
life is very precious

But mostly think about who you are today and how you got that way

Aji_Kai · Thành thị
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20 Chs

some parts of life


In the realm of emotions, love dances its tune,

A symphony of feelings, a celestial boon.

It paints the canvas of our hearts, so bright,

Guiding us through darkness, with its radiant light.


But love, oh love, can be a double-edged sword,

A rollercoaster ride, with emotions soared.

For sometimes, it brings happiness and bliss,

But other times, it leaves us in deep abyss.


In the depths of sadness, tears may freely flow,

A torrential downpour, a heartache to know.

Yet through the pain, resilience will arise,

A beacon of hope, shining in tearful skies.


Friendship, a treasure that's worth more than gold,

A bond so strong, as the stories of old.

Through thick and thin, they stand by your side,

A constant support, a comforting guide.


But beware, dear friend, for cheaters do roam,

With silver tongues and hearts made of stone.

They weave their web of lies, with deceitful art,

Leaving behind shattered trust and a broken heart.

Brave man:

Yet amidst the chaos, a brave man stands tall,

With courage and strength, he conquers it all.

He faces his fears, with unwavering might,

A warrior of truth, a beacon of light.

True man:

And in this world of masks, a true man exists,

Honest and genuine, he never desists.

He speaks with sincerity, his actions ring true,

A gentle soul, with a heart pure and blue.


So let us navigate this journey of life,

With love, happiness, friendship, and strife.

And remember, amidst the highs and the lows,

We are the poets, who tell life's prose.