
A fear at home

I was just cooking food for my little girl when I heard a knock on the door. I told them to come in,thinking it was my husband. I then said "home early are we?" I waited for a response but got nothing in return. I thought nothing of it and continued cooking food, I then heard footsteps…they sounded like boots..heavy boots. I thought to myself at that time, that my husband doesn't own boots? Again, I thought nothing out of the ordinary of it. I finished up cooking and set the food on a plate . I walk up the stairs and stop at a door which has the name "ella" on it. I knocked lightly on the door but there was no response. I knocked again but a bit harder. I waited to hear footsteps or some type of sign she was on her way to open the door,but nothing. I didn't want to come in just yet, "she could be busy" I thought. I knocked a couple more times till I gave up and told her "I'm coming in! I'll leave your food on the desk!."

I closed my eyes just in case she was getting dressed or something. I opened the door while looking down at the floor and placed the food on her desk. I walked out closing the door and then looked back . I hope she enjoys the food I made her..

I then went to the living room to watch TV and before I knew it,it was already 9:00,I got up and turned the TV off,then went to Ella's room to tell her it's time for bed. I walk to her door and knock…but again I was greeted with silence. I told her it was time for bed, I went back downstairs and opened the bathroom door. I turned the lights on and then looked in the mirror. I fell back in shock when I saw blood on it.. blood was dripping down the mirror as I covered my mouth trying not to scream. I sat there terrified to go outside the bathroom, My heart sank as the thought of ella being in danger crossed my mind. I opened my phone to see missed texts from ella. The texts where sent a couple hours before her dad came home..I was now sobbing thinking of what could happen to ella while I'm here just sitting around on the bathroom floor. I didn't have eny windows or anyway for anyone to get in threw the bathroom.

I knew I was safe..but was ella?..I decided to text her back hoping to wake her up and warn her to hide. I opened messenger and saw all the missed text message's.

Ella: mom,what's for dinner?






Ella: mom is dad coming home soon??



Ella: when is dad coming home! He said he would help me with my homework.




Ella: mom I heard screaming







Ella: mom I'm scared. looked out my window and I saw the neighbor dead on the ground.



Ella: mom…my window just opened by itself!!!



Ella: hey mom?



Ella: Mom, someone just came through my window!!



Ella: I'm hiding under my desk right now, and there's a man in my room..! He wearing these heavy boots!














I started sobbing while reading the texts she sent me..She was so scared and I didn't even know..I decided it would be best to stay in the bathroom till morning…it would be safer and I wouldn't stand a chance in the dark. Also I can't really leave the bathroom to get anything to fight with.i used my jacket to cover myself. as I slept in the bathtub.well..tried to sleep. It was hard to get even a second of sleep ever sense I read those texts.

(In the morning)

I wake up and threw the jacket off me. I yawn and stretch till I remember yesterday. I get hit with fear and stand up to fast for my own legs, I fall back down and then realize what could have happened to ella while I was here dozing off..I get up slowly so I don't trip and crack the door just a bit so I can see if anyone is outside . I look through the door to see nothing but the kitchen and living room..it looked safe so I opened the door slowly and stepped out cautiously waiting for someone to pounce and stab me..but nothing…I feel a bit more confident thinking I was safe, I walk to the kitchen and open a drawer to find a bunch of silverware..i carefully move the silverware till I find a sharp looking knife, I hide it in my purse I had on the side of my body. I then look around to make sure there was nobody in the house.

I look around till I'm almost for sure I was safe,

And head up the stairs and up to Ella's room.

I paused for a brief moment thinking of what I could see when I open that door..I slowly opened it and saw she hadn't eaten any of the food I made her yesterday. I looked around. Everything was clean and neat? Nothing was moved..there was no blood..but..no signs of Ella.