
Chapter 2: New world

Akane woke up and saw a ceiling, she tried to move but she can't, then she saw her little cute hands

"I'm in a baby's body" akane thought

A doctor come and grabed her softly and carried her to the arms of a woman with pink hair and a black eye's like the sky

"my baby, She's beautiful like an angel" her mom said

The towel slipped off of akane's tummy showing a beutiful crest, her mother started crying

"that...that's a cursed crest" the doctor said in a scared tone

Akane saw her crest in the mirror and remembered what the old man said

"that crest on your tummy is called a gods crest

but in this world they call it a cursed crest or a witch's pendant"

"that does not make sense" akane said


a man with black hair and eyes like gold comes in

"where's my baby" the man said

"Mr. Trauman, your child has the cursed crest" a nuse said

"so..you're telling me...i have to kill my chilld before it's to late" the man said

"No, forgive me captain but..."the nurse said while holding her tears

Trauman then looked at the child , and akane looked at him too

"she's beautiful, but why...would god...give you this"

"your eyes shines like gold, i wanna take it"

akane thought

akane's mom can't stop crying and holding akane tightly

"you all are not going to take her away don't you" she said while crying

" ma'am shannah.....we have to "

Trauman grabed a basket close with pillows inside, then Trauman grabed the child from shannah's arms and put akane on the basket

"i surprisingly fit on the basket, Gosh how small am i"

"Cleven N. Trauman what are you gonna do to my baby" shannah angrily said

"yeah what are you doing to me, you're not gonna eat me don't you" akane thought

"don't worry I'm going to keep you and her safe in a different way" cleven said

"Fck you, you're doing this again deciding without my permission nor a plan" shannah said

Cleven hurried and got out of the cabin into a wide beautiful ship, shannah followed him

"ma'am you just got out of pregnancy, you shouldn't move" the doctor said

"don't touch me you filthy people, Cleven where are you bringing my child" shannah said while crying

"I'll give her a happy life" cleven said

" A happy life without her parents, that's impossible" shannah said

"as a parent i have to decide what's best for our child and we are pirates" cleven said while crying

" i shall make them happy by laughing" akane thought

she moved her little body and laughed, her parents looked as the akane's eyes and they looked guilty while crying

"ok, that wasn't a great idea"

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry my baby, lars drop a the little boat "cleven said

"Yes captain" a guy with a weird mustache said

"captain?!, don't tell me? "

As cleven got to the little boat and saail away while Shannah was crying, Akane saw a pirate flag with a gold looking eyes

" Pirates still exists in this world, LUCKY!!!"

As the view of the ship is getting far and far away, they reached far away that they can't see any island

"I'm sorry little child"

"gosh that scared me, give me a waening next time" akane thought

"don't worry they will definitely give you a good life" cleven said while crying and trying ro smile

"damn, I'm worried about my mother she might kill you, taking a child after birth is kinda sad" akane thought

"wish you safety my father"