


Days later the girls family was in the Outer Wall Newspaper and it read:



The Elite- Cadet Watson

Late into the night screams came from the Suki household killed by a rogue vampire. But there was evidence that another,was there which tore out the rogues throat and the footprints that were in blood. They, the Suki's daughters body was not found, she could very much be alive, but most likely dead. Please contact the Elite if the Suki's daughter, or her body is found.

I did not dare show this to the girl who was fast asleep in a pile of books. Yes a pile of books. Instead I burned the newspaper. I also did not want to let her experience my eating habits, by the way I do kill animals, sometimes humans who escaped prison. Instead I will only eat on the New Moon of every month, that should hold me off for a while,i think. She has already experienced enough with her parents being killed and eaten by that rogue. Better go shopping for something for her to eat humm… some apples, sausage, and cabbage oh ya seasonings. Better leave a note just in case she wakes up. I wrote:

please don't panic and don't go outside I went shopping for food be back soon.


I left that on the table next to her, and left.

-Shopping Market-

Humm… I only have a little money about 4 Granits and 3 Parcels that should get me an apple a sausage, and cabbage and no spices great bland food.

"Fuck." I mumble under my breath, I should buy the three things honestly, and steel the spices , fuck, I really need a job to feed that child.

I buy the three items and now the hard part the stealing part. I go to an ally and put my bag of food on the roof of a three story building and hop from the three story buildings roof to the ground. And go out of the ally and go to the small crowd were the spice tent was all I needed to grab was a package of all spice and run. I was nervous and if I ran to fast and hoped on to that roof where my bag was I would be taken in. Get in get out. All I have to do. Easy-peasy. Right. Right? I slowly walked over to the all spice and grabbed one, shoved it in to my pocket and made my way out of the tent.

"Hey you! Get back here! Thief!" the spice man called out.

"Crap. Damn it!" I said running through the crowded market.

I turned several corners in alleyways making my way to to building where my bag was. When I looked back one Higerups was on my tail.

"Shit!" I said aloud. I made several more turns and back in to the marketplace.

I ran ducking under peoples arms and bags and ran directly to the building. When I arrived I started to climb the wall. When I was just a few feet away from the top the Higherup saw me and watched. I ignored him and finished climbing the wall when I put the spice in my bag or my sachle I caught my breath for a minute. After I caught my breath I heard banging on the door into the building the it flew open and that shit hole Higerup and some Elite's saw me. I got up and ran, I planed on hoping to the next building. Ran and jumped to the next building and ran across that one and jumped again. Then the third building the bloody freaking Higherup was still chasing me. Then I fell and slipped off the third building and caught myself by a single lege. The Higher up jumped the third building and looked down at me.

"Well hello down there." he said cokly.

"What? I'm just hanging around. You know how it is." I said in a smart ass tone.

"Well what's your name girl." he asked.

"I will tell you if you tell me first, boy." I said back in the same tone.

"Well I am Captain Shishkai." he said back down to me.

"Well my name is Miss. I. Don't. Give. A. Flying. Fuck." I said realizing this is coming from a 10 year old.

"Well then, you should watch your tone girl."he said.

"Oh really what tone." I say in the most innocent way I could.

I look below me and see hell waiting for me, the Elites are down below me.

"Shit." I mumble under my breath.

"What was that, girl?" Captain A-hole says.

"I SAID SHIT! LIKE IN YOU!" I yell up at him.

"Wha-" he said stuned.

"Hey old geezer!" someone said in a teasing way, and I knew that voice it's Rune.

He was crouched on the next building windowsill.

"Hey. what's you doing?" he says to me.

"You know just hanging around that's all."

"How bout you." I said back

"Umm thinking about kicking Mr. Captain A-hole here as a b-day present from me." Rune says to the captain. "After I save my hangin friend here." he says and hops down on to the heads of the Elite and push them to the ground.

"Woo-hoo nice work." I say jumping to the ground.

And we start to run off. We reach the library and go inside.

"So Rune how are you and your brother Talon?" I ask.

"Great! And you?"

"Could be better honestly."

"Why? How?" Rune asks.

I whispered, "did you read the paper today."

"Ya that poor girl-" he says feeling bad.

"I was the one there the poor girl is here right now." I say calmly

"What!" he yells.

"Yes Rune. She is here. Now let's find her."

We split up to look fo her.

"Hey its me Unmei I came back!" I called for her, "Where are you!"

She comes running out from nowhere and hugs on to me.

I smile and crouch down and look at her, "what's wrong? there's.

"Another person here Unmei he's scary."

"Aww… its okay thats just Rune." I say to reassure her.

"Hey are you hungry?"

She nodded her head.

"Come on let's go."


"Rune! Found her. Rune? Where are you"

"Unime run someone's here-" Rune says falling to the floor.

"RUNE!" I scream and run toward him.

"Well well well." the captain from earlier came out behind the bookcase where Rune laid knocked out cold.