
Chapter 1:DEATH

Akane was walking home along when it started raining, she hurried and ran to her home

she's soaking wet, when she got home she took off her high heels and suddenly a lightning strike her making her unalive.

Akane woke up at some clouds of bed ,feeling confused she stand up and the door suddenly bust open

"take her" the woman said

then a group of men grabed her, she instantly panicked and screamed she can't escape beacause the men's that was holding her is too strong.

then the group of men brought her to a big door a sign on the door said "throne room" the girl pointed on the door

"want me to clean it" akane said

"No, you id-.... please come in"


the one man grabbed her by her waist and carried her to the throne room.

"woah, that man was strong"

akane found an office chair with coffee bellow the throne

"how weird" akane thought

a strange old man appears on the light striking like a sun

"sit" the old man said

akane followed his order and sat on the guest chair (it has "guest chair" carved on it)

the light then disappeared and all the light on the throne room was magically turned on

"i am sorry to tell you this but you died, beacause of my lightning" the old man said

akane took a sip off the coffee she's holding

"Thank you very much" akane said

" you're .....grateful!? "

" yeah thank you, can i please have a cookie?"

"NO, I'm going to grant you 3 wishes as a repayment"

"what are you a genie? "

"no well ,i might be"

"then give me all the powers in the other world" akane jokingly said

"ok then"

a shine of light appeared and akane's core felt alot of pain


"i didn't mean it" akane said while holding her core


"What's you're second wish akane-san" the old man happily said

Akane still holding her core, she's crying

"i wish i could have my memories on my 1st life to the other world, please"

"i really can do that but, i have one request"

"what request"

"don't show or tell anyone that you have your past life memories"

"you're request is my command "akane giggled

"how about your last wish?"

"****** **** ** *********"

"are you sure about this one?"

"yes, i am mr. genie"

the old man the snapped his fingers and a shine of light comes to akane's feet and she fell asleep