


"So rune how are you and your brother Talon?" I ask.

"Great! And you?"

"Could be better honestly."

"Why? How?" Rune asks.

I whispered, "did you read the paper today."

"Ya that poor girl-" he said

"I was the one there that night. The poor girl is here right now." I said calmly.

"What!" he raised his voice a little.

"Yes Rune. She is here. Now let's find her." I suggested.

We split up to look for her.

"Hey its me Unime I came back!" I called for her, "Where are you!"

She comes running out from nowhere and clings to me.

I smile and crouch down and look at her, "What's wrong?" I asked.

"There's another person here Unime he's supper scary."

"Aww… its okay thats just Rune." I say to reassure her.

"Hey are you hungry?"

She nodded her head.

"Come on let's go."

"Ok." she said nervously.

"Rune! Found her. Rune? Where are you ... Rune!?"

"Unime run someone's here-" Rune says falling to the floor.

"RUNE!" I scream and run toward him.

"Well well well." the captain from earlier came out behind the bookcase where Rune laid knocked out cold.

"Shit." I said worried and stopped running toward Rune.

Then he grabbed me by my neck and lifted me two feet in to the air. I tried to turn around.

All I could say, "-un" which I squeeked in a staggered way,because of the imbecile choking me.

Thank god she understood what I meant she ran deep into the library through the maze of bookcases. I turned my head back and noticing I couldn't breathe because the Captain Shishkai was death gripping my neck.

"Sir. how." I said choking on my words.

"Haha. you think you can outsmart me, girl? I followed you here, girl." he said.

He now raised me in to the air a few feet to where my feet were off the ground. I winced in agony and tried to loosen his grip, but failed so I just clinged on to his hands so I could breath some what, and not choke to death. My legs were in range to kick him where it hurts. I kicked as hard as I could.

"SHIT! YOU LITTLE BITCH!" he yelled in pain on the floor.

I ran into the library, to get my weapons I had not used in months. When I reached the secret shelf in the darkest corner of the library I carefully grabbed my blades a small dagger and a long dagger. Climbed up on to the nearest shelf and ran on top of them heading toward the middle, then I caught a glimpse of the young girls purple hair diving, literally diving into a pile of books, hiding. Well you know what it works.

"Rune." I whispered to myself.

I start to head toward the front of the massive library to get Rune. after a few moments of jumping around on the top of the shelves. I make it back to where Rune is. But he wasn't there.

I scream out loud, "FUCK YOU CAPTAIN GEEZER!! TRY TO FIND ME, YOU FAT ASS!!" I was hoping he heard me.

I ran toward the middle of the building because why not. So I went back up onto the bookcases and ran to the middle. When I got to the middle of the building which was marked by a star in a circle.

I sat in the middle of it and waited scanning the shelves for the Captain Geezer to show up.

After what seemed like ages I hear the sound of armor making too much damn noise which could practically wake the dead.

"Geez, he must be paranoid or something. To wear that much armor, god." realizing I said that aloud. "Oops."

He finally made his appearance, and dropped Rune to the ground. I knew I would have to fight him and I came prepared with my two daggers, Kuikku, and Shi, together they are Quick Death, hanging sheathed on my belt. I got up.

"Clean and fair fight. Okay." I said with my fingers crossed behind my back.

"Fine." he said which echoed in his helmet.

"On go. One… two… three… GO!" I say

He pulls out his sword and I stood there and watch him take the first hit. I dodge and jump up into the air and land on his sword. I also notice his crossbow which he aimed at me. He shot, missed and broke the glass dome of the building and I jumped on to his head with, my hand now on his head performing a balancing act. I started to get board and hoped off and got into my fighting stance. He struck me. I crossed my blades and stopped his in its tracks. He panicked for some reason. All well. I stuck him and blood got on me. He turned and ran strait out of the building screaming like a girl.

I ran over to Rune to see if he was okay.

"Rune? Are you okay?" I asked him worried.

I moved his head on to my lap for a pillow. He opened his eyes after a few minutes, of waiting.

"Ya, im fine its just a bump…" he touches his head, "Gez that hurts." he winces in pain a little.

"I'm sorry to say this we have to leave the library, he survived, Captain Geezer." I said sadly.

"Oh…" Rune said with his head still on my lap.

I blushed and turned my head, away from him. Then he blushed because he realized his head was in my lap.

"Well…" I say ending the awkward silence, "better grab some of my things and get ready to leave. Can you get the girl she should be on the top floor hiding in books."

"Umm… ya ok." he says sitting up.

I get up as well to go grab some of the more interesting books and put them in to a satchel, I also grab clothing, soap, a brush, and of course my blades, and put them in the satchel as well. Carried the satchel to the table in the front of the building, and set it down by the food bag. Rune shows up with the girl holding his hand, I sort of felt jealous of a 8 year old. An 8 year old, Unime for real.

"Hey where did you find her-" I said

"My name is Niko. And not "her"." she said using finger quotes.

"Umm I found Niko in a book fort on the top floor. And she threw books at me too, hard books." Rune said with a bummed out tone.

I laughed at the thought, "Really this little girl-" I burst out laughing.

Rune hung his head and nodded sadly.

"Oh i'm sorry Rune. we should be going tho before the police, and Elites come after us."

He raised his head, "Ya come on Niko let's go." he says with a smile.

Then he grabs the backpack with the food. And I grab my bag of stuff. And we head out.