
Light of Dawn | One Piece

As evil rises, the light prevails. A burst of light, a dream of freedom and an epic journey in building a holy kingdom in the world of One Piece. Follows series of stories following the different eras of One Piece starting from the journey of Joy Boy alongside the first dawn of the holy empire, Victoria. Ushering a moment of peace after defeating the overlord 'the great empire' and ending the years of terror. While a force of evil is defeated, a new one arises and such a new dawn will also arise from the kingdom of light. Author note: - Female MC's (romance is little to non-existent) - Not 100% accurate to One Piece story (details will be different from cannon) - characters are going to be OOC - different eras will have different MC, with their title 'first dawn, second dawn, etc' till the main plot with Luffy's era. - passion project, updates will be irregular.

meiow · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Onwards to the sea!

Chapter 3: Onwards to the sea!

3 days later…

The time has come for Victoria and Joy boy to depart to the sea, Victoria standing on the ship as it departs looking at the shrinking island with some sadness in her eyes. Although Victoria was excited to explore the world, she still had some sentimental attachment to the first land she had called home. Even so, she composed herself and looked towards the endless sea with curiosity and excitement.

Through their journey, Victoria and Joy boy shared more and more about themselves to one another. Till one midday when they were having a friendly spar, a huge sea monster attacked their boat. Huge tentacles vigorously sprouted from the ocean surrounding their boat. In quick haste, Victoria and Joy boy sprinted to action, jumping in the air to attack the tentacles.

"Divine shield" Victoria shouted with her right arms lifted, a burst of light enveloped the ship like a bubble. When the sea monster slammed its tentacles against it, the bubble surrounding the ship cracked as the ship flung across the ocean. While this was happening, Joy boy was busy fighting the other tentacles, rows of fist covered in flames punched the sea monster causing holes on its tentacles and even some being decapitated. Not wanting to miss out on the action, Victoria casted "Divine sword" as a sword of light materialized and chopped the remaining tentacles. With their collective effort, the sea monster's tentacles were warded off as a huge tidal movement appeared with each tentacle dropping to the sea. 

Victoria and Joy boy descended from air back to the ship and sped away from the scene of action. During the evening, Victoria and Joy boy were celebrating their win with some cooked fish from the sea. While drinking, Joy boy and Victoria engaged in conversations.

"What do you plan on doing after defeating the great empire?" Victoria after taking a gulp of the alcohol.

"I plan to travel the world, see what lies beyond these land masses" Joy boy reacted slightly slurring his words with a slight blush on his face.

"What about you?" asked Joy boy

"Me? I plan to create a kingdom where nobles and commoners can exist peacefully and guarded from the dangers that lurk around, a kingdom of light, a beacon of hope and safety for everyone" Victoria passionately responded.

After a series of conversations, the night passed as they passed out from their drink.

When they woke up, they continued their journey across the sea with no direction or map to guide them. After a few days, during Joy boy's training on the ship, Victoria rushed to shout at Joy boy interrupting him.

"There's land! I can see land!" 

Victoria and Joy boy looked with excitement as they got nearer and nearer to the landmass. As the boat got closer, the land was quite big with a towering mountain that looked as if the top part had been chopped off, revealing a flat surface at top. 

When the ship got close enough, Victoria casted "light manifestation: wings" as wings made out of light sprouted on the back of Joy boy and herself. Joy boy was at first shocked, but thinking about Victoria's weird powers, he gradually accepted it and thought that such power was convenient to have.

"Get ready to fly, it's easier to blend in without the ship." 

Joy boy nodded as they both ascended to the sky and Victoria waved her hands, collecting the boat as it shrinked into a tiny ball on top of her palm. She then discarded it in her system storage just as they were approaching the land.

As they landed on land, Victoria and Joy boy descended from above, and as soon as their feet touched the ground, they were surrounded by foreign warriors.

"What's your purpose in invading the kozuki lands!" shouted by one of the warriors bearing samurai garments and weapons.

Seeing that they were surrounded by blades, victoria and joy boy pulled their arms up and kept it in the air. 

"Please put your blades down, we are nomads exploring the sea and we did not know we were trespassing." Victoria calmly explained. 

Combined with Victoria's calm demeanor and the passive effect of the holy aura, the guards brought their blades down. 

"Since you have trespassed the lands, if you can defeat the guards here then we will lead you to see the leader else you will be put in prison" as soon as the head guard said that, countless blades came at both victoria and joy boy at once.

Victoria leaped to the sky in a flash the moment the blades were near her before descending a few meters outside the encirclement. Joyboy punched into the guards allowing his hands to expand creating a path for him to escape out of the encirclement as well.

Seeing that the two of them were separated, the guards divided themselves to go after victoria and joy boy. Seeing the approaching guards, victoria took out her staff and slammed it into the ground before casting "Divine light: nova", a burst of light enveloped victoria knocking the guards near her away. The sudden burst knocked the guards unconscious after being hit as they all spat out mouthfuls of blood.

Seeing that the guards coming towards her have been dealt with, victoria put back her staff in her system storage disintegrating into lights and watched joy boy deal with the guards that was coming for him. 

The head guard was pleasantly surprised by victoria's movement, but was also pleased that she did not ruthlessly kill the guards but only knocked them unconsciously.

After a few minutes, Joy boy also dealt with the guards with ease before joining victoria and the head guard. Seeing this the head guard smiled and said "good, i will be escorting you guys after these guards recover"

"There won't be a need to wait Divine light: sanctify" 

Victoria opened her palm as a ring of light gently touched everyone, with the light, the guard's wounds were visibly being healed and after a few seconds the guards who were defeated woke up and found that their injuries had been healed fully.

Seeing the miraculous scene both Joy boy and the head guard couldn't help but be amazed at victoria's abilities once more.

"Since everyone is fine then follow me to see the clan leader" the head guard said as they guided Victoria and Joy boy to the kozuki clan headquarters.