-Niggurath, to kill 70,000 people in one go. He also used the ensuing Dark Youngs to kill another 110,000. Awesome, wish I was there to see it. How strong were they?"

Azazel who saw it thought about it.

"They were decent. They were in the late stages of the Ultimate Class, so not very strong for what he supposedly summoned. Besides that, they were an interesting beast that vanished after a set amount of time. Ainz assumed the throne as the Sorcer King and made his kingdom open to all."

'Mother, did he really summon the children of Shub-Niggurath? If he did, that means that he has access to one of Nyarlathotep's relatives.'

'He did, but you don't need to worry. Those Dark Young were merely the avatars of the real Dark Young. I would know as she and her young are in my collection.'

Hearing that shook him to the core.


'She looked like a cool goat so I captured her. You do not have to worry about him contacting her as she can do nothing again you.'

Kurayami stopped asking her questions as he had enough on his plate.

"So Ainz's new kingdom is open to all is it?"

Azazel nodded.

"They are pretty fair. You won't be killed for just being a human as he is trying to be a good king. Demiurge and Albedo are his direct advisors. He even took in the dwarves who have a unique form of forging called Rune Craft. I took a few of them as my personal disciples. to learn from it.

As for the other forces, Hades sent his army of Reapers under the leadership of Pluto to conquer some of the elf kingdoms. Sirzechs and Ajuka have done the same, but they are more lenient compared to Hades. We of Grigori have the Empire as our direct vassal which gives up a lot of power in the New World."

Kurayami thought about it.

"What about the Theocrasy. I did take Zesshi and their Black Scripture. What did you do with those guys?"

Azazel walked over and flicked a lever. The wall opened up to show them in display cases.

"I froze them in time to keep them alive. I have researched them extensively and I even isolated their ancestor genes. I still haven't decided what to do with them as they are very religious. Converting them will be hard."

Kuromi had an idea.

"If you want to convert religious nuts, why not turn them into religious nuts for yourself dad. Give them to your mad prophet who seems to be able to convert anyone."

Kurayami thought that was not a bad idea.

"Great idea. Oliver is my Prophet and Cleric so he is plenty strong himself. His power comes directly from me so just send them over. They will convert or die."

Azazel flicked the switch to hide them again.

"I will do that. Now, for what happened to the Theocrasy. We at Grigori took it over with force. Hades destroyed the Elf Kingdom and gave us the defeated Elf King. He was a serial rapist so we have been torturing him since then for fun. Even some Fallen Angels who are gay took turns with him. Horrifying to watch."

Hearing that made Kurayami smile.

"Well done, my Zesshi will love to tear that prick apart herself. She hates her father as she was born after he raped her mother. Pretty sad what happened, but good on you for keeping him alive. Now she can kill him herself."

Azazel felt glad that he left him alive.

"Alright then, now that we have told you everything that we have done while you were gone, can you tell me what you did?"

Kurayami sat down as he read all the reports in a second.

"I took them all to a separate dimension extremely close to the Dimeesniaonl Gap. That environment is perfect for training and I will probably use it for my troops as they need a boost. While it was 2 months out here, it was 6 for us. We plan to train for another 6 and then we will leave into Hell for a couple of years. 2 will not cut it so we may be stuck there for years so who knows."

Azazel felt shocked when he heard that.

"Kurayami, you and your wives are the strongest force of Grigori and the reason for our current status. If you leave for that long we will be destroyed."

Xargomoth who was on Kurayami's shoulder glanced at Azazel and spoke into his mind.

'You need not worry. Time and Space have no hold over Hell. Hell is a living entity that spreads across realities and multiverses like a virus. Hell was supposedly the First Dimension after the Primordials were born including-'

Kurayami glanced at Xargomoth before nodding for the demon to continue. He knew about his mother as she herself told him but hearing it from an inhabitant of Hell was interesting.

'As I was saying, including Death herself. The first being to be born and the one that set the rule of death. She also happens to be the master's mother.'

Azazel knew he was not talking about Shuri which made so many things click in his head.

"If your mother is Death, what is Shuri?"

"My biological mom. I will explain it later, but my soul was made from a fragment of my mother's. It is why I grow without limit as my potential, is as boundless as my mother's. Continue Xargomoth."

'Just as the master said, Hell was one of the first Dimension as a result of the death of some Primordials. Or so the legends go. Hell forever expands taking in more worlds, and realities and is supposedly connected to all of them in existence.'

From behind Kurayami the arms of his mother emerged and grabbed him in a tight hug.

"Well, why go by myths when I can explain myself."

Azazel gulped in terror as every cell in his body screamed at the sight of the young woman behind Kurayami. She did not look like a child as she took her adult form. Which was a tall woman about as tall as Kuromi.

Kurayami always felt at peace when she hugged him.


Death glanced at Azazel who was terrified. As for Ophis who met her already gave a polite bow.

"Mother-in-law. Good to see you."

Death smiled at her. When she saw Kuromi she knew where she came from causing her to frown.

"Hello, Ophis. I see that my sister's creations want me to punish it for trying to copy my son."

Kuromi felt terror at the sight of her making Kuraymi try to get his mother to leave his daughter alone.

"I plan to kick its ass for copying me as well. I thought I was unique, but from what my daughter told me I was supposed to be."

Death confirmed that.

"Of course you are. You are my son and there is no other Death. Your soul cannot be copied and no matter how much this multiverse tries it will fail. You guessed existence was doing it, but no. Just this multiverse that is trying to make you not unique.

Now, Hell. To start with, let's start with me. I'm the first being to ever be born. I came to be from the original Abyss and so did the law of death. I stayed alone for quite a while and I was content, but it seemed once I came to be more had to be made.

Rather annoying let me tell you. The Primordials, are so powerful they can create or destroy multiverses, realms, and realities by willing it. That is where existence itself came from and some like my brother Davoth tried to break the law of death.

He personally created a multiverse and several realms as was within the right of us Primordials. Of course, he created many beings and worlds, but the first was Jekkad. The people who lived in it were mortal, but while they could live for ages, they could still die.

As long as I exist, nothing is truly immortal. Everything can die including primordials. I did kill a lot of them myself after all. My brother, Davoth sought a way to make his people immortal, which he came close to. he set the. One of his creations the Makyr were set to find the way to immortality.

They found it, but that would have killed all life in the existence that Davoth created. They rebelled and in his rage, Jekkad was turned into Hell which I kind of mess with. The current Dark Lord, Lucifer is nothing more than a placeholder as it changes.

Every age is set by a new Dark Lord. That is how Hell came to be. One of the current Princes of Hell, Satan is my servant as I am just waiting for Davoth to come back. He was funny to watch try to defy me."

Azazel fell to his knees as he was far too shocked.

"Then who made this multiverse?"

"My younger sister. This is just one of the many multiverses and realities she created. I am the only Primordial who did not create anything. I merely took over the Abyss, the source of my birth as my personal realm. I have no need to make anything as I have access to all of existence to find coll pets.

If you are shocked at being in a multiverse do not be. There are always methods to travel to other multiverses and realities. Also, you can just become a unique being by taking the Existence Trial. That way you become unique without a single copy."

Azazel slumped against the wall.

"I feel insitiginigicant."

Death laughed at him.

"Of course you do. Everyone who gains a bit of power does. Until they can call themselves unique they are insignificant. My son does not count as it is not his fault my sister's multiverse is trying to copy him. This is actually a good thing you know. That is pure power you can absorb and she made that all without trying. Hell will be a great place for you to train. Especially if you can befriend my Apostle. no one brings more death than him."


She winked at him and started to leave.

"You will know when you meet him. He is hard to miss"

She vanished in a puff of shadows that made Kurayami smile.

"I have a lot of work if I want to measure up to my mother and her apostle. Azazel, train hard and become a unique existence. I am planning on doing the same and so are all my wives. I and they do not like the fact there are alternative versions of them and they are set on becoming unique. See to it you do the same."

Kuromi smiled bitterly as she felt she would have to kill the unborn version of herself in Kuroka's belly. However, Death left her and Kurayami with good news.

'Don't worry, I am going to punish my sister for copying my son, but I can just get her to let you two survive. Of course, only one of you will be able to go through your existence trial so one of you will lose out. Pick well.'

That was going to be another question, but for now, it did not matter. Kurayami got up as he had some work to do.

"Good luck Azazel."

Kurayami teleported to Kyoto where Yasaka and Kunou were waiting for him. When he appeared in front of them they were only shocked for a second before they pounce on him.



He hugged them both as he knew that Yasaka was kind of crazy now. He had not offered her the training as he did not know her very well. As for Kunou, he brought her back to her mother while they trained

"How have my two girls been?"

Kunou took his hand with a smile.

"Good. I just missed you."

He patted her hair as he could get used to being a dad. As for Yasaka she held his arm and hugged it tightly.

"I needed you with me. It is not easy to forget."

Kuromi looked at Ophis, Rebellion, and Submission with confusion.

"I didn't know dad had another daughter?"

Ophis shook her head.

"He doesn't. He adopted her."

When Yasaka and Kunou heard that they looked at Kuromi and knew that she was his true daughter. It was obvious from the way they looked. Yasaka looked at Kurayami with interest.

"When did you have her? No, how old are you?"

Kurayami smiled as he counted his past life.

"37, but she is from the future. Don't question it too much, but I came to tell you some news. I will be having a party to celebrate the pregnancy of two of my fiances."

When Yasaka heard that she got interested.

"I have not met your other fiances. I feel that I should meet them. Did you come to invite us?"

"Exactly. You can invite anyone you want. I plan to have some things to take care of right now, so I am going around the world doing just that. I will have to leave soon though, but I should come back in a few hours."

Yasaka pulled him in and gave him a deep kiss which he enjoyed. She whispered in his ear while she covered her daughters.

"When you come back, meet me in my room."

She licked his neck making him laugh.

"I got it. Let's go."

Kurrayami teleported to the main church that Oliver set up. It was currently floating over what used to be Texas and Mexico. Oliver and his followers made a giant floating fortress and called it a church.

He wanted to check up on what Oliver did during this time.

I kind of always planned on having Doom slayer take a part in this. He is just metal as Hell and this will tie into my next FF after I finish the Lightning and Fire and Dark Souls system. Of course, not yet though.

BlackSwordman1234creators' thoughts