
Meeting the mystery figure

I thought back at how I heard nothing from ella when, I knocked on her door, or told her it was time for bed. I felt hot tears stream down my face as I realized how ignorant it was for me to not worry about Ella…I gathered myself to check her room for signs of a break in like she said. As i looked under the bed

I noticed an axe. I pulled the axe forward. "What a lazy criminal" I mutter through my teeth, I study the axe for awhile until I hear footsteps..my heart sunk..as I try to decide wether or not I should turn around. I grip the axe in my hand as I make my decision and turn around still holding the axe

But there was nothing there, no footprints no person..nothing..with the axe still in my hand I continue to look around the room. I already looked under the bed so next place would be the closet..I try to walk towards the closet but my body is telling me otherwise. I finally make it to the closet and grab the handle

I pause for a moment before swinging the door open


My face pale and my eyes widened from shock

As I watch Ella's mangled corpse fall out along with her head..i start sobbing as I study the corpse below me..she has a big opening on the side of her head which was most likely from the axe..and her body is all mingled and torn. It looks as if the killer tore her apart limb by limb but left them dangling from her,

Her eyes where out of her sockets and her hands and legs where twisted in ways they shouldn't be.

I sob even more as I stare at her lifeless body, I then hear the same footsteps as last time..I grip the axe one more time..not with fear but with anger..I look behind me expecting nothing in exchange but

This time I'm treated with a tall male figure, he has messy black hair and he's wearing a brown coat along with a white under shirt and brown boots..just like ella said, I look up at him . I then realize he has a knife which makes a wave of terror move throughout my body, he swings his knife at me attempting to slice my throat but I duck my head down just enough to miss the knife. I kick my leg out which makes him stumble and fall I take the opportunity to run away..but what about ella..I know there's no point in bringing her and she's already dead so I decide to leave her corpse "I'm sorry" I think to myself as tears once again roll down my face,while still gripping the axe I run out the room and downstairs

Out of breath I run out the door afraid to look behind me I run around to the side of the house to catch my breath I then spot the male figure who I suppose killed ella I cover my mouth trying not to gasp as he looks my way I then hear footsteps coming towards me. One..two..three..four..five…six..seven and then it stopped…I wait awhile until I take a peak around the corner, just as I turn my head I'm face to face with the male figure once again. I wanted to run but I couldn't..my body wouldn't let me.!

Why can't i run?! I was frozen in terror and he seemed to notice the fear in my eyes because he looked at me with a excited look.

I grip the axe and swing it at him he notices and he ducks down but he's to late to miss it. The axe makes a small but painful cut on his cheek which causes him to groan and hold his hand on his cheek. His eyes now full of anger he charges at me as I run away from him but this time leaving the axe on the grass..after hours of running and hiding I make it back to the open city where it would be hard to find anyone I realize I still have my purse, I open it and look around for my wallet.I only have my card and 120$ In cash which isn't much but it's better than nothing, I look around and rent a apartment. I look around and it's actually a pretty nice place. I find a bedroom and figure out what I can put inside the small room, I walk to the store and buy: a one person bed, shelving, boxes, flower pots,seeds and some dirt for the flowers. I go back home and look at my small room again

I put the flower pots by a window seal and put together the bed in the corner of the room

I decide to place the shelves by the bed and the boxes under the shelves.