
Life after Reincarnation in Yosuga no Sora(Drop)

Enjoy my first fanfic, sorry if there are any mistakes (⁠ꏿ⁠﹏⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠) a young man died when he was hit by a truck kun~~~ choosing the life of the favorite protagonist, he becomes Kasugano Haruka look forward to the story (definitely there is incest, harem, dan kehamilan.)

Morishima_Haruka · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
10 Chs

Another World & New Jinchuriki.

[Ding.... Notice, please prepare to go to Naruto world, 5 minutes remaining....

[Ding...When going to another World, the Time of the World you live in will stop moving and the position will be 10 meters away from the Member from the mission-related world.

.... .....

Haru saw Sora who was sleeping next to him smiling and hugging him while stroking his head.

Sora felt this, waking up to see Haru beside him.

Sora: Haru, what's wrong?

Haru: nothing, but why didn't you call me just to ask if you want to come with me to another world?

Sora: are you going to another world?,

Can Sora come along?

Haru : yes, you can come with me, but you have to be careful, because you are pregnant.

Sora: what....am I pregnant?

Haru: (nods).....

Sora is happy and worried about her situation and what if society views us badly.

Seeing Sora's worried face, Haru said.

Haru: don't care about those who don't even give us food every day.

Hearing Haru's answer, Sora was happy and prepared to go home with Haru to another world.

Then Haru saw the chat...

[Haru: we will meet there and I will bring my wife.

[All : yes x5

[Miia: most sister's wife..!!

[Haru : ...

[All : ...

[Kanae: Ehemmm.....

Can we bring someone else.

[Haru: yes you can but you have to pay additional fees.

[Tsunade: How much?

[Haru : during (Mission : 1000), (During other than Mission : 500)

[All : .....Sultan x5

[Haru : ...Yosh we will meet, See you later.

[All : He ran away x5


[Ding....Transferring begins....

If you add additional members, you will be charged 1000 points....

Point : 722.000


Naruto World :

A portal appeared in the middle of the forest.

Haru and Sora came out of the portal, and looking around, they realized that they were in a forest, and saw a beautiful woman with breasts as big as Sora.

Haru: Yo Tsunade. (Greetings to Haru)

Sora : Hello Mrs. Tsunade.

Tsunade : Hello, it looks like you are the first, so she is your Sister's wife, right?

Sora was embarrassed by Tsunade's question.

Haru: Cough....Cough....(nods)

Then 4 portals appeared in front of the 3 of them.

The one who came out first was a beautiful woman with black hair, with butterfly accessories on both sides of her head, she was Kanae Kocho.

The second is a beautiful young woman with black hair dressed in Egyptian style, with gentle eyes, she is Esra.

The third is a beautiful red-haired woman, with a perfect body, sharp and alluring eyes, she is Miia.

The fourth, of course it was the commander of the Black Bulls, he was Yami.

When he came out of the portal he looked around and looked into the eyes of the man in front of him, he felt a very fierce Ki from his calm and smiling face.

Yami : nice to see you guys.

Everyone: nice to meet you too.

Then looked at Haru and said.

 Yami : you are very strong, your Ki is fierce like Anegoleon.

Haru: nice to see you too, and thank you for your compliment, well we have already met, but that was virtual so we can get to know each other here once again.


Lena comes out of Haru's body but only Haru can see.

Haru : let me introduce myself, my name is Kasugano Haruka.

Sora : let me introduce myself, my name is Kasugano Sora, I was invited by Haru here.

Miia : and you are his wife.

Hearing Miia's response Sora was embarrassed and blushed.

Kanae : Ara~ara, it seems like you have a cute sister-wife. (Kanae answered while approaching Sora and patting him.

Haru: Ehemmm... please continue.

Kanae : Ara~ara, I'm sorry, my name is Kocho Kanae.

Miia : let me introduce myself, my name is Miia. (Approaching Kanae who is next to Sora)

Esra : Hello, let me introduce myself once again, my name is Esra.

They all nodded at Esra's friendly and gentle introduction, as if she were an angel.

Yami : yo...my name is Yami Sukehiro, Commander of the Black Banten.

Everyone : (nodding in response)...

Tsunade: and the last one, my name is Senju Tsunade, thank you for participating in this mission.

Haru : don't worry Tsuna, we will help you.

All women : that's right Tsuna, don't worry, we will help as much as we can. While approaching Tsunade.

Haru : so can we start going through the system mission.

Yami : yeah that's right, so where does Konoha Village lead?

Tsunade : come on, follow me, let's hurry there.


Konoha Village :

Kyuubi: Roarrrrr...

Unknown: Kyuubi, destroy Konoha.

Minato: do you think I'll let him, (Minato makes a hand seal), kuchiyose no jutsu.

Bufff...a big plume of smoke appeared and a big frog came out of the smoke, and the frog sat on top of the Kyuubi

Gamabunta : Yo Minato you called me, while sitting on the Kyuubi.

Minato: yes sir gamabunta, help me ward off the Kyuubi.

Gamabunta : haha so this is my first time fighting a biju, you will feel my sword Kyuubi.

Kyuubi : Roarrrrrrrrr.....


Back to groups of 7 people.

Haru: how long will it take us to reach Lena. (Speaking in my heart)

Lena : in front of the Master, 5 hours left

5 hours later...

After seeing the village gate, and the chaotic state of Konoha and seeing the large 9-tailed biju and chained in gold.

Yami : It seems like we're late, but the mission is to at least save one of Uzumaki Naruto's parents.

Esra : I'm sorry we're late Naruto.

Sora: It's okay, Esra. It's not your fault, but it's the fault of the mastermind behind this incident.

Kanae : that's true Esra, don't be sad, at least we didn't come too late.

The village guard guarding the gate saw the arrival of one of the Legendary Sannin, along with 6 people behind him.

Village Guard: ah.....Miss Tsunade you have come, finally there is another strong help, this Miss Tsunade.

Seeing the Village Guard's hesitation, Tsunade stepped forward.

Tsunade : no time I will vouch for them and they are strong help for us, especially that silver haired man and black haired man, They are strong.! (Tsunade emphasized)

The village Guards saw this with relief and were doubtful of where they were and how strong they were, but seeing Tsunade's assurance their doubts disappeared, and allowed Tsunade to enter with her entourage.

Tsunade: thank you, come on guys.

All: come on x6


At some place :

Shiki Fujin...

When Minato said the name of his seal....

The god of death came out of his back...

Kyuubi: bastard...you want to seal me into that child. (Starts attacking Baby Naruto)


Kushina: You thought I would let you.

Suddenly the chains surrounding the Kyuubi grew stronger and larger.

Kyuubi: Roarrrrrrrrr....Kushina you. (Kyuubi struggles)

The silhouettes of 7 people entered through the barrier that Minato had made.

Seeing Minato already using the God of Death Seal Haru sighed.

Haru : Sigh.....at least you can save one.

Tsunade: that's true.

Yami : So this is Biju, his Ki is very strong and full of hatred.

Miia : he is very scary.

Sora saw the Kyuubi, cowering behind Haru.

Haru: it's okay Sora, I will protect you.

Sora felt warm in her day.

Kanae : like we're really late.

Esra : indeed, hufft...(takes a deep breath)

Minato: who are you, (Minato saw the 6 foreigners alert and when he saw them with Tsunade he was a little relieved)....ah...Miss Tsunade.

Tsunade: You're already in this state and you can still ask.

Haru : we are Tsunade's friends, we happened to be walking together towards a village near Konoha and felt a strong and abnormal chakra emission from Konoha, and we rushed here, sorry we seem to be late.

Minato: ah...so that's how it is, it's okay because right now I'm confused about who the Kyuubi will be sealed into, because Kushina and I are dying, and it's difficult for my child to become a jinchuriki.

Haru: I can save your wife but I can't save you, because you are tied to the God of death.

Minato: you...you can save my wife.

Haru: (nods)

Minato : thank you, for a moment I was confused about who would look after Naruto, now I can be relieved, will you be a jinchuriki, because I see you are suitable and you are a good person.

(Minato drops a bomb at his question)

 All: what!!!!????

Haru: I don't mind, but you trust other people too much.

Minato: ahahahaha....it's okay, I believe in the person one of the Legendary Sannin brought, so can we start, I've run out of time to talk.

Haru : well we can start, but I want you to separate the Kyuubi into 2, and give it to Kushina, I will teach her how to use the potential of the Biju's power, and don't worry I will save Kushina.

Minato : smile, thank you...and I will start.

Kyuubi: damn Minato... Roarrrrrrrrr...

Kushina : Minato.....(calling his name while crying)

Minato: I want you to be with him looking after Naruto.....(Answered Minato when he saw Kushina looking at him)

Haru : Hoi hoi, you gave your wife to someone else suddenly, you're so strange.

Minato: ahahahaha, I've always been said to be strange, (for a moment of sudden silence Minato said) It's fun laughing with you, even for a moment. (Said while throwing the ring to Haruka)

Haru: Hmmm...(nods, while catching the ring)

Minato: It's time to say goodbye, but if you want to replace it with a new one, that's okay, (then turns around, Minato smiles and shouts) SEAL...!!!!

Author: .⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠·⁠.< p>