
Light wars

In a world where the magic is light energy, join Lila as she navigates through her new found power, meets new people(friends and foes), and fight new battles ................. Will be updating two chapters Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

Claze · Urban
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14 Chs

Training begins


Lila slowly opened her eyes, the sun was directly on her face and it seemed to make her blue eyes sparkle even more, she turned to see Freeva staring at her

"Come on out, I was able to convince Cecil to teach you how to fight, hurry before she changes her mind"

Lila nodded and stretched as she watched Freeva leave her room, it had been a few days since she was in light manor and she was already settling in

Her room was large and had nothing much in it, the bed was positioned right besides the window which had a very nice view in it and in the opposite direction was a wardrobe tucked with few clothes given to her by Lila

She got up and put her legs into her sandal and proceeded to freshen up, at least her training would finally begin

Fully dressed into a loose fitted top and trouser and her hair packed in a bun, Lila emerged in the training ground behind the building

'Oh shit' she muttered, they were all there waiting for her, she sighed and walked towards them

"Nice to see you finally showed up princess" Semir said and tossed a wooden stick to her

"Uhm....what's this for"

"You're going to spar with me" Cecil said and took her position opposite Lila, she was also holding her own stick

"But I can't even wield a sword, I don't even know what to do"

Cecil ignored her and advanced


The stick had hit Lila had on her body sending her to the ground

"You're dead" Cecil said standing over her "Get up"

Lila dusted her clothes and got up

Cecil came for her again not giving her space to get herself but Lila was more alert this time, she blocked the attack with her stick but Cecil used her leg to kick her making her fall on the ground again and she approached her and used her stick to hit her again

"You're dead again"


"Frustration won't make you beat me, now get up, compose yourself and come after me, or I'd keep on hitting and hitting you and I won't stop"

Lila squinted her eyes, she wasn't gonna let herself be beaten and beaten like a child, she got up and advanced Cecil

"Isn't Cecil too hard on her" Freeva said to Semir while they watched the both of them spar and Cecil hit her over and over again

"Cecil was hard on you too"

"I know but....at least I knew the basics, Lila is obviously a novice"

"Just let Cecil do her thing" Zane butted in

"Easy for you to say, you don't like Lila also" Freeva said

"I don't trust her, she could be a dark sorcerer disguised as a light wielder or something, and the white light clan went extinct decades ago, this girl is just a child, something doesn't add up"

"Don't worry, I'm sure the light I felt within her is pure light, besides if she was a dark sorcerer I'd have sensed it no matter what" Semir said "But you're right, it is a bit weird she's alive, that would mean some part of the white clan still lived on in secret, but the other light clans would've sensed it, also I've never sensed another light asides us but at least Freeva and I were able to sense you before we met you, maybe they were good at cloaking the white energy within them to be safe. But we shouldn't worry about that right now, all that matters is that she's part of us and she has the potential to be stronger than even me, so let's help her reach her full potentials"

"You can be so uptight at times Zane, its such a pain" Freeva said

"Tch, yeah right" Zane said while rolling his eyes

"That's enough Cecil" Semir said for Cecil to hear "Let Lila rest, train with me instead"

Lila was more than grateful for that, she was already a bit bruised and she had lost her energy, she dropped her stick and walked to Zane and Freeva and dropped on the floor while they all watched Cecil and Semir spar

Lila saw that Semir was good, really good, his speed was on point and he moved with so much agility but Cecil wasn't out matched, they were both really good and watching them spar was entertaining

Freeva sat on the floor beside Lila and held her hands

"You're hurt, let me heal you"

Lila nodded and watched as the beautiful sparkly yellow light filled Freeva's hand and weirdly her hand seemed to absorb it, suddenly she felt the pain in her slowly disappear

"Wow, how do you do that?"

"Light can do anything, you just need to reach within you and feel it, Zane can teach you that"

"Me?!!, why me?"

"Because Semir is busy and you're the next best at harnessing your light, we're supposed to help her reach her full potentials remember"

Zane groaned and rolled his eyes

"So do we start now?" Lila turned and asked Zane

"Sure, get up then"

Lila sighed and got up and moved closer to him

"Light comes from within, to assess your light, you have to try and connect with it, find something positive about yourself and use it as a mediator to trigger your light"

Lila looked so confused and Zane noticing this sighed and continued

"Freeva's mediator is her beauty, she uses her beauty to connect with her light and that's why it appears sparkly and filled with gliitters because it's a reflection of her beauty, a light within her. Mine is my wits and creativity, that's why I can manipulate my light into any structure and form, like the ball I used to hit you earlier, I can manipulate my light to any solid structure and size. Semir uses his strength and his yellow light is so intense and can break through practically anything, Semir rarely manifest his light because of how strong it is unless it's urgent or he's up against a tough enemy so he learnt how to be really good in weapon wielding and close combat"

Zane paused a while and watched Lila process it all for a moment

"So Lila, what's that positive attribute of yours"

Lila couldn't think of anything, what was she good at, was she special in any way. Her whole life she had spent alone and indoors so she didn't really know what she had that was special to others

"I don't know, I can't think of any"

Zane scoffed

"How won't you know an attribute about yourself that stands out or am I supposed to teach you to figure that out too" Zane turned the opposite direction "I can't believe you have white light in you, that feels like a waste cause you're weak"

Lila watched him as he said those last words and began walking away, she was already really pissed, how dare he. Her father called her weak and she disliked it, he didn't have the right to call her weak

Her white light began building up gradually and engulfed her fully just like in her father's shed, the others had noticed this and had turned to watch all surprised but Zane was still walking away heading for the building. she wasn't going to let herself be looked down on by him, she angrily rushed him and began throwing her punch at him


Zane's hands had fully held Lila's fists, her hands felt really small in his palms, he was fast, he had sensed her coming and quickly turned and blocked it then he quickly formed a hammer shaped red light in the other hand and hit her hard on her belly

Lila flew hard to the ground and he approached her and stood above her

"You're using anger as your mediator, you don't use something negative to trigger your light it comes out unstable, I shouldn't even be able to hold you while you have your light surrounding you, you'll never be strong and reach your full potential that way"

Zane turned and began walking away again

"Find your positive attribute Lila, we all have one" he said loud enough when he was almost at the building before he finally disappeared

Lila sighed and looked around, they were all staring at her

"You're from the white light clan indeed" Semir said with a smile "That's enough for today, let's head back"

Freeva approached Lila to help her up, she had already sat up

"Come on" Freeva said and took her hands and helped her up "I'll make breakfast"

They all exited the training ground with Lila meekly flowing behind them, she was going to prove herself to all of them, she didn't know how but none of them would call her weak again soon