
Light wars

In a world where the magic is light energy, join Lila as she navigates through her new found power, meets new people(friends and foes), and fight new battles ................. Will be updating two chapters Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

Claze · Thành thị
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14 Chs

Red, yellow and white

The rain had finally stopped and after walking for what seemed like hours, Lila found herself out of the woods and they were on a straight path to a house she could see from afar

Freeva suddenly stopped walking making Lila stop too

"That's true, I have to put my protection spell on you" Freeva said to a confused Lila "The path is bound by my spell, those who aren't under it can't make it through to the house, that way we can be safe"

Lila nodded and looked onward to see Cecil and the boy still walking ahead, throughout the journey, they neither stopped nor looked back, Lila felt a bit disappointed that they didn't even care for her existence

The bright yellow light on Freeva's hand brought Lila's gaze back to her, it was nothing like she had ever seen, it sparkled and looked like it had glitters scattered within it, the light engulfed her full hand similarly to the way the white light had engulfed her whole body earlier

Freeva began muttering some words and her green eyes seemed to sparkle more than normal, Lila could only watch in amazement as the yellow light left Freeva's hand and slowly approached her, danced around her before it suddenly vanished

"What is that?"

"That's my yellow light, don't worry come, Semir will know how to explain more"

Lila continued onward with Freeva and suddenly she was really eager to meet the Semir

When Lila and Freeva entered the house, Lila realised it was more fascinating than the outside gave up, they seemed to have entered what looked like a throneroom, it was large and spacious with six chairs at the end of the room just like a throneroom but with more chairs, at the two edges of the room were spiral stairs leading upstairs, Lila looked up and saw a balcony directly on top of the chairs with the crimson haired boy casually leaning there staring deeply at her, she quickly looked away to see someone who looked like the male version of Freeva which she guessed to be Semir standing and folding his hands with Cecil standing behind him like a bodyguard

Semir was more gracious than the rest, he had this aura around him, similar to Cecil's but with more authority. His blonde hair was shoulder length and was neatly slicked to the back and he had a head band on, his green eyes also had a sparkle in it just like his sister's and he was also really good looking

"Freeva, Cecil tells me you have company"

"Ah I see they already broke the news to you before we arrived" Freeva said with a smile as they approached Semir and stopped "She has light in her, I felt it and look at her hair, I think she's in the white light clan!"

Lila heard the boy upstairs scoff

"Come dear" Semir gestured to Lila and held out his hands to her, she reluctantly stepped forward and held his hands which felt firm and also warm and what followed was a gasp from him "She truly has light in her!"

Freeva looked up to the boy with an I told you so smirk

Semir released Lila's hand and she stepped back

"What's light?, and who are you guys?"

Initially there was silence and then Semir cleared his throat and began

"Long ago, darkness was beginning to overwhelm the world, it was growing and growing and if not stopped, it could mean doom and the end of the world.

Then, three people learnt to harness the power of light so they could overcome the darkness, they harnessed white, yellow and red light. With the immense power within them, it changed their features, like their hair colour and eyes"

Semir paused and let Lila process it a little, she finally understood now why they had distinct hair colour and why the villagers looked at her strangely when they saw her hair colour. Then Semir continued

"Red light was harnessed from the blazing light of fire, yellow from the sun and white light was the purest and strongest of them all. The three of them were able to overcome the darkness at least for that moment and their legacy lived on leading to the formation of the three light clans.

Then, decades ago, some dark sorcerers emerged, they had learnt to harness the power of darkness with their magic and they started attacking the light clans, we heard they went for the white clan first, since they were the strongest, they were betrayed by someone in their family and we believed the white clan had all died off for almost thirty years now.

The yellow and red clans became more cautious but it wasn't long until we were overpowered, when we were little, they came for us, I had to carry my baby sister and flee as instructed by my father. Some years ago, we met Zane, like us he was the only survivor of the red light clan"

Lila looked up at him again, so that was his name, Zane. He wasn't staring at her, he was looking away and Lila turned back to Semir who continued

"Cecil has been with us since forever, even before we met Zane, we met as children, she's a very good weapon wielder. And this house is light manor, back in the days, the light clans held meetings here, the head of each respective clans and their wives sat on those seats behind. The fate of the world lies on us now, we need to fully harness our light and overcome these dark sorcerers, will you join us uhm..."


"Yes, will you join us Lila"

"I have nowhere to go to and I don't know anything about how to fight or use light but I'm willing to learn"

"Where are you from?" Cecil asked

"Uhm...I don't know...I don't really remember" Lila fidgeted, she wasn't ready to say the truth about herself

"You're lying" Cecil said and moved to stand in the middle of her and Semir

"Let it go Cecil"

"Stay out of this Freeva" Cecil said not for once removing her eyes from Lila "How did you end up in the woods?, what are those marks on your back?, where did you come from?"

"I said I don't remember!"

Cecil smirked and began walking away, then halfway to the staircase, she stopped and turned

"I don't trust her, she's hiding something from us, but if I notice she's a threat to us, I'll personally kill her"

Lila watched as Cecil walked away, she looked up and saw Zane had left too, those two were obviously a pain and Lila didn't want to be on their bad side, she knew to be careful

"Don't worry about Cecil, she's just very overprotective" Semir said and approached her "We'll teach you how to harness your power, but you just have to trust us and tell us everything"

Lila nodded and Semir smiled at her before walking away, Freeva held Lila's hand and began leading her upstairs right after Semir

"Come Lila, now where do we begin"