
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Kỳ huyễn
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227 Chs

Gathering Beneath the Storm. (Part 4)

Gathering around, as we all abound. With the exception of Yimu who's sitting in the corner sorting through countless papers, Mitsuru who's looking out the window and Yuria who's sitting quietly on the extra seats. Libing starts by saying:

"Alright Spassy, let's me continue on your briefing."


Libing grabs a folder and throw it into the middle of the table as the contents spill out. Pictures of a group of rat-kins going inside the tunnels in desperation, climbing walls filled with thorn of arrows while some other pictures shows them in flames and missing limbs, some are massive dug up graves filled with burnable substance as it will become a natural ashtray beside mountains of piled-up bodies. I skip some as the pictures got worse with each transition.

The last picture shows a group of 5 individuals wearing a very eye-catching armour that shows they are commanders with one of them being unconscious and supported by two others as they enter a tunnel. Most of the pictures are places with grey lights and red sands. Abe who saw the picture soon closes Yui's eyes and nods as if she understands it all.

"What is this all about, Shifu? What is happening in there?"

I ask Libing when he nods and raises the last picture saying:

"This is your next mission from Crown Chancellor Mikhail. Assist with the capture of these five individuals in the northeast newly built citadel."

"Norteast citadel? Where's that?"

Libing nods saying:

"It's near the walls, Mitsuru and Sarah shall assist you in this urgent mission and guide you. Don't worry, this will be a short one as well."

"I see... But assist capture?"

"Yes, the exact details will be handled by the commander in charge when you arrive. So you'll just have to follow his or her words. You'll be sent out in 3 to 5 days. In summary, just go there and follow what the commander said, that's all."

"Very well... This suddenly feels heavy. I mean what's with the other pictures, Shifu? What happened?"

"That's the result of their crusade. A devastating failure. But their commanders are more than we expected them to be. They manage to break through our encirclement and lead a small remnant to escape through the walls. You were once part of the Xuju right, Abe? I hope there are no hold bars. Them being your old comrades and all."

Abe shakes her head and leans back hugging Yui replying:

"Nah, it's fine. I only know half of them, ones who are my old friends and even if they are, I haven't seen them in the last 19 years before meeting them again. They're like distant friends now or friends from kindergarten. You don't remember them, and I couldn't really care less since I already forgot most of their names and faces already."

"Wonderful, any questions?"

Abe raises her hand asking:

"Say, Libing, why not now? If our mission is to capture why wait? Isn't that pretty detrimental?"

Libing nods replying:

"Ah, a reasonable question. That's simply because we haven't found them yet. We know they're still inside the citadel but we can't pinpoint where they're located. Since they already encircled the underground layer and is now being closed in, it will take 5 days tops to gather in the middle and snuff them out. And knowing their strengths now, we will need someone appropriate to hammer the final nail to their coffin. And we're not sending the silencer to wait there for... You know, medical reasons."

"Right, I see... But what about the Supreme Marshal that was in charge in the first place? Or the Commandants, Champions, and the Great Generals beneath her? Ain't they strong enough as the hammers?"

"That has something to do with them being redeployed somewhere else more important. That's why I call this an urgent mission."

"I see, I see..."

Abe nods as she said that when Libing looks at me asking:

"That turned into a military report. What about you, Spassy? Any questions?"

"Huh? Well, not really. I mean I don't really have any as of now..."

"Ah, then you can ask me when something pops up. As for the education about how your jobs work, we will do it later, you don't mind right, Sova?"



Libing strokes his beard as he nods and then pulls out a large gourd to his table saying:

"Now that the serious stuff is gone. Let's take a break!"

"Screw you, Shifu! If you have time, help me out here!"

"Nah, this liquor need me you see and the pen needs you. So get signing. I hired you for a reason!"

"Abe-Jie, please help me out-"

"Sssh! No need to pout, I'll help you sort it out, my senior. And I'm curious to see who's sending these letters and proposals just a week after we proclaim our isolation over... Woah seriously!? I understand the need for new terms and treaties but A marriage proposal already?"

Abe and Yui appear beside Yimu before he could finish his words and help him out. As I wonder what I'm going to do now, I feel a brick hit my head as I remember something. I look at Libing who's getting drunk early in the morning and asking:

"Shifu, where's Sarah? I haven't seen her since I finally healed."

"Oh, that rat-kin? She's been going out to the streets lately. Don't know what she's doing but I think you can ask the guards. I'm sure they've seen her."

"I see... Since it's break time, you don't mind me going out for a while right?"

"Of course! We'll call you back when we need you for something. Just in case, hey Yuria was it? Take this."


Libing throws something at her but Yuria didn't manage to catch it and it ended up crashing down on the floor.

"I-I'm so sorry!"

Yuria scrambles to take the item when Libing shakes his head replying:

"Ah, it's fine. When we need you we'll contact you through her. You can leave now if you want."

I nod replying:

"Thanks, I'll take my leave then."

"Take care!"

"See you next time~!"

"Oh? You're leaving? Farewell."

"Just make sure you pick the call okay?"

They all greeted me goodbye before I finally leave the room with Yuria. With the grey skies outside and no artificial light, the hallways look dim and gloom as the grey clouds foretold a storm.

"Um... Are we really leaving?"

Yuria asks with a worried tone and I nod replying:

"Yup, it's been a week since I collapsed and if what Saya said is true, the district is supposed to be fixed now right?"

"Yes, that's supposed to be the case."

"I see, then let's go-"



This is the first time I heard Yuria replied back with such a stern voice. Yuria walks ahead of me and blocks my way saying:

"First, we got to change your clothes."

"But isn't this robe fine already?"

"No! While you were resting and being sick, I was working my ass off. Training to be a proper maid and servant so that I could serve you better!"

"Isn't that what you're supposed to do before you arrive here-"

Yuria places her finger on my lips as she cuts me off.

"Sssh! And the first thing to do is make sure your master is properly dressed when going out."


"How about you think of it like this Sova. Help me out with what you think of my skills, please? I really want to see what I can do and you can tell me how I fare, please?"

"Ah... Okay then. Let's see what you can do then, Yuria."

"Alright! Let's do it!"

Yuria shouts loudly as she raises her hands high with spirit and vigour.


With precision and skill, Yuria moves like a hurricane. Circling around me as I felt my body getting a bit heavier as she puts more clothes on me. It starts with red, white and soon purple and then red and purple as layers of robes soon pile up on me. Its beauty is exquisite as the feather art on the robes brings beauty I never thought I could have known...

(To be honest, this is too much for me. And more like I never really ask or bothered too much but where did these clothes come from? Do they belong to Sis? Or someone? And more like isn't it usually only one piece of robe? Now there's like 5... I really can't understand clothing these days. But thanks to Sis Fei I think I'm a pretty good armour connoisseur or whatever it is).

"Hold on, um... Yuria, isn't this a dress? You're not tricking me like the first time you helped me dress are you?"

Yuria soon wrap my hair up and hold it with a long beautiful black pin replying:

"Sova, I want you to look into the mirror in front of you and tell me. Do you think a men's robe is appropriate for you?"

I stare at my reflection and realize with my new face, my old distributed clothing now looks out of place. I mean sure May look okay with it since she has short hair but the new clothes Yuria pick is much more-

"No! I won't fall for that! I'm a guy and you very well know that's true."

Yuria wraps a sash around my waist before answering:

"Yes... I know... But look deep into yourself. Here's another nugget of wisdom from my caretaker. "Everything had a time and place, like how every piece of a puzzle has its slot", is what she told me."

"I don't see how that'll help me right now and why do I feel like you just made that one up-"

"Sssh! I already finished dressing you up anyway. So let's just go."

Yuria places her finger on my lips once more before she moves it and turning my lips more sparkly than before. Yuria moves away carrying a box and starts to keep it all inside as I look at my own reflection once again. A beautiful dress, an ornament on my head and a light make up...


I guess I can't help but say:

"Yes, this actually looks very nice. You're actually pretty good at this Yuria."

"Really!? Thanks!"

Yuria's face reddened as she scratches her cheeks. I nod reassuring her and we soon set off. But not before Yuria pulls something off the sheld and presents it to me saying:

"And, you're going to need this."

"What is it?"

I tilt my head asking while I take the item. Seeing a switch on the handle, I press it and it opens up with a beautiful drawing of a pair of phoenix dancing in circles. As I was awed by such an item, the words of a certain someone resonate in my head.

"You know... I just remembered what Abe said before. Do you think it's okay for me to wear something so expensive like this to the people who are suffering outside?"

"Oh, it's fine really. They're already receiving help from a lord archmage Her Majesty sent from the new capital to help with the renovations. And coupled with the abundance of food that just arrived, the people couldn't be happier that they are receiving a lot of assistance. And why don't we make it like this, if you go there to visit them and see what's going on, don't you think the people would be happier when a Noble would go down to the slums to check on them personally? I mean, don't you have any friends you wish to visit, Sova?"

A brick soon lands on my head as I just realize Yuria's ideas. I nod with a smile as I lean the umbrella on my shoulders saying:

"Yea, I guess that could work. I'm surprised you could think so far like that."

Yuria drums her chest with one hand shouting:

"Of course I can! What kind of person do you think I am!?"

I smile at her relying:

"A precious friend and..." I blink once before saying,


Yuria's face reddened even more than before as it even reaches her ears. She presses her fingers together replying:

"That's a bit sudden... We should go now."

Yuria's orange eyes brighten up and leer away as she says that before she leaves. I look at myself in the mirror again and can't help but strike a pose with the umbrella, like a certain famous hero during the World Invasion and smile.

(If only the handle can be pulled like a hidden blade. That would be awesome).


*tack* *splash* *tack*

"Puddle, puddle in the rain, how fun you are when you show our reflection~♫"

I can't help but sing a song I remembered whenever I walk outside during the rain. The streets filled with puddles and a subtle silence. Empty, and desolate while the building stands tall from side to side bring the smell of dust and rust. I stop and look at the familiar shop's glass door beside me and see myself now and realize how different I became in just a few weeks. The old me in the mirror fades when a voice enters my ear:

"What's wrong, Sova? Is the guard's attitude back at the gates still bother you?"

Yuria who walks behind me with an umbrella of her own asks me with worry but I shake my head replying:

"Oh, no, I totally understand their nervousness since what happened last night. It's just... Never mind, let's go find Saya with what they told me."

I continue to walk forth the familiar district and soon found a familiar rundown house. I stop my tracks once more as I stare. Unlike the last time I visit, the glass has been fixed, the walls repaint and the whole building renovated. Yet the old antique feel was still there as nostalgia blooms and memories flow...

(One day... I'll return here with May, Aunt and Sis Rubeca).

"What is it this time, Sova? Did something catch your eyes?"

I continue forward once again replying:

"Ah, no... It's just, do you know I live in this district?"

Yuria follows suit with surprise saying:

"Wait, you live here? Where's your old house? Wait, is it that workshop?"

I nod replying:

"Yes and no, I live in another apartment but I usually gather there with my family."

"Your family? Is her majesty not your sister?"

"Well, she is, ah I guess it's a bit complicated."

"I just realize this Sova, but I don't really know much about your past."

Yuria walks beside me as she leans forward and looks at me from below. The rain becomes soft drizzles, our steps make small splashes from the puddle while I shake my head replying:

"I guess that's true. I actually spent most of my life living in this district."

"Really!? I thought you live in some hidden villa or something like in those novels I read about hidden nobles."

"I don't understand what you meant but I'm just like everyone else. Working as a waiter, sleeping in a cheap apartment while helping the landlady to get discounts and bonuses while I explore to new places and sometimes buy myself a snack for my personal study session with my best friend... Well until this all happened."

"Really? That's hard to imagine. Seeing how good you are with the blade I thought you've been training quietly in some cave or forest or something for the past decade... You as a waiter huh? Now I want to see that."

"It's nothing special really. But... It's hard to believe there's an orphanage near here. I didn't even know that."

The colour scheme and buildings around us change as we enter a new neighbourhood. Yuria tilts her head replying:

"Hmm? I'm pretty sure an orphanage is pretty common anywhere. Even my tiny ass village has one."

"Really? Oh..."

As per the guard's instruction. A certain chapel- no, an built up orphanage with kids of varying age playing out on the yard behind the safety of the chapel walls. And on the top of it all is a tower with a bell and some cones around the corners...

(So that's where the bell sound came from. Why didn't I realize that?)

Yuria and I proceed forth toward the orphanage. As we reach the entrance, one of the kids looks at us and runs inside shouting in runician saying:

"Sister! Sister!"

While another follows her shouting:

"A noble is coming!"

Some younger kids rush to me carrying a toddler shouting:

"Pretty lady!"

The toddler in his arms raise her hand as if she wants to hold me shouting:

"Pwetty wadi!"

Wondering if the rain has stopped, I stretch my hand forth to feel the drizzle and realize the rain has ended.

(I guess I should expect that when the kids are playing outside. One of the unique features of our district is local rains. Where one neighbourhood is raining the others does not).

I close the umbrella and proceed to lean forward as I let the toddler hold my hand. When she smiles happily I can't help but smile as well. Yuria too got surrounded by kids as she lifts one up saying:

"Aw~ aren't you the cutest kid around!"

As I pull my hand back, seeing the toddler reaching for it as she tries to say something. I can't help but let her touch it for a bit more and soon realize something...

(These kids survived the monster invasion huh? I can't imagine the horrors they went through).

I slowly grasp the toddler's hand while I control my strength in return. Unconsciously I try to comfort her with a smile saying:

"It must be hard..."

"Sister, sister, there she is!"

"Slow down Yuri. Sis is in the middle of making everyone's lunch."

One of the kids that went inside pulls a girl who's a bit younger than me. Wearing a spirit priest garb similar to Sutra, she also wears an ornamental collar on her shoulder as she holds a bowl of unprocessed dough and being pulled on the other. As our eyes met, her eyes widened as she lets out an:


As she got closer the girl lets her go and she decides to let one of the kid hold the bowl saying:

"Hold this for me Xuxu. Can bring this back to the kitchen?"

The kid holds it like he's receiving a medal saying:

"Of course, Sis. Leave it to me!"

The sister walks in front of me as she pats her dirtied apron and clasps her hand before bowing down saying:

"Welcome to the spirit church orphanage, noble of Huang. You may call me Liquyi, what brings you to our humble abode?"

Hearing her speak in runician, I let the toddler go and clasp my hand before bowing my head down saying:

"Greetings as well, Sister Liquyi. I'm Suowa Anmao, I am here because I heard a friend of mine is supposedly here."

As we finish our greetings, Liquyi stands straight and tilt her head asking:


I return posture and nod saying:

"Yes, her name's Shala, she's rat-kin who still looks like a child."

Liquyi hits her palm shouting:

"Ah! Her!"

She turns her back at me and gestures me to follow her saying:

"Follow me, she's helping out in the kitchen. To think she would have a friend like you, I'm a bit surprised."

As if we're done talking formally, Liquyi speaks to me casually as she leads us inside. When I look around, I could see countless kids watching us while we speak. I nod along replying:

"I really don't know what to say to that. I mean what's so surprising?"

We enter the chapel and was greeted with rows upon rows of pillars and clean floors. At the end of the road is a huge altar with lit up candles. As we walk, kids follow us around as they stare at us while some even pull on our robe and Yuria is trying her best to stop them but ended up being surrounded and pick on instead shouting:

"E-Eh!? H-Help!"

Ignoring her, we remove our shoes and sandals before entering another hallway. Liquyi smiles saying:

"Hehe! I'm surprised she has a noble friend like you. When she visits first, I honestly thought she was a lost kid but when she speaks otherwise I was truly blown away."

Liquyi looks up as she remembers something.

"Help, Sova!"

I ignore Yuria's plea for help again and nod along saying:

"Haha, I can imagine that, do you know why she visits?"

She looks at me shocked replying:

"You don't know? Well, I don't really know myself but she sure is a huge help. She comes here every day to play and help the kids learn the common tongue."

"Really now?"

(I didn't know Saya was that kind of person... I don't really understand her as a friend either).

"Mhm! We're getting close. Let me call her up."

As we leave Yuria behind, Liquyi runs ahead into a room with a large open entrance with no door shouting:

"Shala! A friend has come to visit you!"

When I focus my hearing I could hear a familiar voice replying:

"Friend? Really now?"

A small silhouette appears from the corner of the entrance. Her large pink tail sways while her large pink ears twitch, with a brown hair that's a mix of black and her ruby red eyes, she wears the same distributed clothing like mine but for the size of a child.


I scream out loud as I rush to her when she looks at me for a while with confusion in her eyes whispering:


With the small interval of her being stunned, I use this chance to pick her up and hug her shouting:

"Found you!"

"Uwaaah! Let me go! Let me go, you brute! Don't you remember what happened last time you did this!?"

"Don't worry, I can control my strength now."

"That's still a no! Let me go! Rrrgh!"

Saya resists and tries to peel my hands open but with my strength now it feels like a baby trying to resist which is honestly futile. Liquyi walks beside me with a smile saying:

"Hoh, I'm surprised. Sarah is actually subdued. As expected of her friend."

"Oh, you'll pay..."

I give her another good cuddle before letting her go asking:

"So, why are you here Saya? I didn't know you're the type to visit orphanages."

Says takes a few breaths before replying:

"Hmph! I could ask you the same question. Why are you looking for me?"

"Well, remember when I said I want to spend time with you? Well, now's the time."

Saya looks at me with scepticism in her eyes and replies back saying:

"Hmph, then come help out then. I'll answer you as we work."


I follow Saya as we enter the kitchen and the kids finally stop following. Inside I could find another unfamiliar face, an old lady shoving in the uncooked dough with the middle filled with meat and vegetable into the oven as her clothes are powdered white by the dough. When she looks at us she unties her apron and comes forth saying:

"Who might this pretty lady be? I am the one in charge of running this orphanage, you may call me Kaiqian. Welcome to the orphanage."

The old lady bows her head down and I respond by clasping my hand replying:

"My name's Suowa Anmao, I am Shala's friend, nice to meet you."

"Oh my! Look at you, such smooth and beautiful skin and a pretty face, you surely are blessed."

"Oh, please. No need for the praise, Elder. I'm here to help as well"

"Hohoho~ this is a lucky day indeed. Thank you, Spirit King. Very well, Shala, why don't you show your friends the ropes."

"Yes, Elder..."

Saya looks at me saying:

"Well, come now, and don't forget to wash your hands. And you can put your umbrella there."

Saya points at the shelf on the corner and I follow along. Placing the umbrella on top, I was my hands and pull my sleeves up to my shoulders. I walk to Saya asking:

"So, what should I do?"

"With your strength, you can help me plough the dough easily. Come."

"Okay! So how do I do it?"

Saya presents me with a round thick dough saying:

"Simply grab the upper part and fold it into the bottom and push it inside. Simple as that."

She proceeds to do as she says and provide me with an example as I nod saying:

"Alright! Leave it to me!"

I followed her instruction while controlling my strength as I ask:

"Am I doing it right?"

"Mhm, you're doing fine. Keep going."

I continue to plough the dough into shape. As I wonder why we need to this, Liquyi stand beside me as she watches saying:

"Wow look at her moving that thing so easily... You're so strong yet your arms so slim. Even my enhancement magic is not that strong."

Liquyi raises her arms to flex her muscles but only a tiny bulge shows on her biceps as she pinches them up. She then looks at me again asking:

"So, Lord Suowa, are you a Martial Artist?"

I nod replying:

"Yea, why?"

"That's amazing! This is the first time I saw one. I guess they don't look so different... Is not having any magic also part of being a martial artist?"

"I don't think that's the case. I don't have any magic to sense is because I'm an Owlian. And have you really not seen any Martial Artist at all? What about the guards? Aren't they martial artists?"

"Really? I couldn't really tell. How do you tell them apart?"

Liquyi looks at me with anticipation but I can't help thinking,

(Does this mean normal people can't tell martial artists and normal people apart? Now that's a bit disturbing... I didn't really think much before I train with Sis but how do people view Martial Artists?)

"Sorry, I guess I couldn't help you with differentiating since I'm still new as well."

I shake my head as I answer and Liquyi nods replying:

"Okay... Still, thank a lot for helping! I guess nobles aren't as bad as I heard about them."

"Liquyi! Watch your mouth!"

"Ow ow ow, sorry Nanny!"

Elder Kaiqian scold her loudly as she pulls her ear and continues saying:

"Forgive us Lord Suowa!"

She looks at Liquyi asking:

"What do you say when you're wrong?"

Liquyi bows her head down at me saying:

"I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, but just to clarify, I may be wearing this but I'm not a noble so please don't be so alerted."

Kaiqian bows down saying:

"Your humbleness knows no bound. Thank you for your generosity, Lord Suowa."

Before she continues to bake their lunch. Liquyi quietly mixes the bowl beside me as the atmosphere seems down. As I try to think about how to cheer the mood up, I smile at Liquyi asking:

"Liquyi, the kids here all look so lively. You and the Elder must be taking good care of them. For someone so young, you're doing pretty amazing things."

"Eh? Thanks, I guess. I mean it's not that special."

"Oh, I think it is. I mean, from what I see, you can cook, the kids seem to like you and from your clothes, you must be a practitioner from the spirit church right? I may be living by my self but I have a hard time cooking even for myself."


"Yes, I can't even wear this clothing without the help of Yuria. The girl that's screaming for help before. I'm an Owlian too, so I can't even use magic like you."

"Hehehe! Stop praising me~ you're making me embarrassed!"

Liquyi wiggles around as she smiles widely while still mixing the bowl. She then looks at me replying:

"What about you, Lord Suowa? You can do Martial Arts stuff that only a few can do. You must be amazing!"

"Me? Not at all. Like I said, I'm still quite new honestly. By the way, how long should I fold this dough?"

I present the dough to her and she looks at it saying:

"Hmm, this is good enough, you can continue with another one."

"Okay. I'll ask you again."

"Hehe, I really don't understand why you're cheering me up when I'm wrong but... Thanks, you can count on me."

After hearing her response, I nod and look at my other side. Seeing Saya dicing the vegetable and slicing the meat with good precision, I can't help but wonder if Saya's a good cook. I lean towards her asking:

"So, Saya, why do you come to this orphanage? Is there someone you know?"

Saya puts the chopped up ingredients at a large bowl replying:

"Hmph! Do you think I would know anyone? I'm only doing this to keep my foot on the ground."

I continue to plough the dough asking:

"Hmm? I don't see you levitating-"

"I told you countless times already, don't always take it literally you idiot!"

"Umm... So what do you mean?"

"I'm saying that it's good to enjoy the luxury life but it's also a good idea to make sure you don't forget your origin."

"I'm sorry, you lost me there."

"I'm saying, don't forget your common sense and be mindful of your financial literacy."

"Common sense huh... I guess I can get on that but what's financial literacy?"

"Really? I thought for someone who lives a common life would know that. Did you let your parents do all your payments and fees"

"Well no..."


Saya sighs and continues to chop up the next ingredient saying:

"Fine then, let me ask you something. Do you know the difference between things you need and things you want?"

"Yea! Of course, I do! That's how I've been saving up. Although, sometimes I reward myself for doing a good job."

"I guess that's a good start. Now tell me how different is your life now compared to a couple weeks ago? Now you got yourself a servant, a lavish room, 3 luxury meals a day, a fancy utility room, a large bath, a huge palace, and full support of investment and connections. Well, that's how I see you now but do you get my point?"

Feeling the details sinks in, I can't help but nod along as I realize I have stopped moving my hands.

(Yeah, my life just suddenly got turned for the better in so many ways...)

"Now tell me what happens when all of that just go, poof."


"For example, you finally retired but at the end of the journey, all the things you've started is already gone. Since you're a warrior or fighter, it's pretty common that your friends are either dead or crippled and you can't expect them to help you since you're probably the same as them. The people that once support you start to change and unlike before where the old authorities will give leeway since you know them personally, these new ones are more strict and the more useless you become the less support you got from them. Especially if you have descendants who got blinded by greed which is a pretty common story..."


Saya slams a large butcher knife to the board and looks at me saying:

"I guess that got too detailed. Sorry, let's just finish the meal."

"I-I see..."

I slowly plough the dough as I try to let her explanation sinks in when Kaiqian approaches me with a half slice of the bread saying:

"Here taste this, Lord Suowa."

"Oh? Thanks."

I take the portion she gives me and eats it. The taste of meat and vegetable is rich even compared to the major part of it being bread...

"This is pretty good."

Kaiqian nods and then gives me the other slice saying:

"I think what she's trying to tell you is how important long terms investments can be. You have to make sure you plan how much you wish to spend so that you won't be met with disasters in the future. Is that right, Shala? Or should I call you Saya like your friend?"

Saya chops the last piece and folds her arms replying:

"Please just call me, Shala. Saya is a name just for him... But yes, you're right."

"I see, I see. The fact that you're teaching him this fact, you better make sure you help her back okay, Lord Suowa?"

"I don't really understand the bigger line but... Yea, I'll help her with what I can."

"Good, and keep that hands moving please."

"Ah, yes! Sorry! Wait, is this enough Liquyi?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah, go with the next one."



As the clouds shatter, the azure sky brings forth the golden sun. When the rainbow soars, so does the birds fly to the end of the journey's end. The puddle sparkles and shines as the humid smell enters. Saya and Yuria walk beside me on the lonely streets. Closed left and right while the birds sing the serene drops of water bring calmness.

"This feels nice. I may not like rain when it happens but when it ends it sure is a sight to see."

I raise my arm and open my hands as I look at the crumbs left and lick it when Yuria smiles at me saying:

"Hehe~, I didn't know you think of the weather so much, Sova."

"Oh, I think of it a lot. Especially when my laundries is at stake... By the way, where do you clean our clothes, Yuria?"

"Oh? Usually in the basement. The sun shines there too or we sometimes use magic to dry it as well."

"How convenient."

I then look at Saya asking:

"Say, Saya do you want to accompany me somewhere?"

"Hmm? Where do you want to go? I checked around and the people still haven't opened their shops yet. The district may be fixed but most of the people are still living the shelter for a few more days."

"Oh, I'm just trying to check somewhere. If they're closed and empty then I guess we could leave."

"Very well then... Still, so you've finally accepted your female looks huh Sova?"

"No, I haven't!"

My answer was swift and Saya shakes her head replying:

"Whatever, so what place are we going?"

"A noodle shop. And if we're lucky we might get to eat again."

"Well, what are you waiting for? Lead the way!"

"That caught your attention quick. You really like eating, don't you? I mean we just finished lunch and you ate like 5 bread."

"Hmph! I guess you don't understand the anatomy of the rat-kin. Just quickly move."


(Maybe I could persuade her with food next time).

As we got closer I could hear sounds of someone moving things. Soon, I could see people walking with crates on their hands levitating some boxes and the streets were getting louder. Unlike before where the droves of people would split in twine they seem to stop and make way for me. And with the lack of foreigners, the harassing seems to halt as well or maybe...

(Clothing does make the difference huh?)

This is just a few neighbourhoods away from my home. And since I can only hear so far away when I focus I didn't realize there are so many people moving in already.

"Saya, I thought you said they're still living in the shelters?"

"I said most of them. I mean sure your home gets attacked by monsters but if you were told that you got your home fixed, a free burning rite, free renovations, a few years of supplies and an improved district built from scratch. I'm sure their anger would seriously die down."

"But what about the people who, you know..."

"Ah, well yes, most of the complains come from how monsters even got here but Mikhail' internal affair offices dealt with it pretty swiftly. You don't need to worry about it, they now direct that anger toward someone else."

"I seriously confused and scared whenever I hear about that stuff..."

(Like... Is this how death works? But I guess if there are people here, the chance of them being at the shop is high).

"Heh, then you better get used to it. So where's the shop you told me about?"

"Oh, we're getting close. That place is where I work as a waiter too."

"Really? I guess that explains how you were pretty good when you helped my friend- mhm, accomplice."

"W-Wait, What do you mean he helped? Does that mean Sova was serving customers?"

Yuria cuts in to ask and Saya nods replying:

"Yeah, complete with the servant clothes and anything. He fits perfectly well, to be honest."

"Uuh, so it already happened. By the way, last week when you return from your mission, why are you wearing servants clothes by the way?"

Yuria looks at me with curiosity and I look up, stroking my chin replying:

"I never told you before? I'm pretty sure I did."


"Well, my armour got obliterated during the mission and Sis Yuwei's friend who is a servant gave it to me since I was practically naked and there no other clothes. Not counting the ripped clothes of the corpses and soldiers that died."

"Ah, sorry for asking- wait, you were naked!?"

Yuria shouts out loud causing everyone to look my way when Saya grabs her mouth saying:

"Shut up! And keep your voice down!"

When Saya lets her go, Yuria bows down saying:

"I-I'm very sorry, Sova. Please forgive this lowly one."

"It's fine, just keep yourself in control next time."

"Thank you, Sova... It's just that being with you just doesn't seem to be a lord and a servant relationship that much."

"It's fine, I like it better this way."

Yuria lowers her head whispering:

"Well, if you say so, Sova... So are you really naked? Did anyone see your thing... Um, You know."

"Nah, I wasn't completely naked, I still have some clothes hanging down my waist so it's fine."

"I'm surprised you're comfortable talking about this Sova."

Saya commented back before Yuria could react when Yuria walks closer as I wonder where this conversation is going... I could see a familiar noodle shop ahead. And more familiar people in front. A middle-aged man moving crates to his two-floored shop with a smile and a girl who's a year older than me also carrying the box inside. As I walk closer, I could see the sign on the wall saying:

[Soba's Soba!]

I nod as I'm sure this is the place.

(A weird name but an appropriate one. And more confusing since he calls me with the same name).

When they come out with their hands empty and look at us approaching their place. The father and daughter duo look at each other confused when the daughter grabs her father's hand shouting:

"Tou-san! What did you do this time!?"

"I did nothing Shio-chan! You were with me the whole day, weren't you!? I did nothing wrong!"



The dad tried to stop the girl from running inside when we finally arrive infront of his store. He rubs his hand and slouches forward to look small. With a smile he looks up to me asking:

"What brings a dear noble to this humble abode? Ah, did you perhaps heard this shop from a friend? If so, I'm sorry but this place is still closed for the day."

(Hmm, I don't remember any nobles eating here? Even if they did try, the moment they saw me they would curse and leave. It kinda makes this store only for the locals and commoners).

I shake my head replying:

"Not at all uncle, Soba. Since I'm checking to see how the district is doing, I thought why not check how you've been doing as well."

"I-I'm sorry, b-but do we know each other?"

(Ah right! I look and sound different now! I wonder if I should really clean any misunderstanding whenever I meet an old friend).

"Ah, forgive for asking that, in any case, please come inside. We can't let a noble stand in the doorway for too long."

Before I could introduce my self, Uncle Soba invites me in his shop. I nod saying:

"Ah, thanks. It seems you really did get a two-storied house."

I place my umbrella near the door and Yuria does the same when Uncle Soba scratch his head replying:

"Hahaha! Of course! It's all thanks to your endless generosity for sending a Lord Archmage! Please take a seat!"

Uncle scrambles around and moves in a table and a chair for me, Saya and Yuria to sit. Before he closes the door and bows down multiple times saying:

"Oh, please wait while we make you tea. Thank you very much! Hahaha! We'll make you the best one we have too!"

He scurries away to the back where I could see the aunt and his daughter peeking out from the back kitchen. And before long I could hear the aunt whisper shouting:

"Why did you invite her in!?"

"You think I could just shoo away a noble!? I mean look at her! She's a noble the Empress didn't purge and she somehow knows my plans for the house, did you expect me to do something else!?"

(Maybe I should wear something else and tell him I'm coming I guess... Wait, will that be worse?)

"Well, it's better than inviting her in!"

The daughter chimes still screaming with a low voice but her fathers retaliate back whisper shouting:

"Then you do it!"

"What!? You're the head of the family! You're supposed to do it!"

"Oh~ so now I'm the head of the family when it's convenient huh!? Ask your mother to do it then."

"What!? How could you throw your wife away like that! What happened to, "I will protect you forever," huh!?"

I shake my head as I was reminded of what kind of family they are and decided to stop eavesdropping as I look at Yuria saying:

"Well, Yuria, can you please let me wear an armour next time? I mean that way it's not just a simple robe isn't it?"

Yuria looks down replying:

"I guess that's fine..."

And then look at Saya who's holding back her laughter as she's sitting properly.

"So you can hear them?"

"Pfff, yeah! I admit this place is great. And I could smell they already cook something back at the kitchen too. I'm so ready to eat."

"I see, but remember we only get to eat if it goes well. But with how it's going now, I'm pretty doubtful."

"Well, you better prepare to compensate for my time."

"Why? I mean it's not like you're going to do anything."

"Hey, I could be lazing around at the house all day long than being out here."

"I really don't understand you."

"Oh! Dear Guests! Welcome to Soba's Soba, please enjoy this refreshment!"

The aunt comes out of the back kitchen and brings it three glass of hot green tea... She uses the tray to cover half her face saying:

"Well, if it's not much to ask, may I ask why you visit? Since you take your very valuable to visit us, let us make you our speciality meals."

I look at her and take a sip of the tea replying:

"Oh, that would be great, though, I'm just here to visit my friends."

(Yeah, bland tea, I seriously don't understand why they don't put sugar or anything... But at least it's better than that super bitter tea Sis Yuwei drinks).

"Friends? Oh, from your age, could you somehow be connected to our daughter?"

The aunt now covers 3/4th of her face with the tray as I saw her eyes turn to crescent before I nod saying:

"Well, ye-"

"Ohohoho! Please wait for a while!"

The aunt dash back before I could finish my words. With such speed that even surprise me and made me wonder if I could dash as fast as her. I could hear the scratching in the walls as I eavesdrop hearing the daughter whisper shouting:

"Kaa-san! What are you doing! I don't know anyone like her! There's no way I would forget someone as eye catching as her!"

"Shio-chan, just listen to your mother okay? It's not like you're going to die or anything."

"Do you hear what you're saying!?"



With a single loud sound, I found the daughter falls face down with her but sticking up. She got up while sitting with her knees fold and goes closer to me. She looks up at me with a weird asking:

"U-Um, hello, how're you doing?"

"I'm doing pretty well actually, Shio-senpai."

"S-Senpai!? Oh, please no need to call me that! Just call me Shio! Hahahaha!"

Shio scratch her head as she replies and I shake my head thinking,

(Yeah, I really should clear the misunderstanding. This is just too painful to watch the longer it happens).

"Shio-senpai, don't you remember me? It's me, Sova."

"Hmm? Wait... That headband... Only one person would wear stupid-looking headband."

Shio tilts her head with a smile as she looks closely at my face when...

*thump* *thump* *thump*

"Alright, that's it! I can't stand looking at this!"

Uncle Soba comes in shouting with his decorated black sword in his hand. He points the sheathed blade at me and pulls out a unique-looking necklace shouting:

"I don't care if you're a noble the Empress has sent or something but if you're going to ruin our family. Then I won't hesitate to fight back!"

Yuria becomes afraid and hides behind me while Saya continues to sip on her tea peacefully. I also took a sip before replying:

"Uncle sorry for not introducing myself earlier."

I stood up, clasping my hand and bowing down saying:

"Uncle it's me, Sova."

Before I straighten my back and continue saying:

"We've met again like a week ago. You gave me a box of noodles as well before I depart for my mission remember? See, even my headband still writes my name."

(Oh wait, they can't read Owlian).

He starts to look at me closely and jog his memory. I lift my hands up and as the heavy sleeves fall, I continue saying:

"As for my looks now, do you now the phenomenon called true awakening? My hair and voice changed thanks to that."

"Tou-san, you met Sova before? Why didn't you tell us?"

Shio looks at Uncle Soba with confusion when the Aunt appears behind him asking:

"Soba boy?"

"Yes! If that's not enough to convince you, aunty. I guess you wouldn't mind me tell you about that time when I was working on extra hours, uncle tells me to buy something you told him to buy but he told me to buy secretly since he was busy, I think it was a pink bookstore called..."

"Soba boy! Where have you been!?"

Uncle Soba dash at me dropping his sword as he pats my shoulders shouting:

"Man, look at you! I thought I knew that headband from somewhere! Sheesh! So you are a girl all along!"

I shake my head firmly replying:

"No, uncle. I can assure you I'm still a guy. My voice just change is all."

He stops patting my shoulder and looks at me with a deadpan face and backs away taking his sword saying:

"I see, so you've become a... A-anyways! So it's really you huh, Sova?"

I nod excitingly replying:

"Yup! I've returned from my mission successfully!"


Uncle Soba sighs and hides his sword behind the open kitchen counter and sits on the table. Shio stands up and walks to me asking:

"You're really Sova, right?"

I nod saying:



Shio hugs me tightly as I could hear her continue shouting:

"Where have you been!? Do you know how worried we've been when we didn't found you at your house!? We thought you and your family died after you finished your one year of training! And we couldn't even found your name in any of the shelters, I thought that was the last time I could see you!"

I felt her tears soaking my shoulders as I hug her back and pat her back saying:

"Sorry, I guess I should have visited you sooner."

(After I finished training, I spent most of my time if not resting at my house, visiting the shops I use to work).

She looks at Uncle Soba shouting:

"And why didn't you tell us you saw Sova, Tou-san!"

Uncle Soba scratch his head replying:

"Sorry, Shio. Dad, don't want to say something to excite you early when you're still-"



"Well, at least you can tell it to me can't you!? You unreliable goof!"

Aunt cuts in smacking him with the tray before looking at me saying:

"Well, I'm glad you're back Sova. Have you eaten lunch yet? I'll help you make something."

"Oh, that would be great! Can you make it for the other two as well? They're my friends too."

"Sure, hun, please prepare sits for the stall table."

"Thanks, Aunt..."

I scratch my head before saying:

"And thanks for worrying about me everyone."

Uncle gives thumbs while rubbing his head saying:


Aunt shakes her head replying:

"No need for thanks, you're like family after all."

Shio tightens her hug at me and whispers:

"Yea, so make sure you keep in contact with us okay?"

I pat her back saying:

"Yea! Once again, sorry for worrying about you."

Here's another part... Thank you so much for reading so far, don't worry the novel will be free to read for a while, while in a long time. Please do leave a comment or maybe a review if you can.

Some times, I like cheesing through games while eating cheese sandwich. Is that weird?

Beltwayscreators' thoughts