
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Fantasy
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225 Chs

Gathering Beneath the Storm. (Part 5)

Insatiable hunger manifests in my stomach as the familiar smell of a certain dish becomes stronger. It's like the dish has made a trail of steam that guides us to its reach from inside the kitchen.

Saya becomes even more impatient as she folds her arms and taps loudly with her feet. Shio helps prepare some light snacks for us by giving us some chopped up fruits vegetables with some salty sauce. Yuria looks around and eats the meal with a crunch in every bite saying:

"*munch* *crunch* I just realize this, but this place is filled with spirits."

"Hmm? Oh yea, you did say you can communicate with spirits. Is it really that bad?"

Saya who takes a bite of the meal help answer saying:

"Who cares, just give me the meal already... *crunch*"

Saya grows impatient by the moment when Yuria points at her back saying:

"Ye, it's like they're attracted to something."

Shio twitched when Yuria said that and she continues to point behind Saya and continue saying:

"There's even one fat dude sniffing your hair."

Hearing that, Saya snaps her finger and a loud pitch rings through my ear. Causing us to close our ears while our drums keep ringing. Saya continues eating saying:

"Tch, and here I thought spirits can't get more disgusting. And isn't Sova here suppose to be their repellant?"

Yuria nods saying:

"Oh, he is repelling them. So much so there's a huge circle around him, it's just... You could just sit beside him you know."

Saya who takes a sit one chair away decided to get closer as she now sits beside me. I decided to give her my portion saying:

"Here, you can have mine, Saya."

"Oh, how kind of you. This is actually pretty good. Sometimes simple food is pretty nice. As someone good with daggers and knives, this is some exceptional cuts."

"Thanks for the compliment!"

Shio replies with a bow and a smile. I look at Shio who continued to cut some more asking:

"So, how is it going Shio? I never asked when I returned but did you manage to get someone to teach you cooking while I was training?'

"Huh? Well, no. I can't find anyone lately since we're limiting the travel place. And now with the incident, it's even harder. I wonder if we'll get any more tourist chef?"

Saya takes another bite before asking:

"If I may ask, is your dream is to be a famous chef or something?"

Shio with a huge grin spins her knife between her finger and grab its handle with precision to stop before saying:

"That's right! I wanna become a world-famous chef and make people fall unconscious with my unworldly cooking! And my fist stall shall be my parent's diner!"



Shio shouts in pain as her mother hit her head with her tray and look at her saying:

"How many times do I have to tell you, don't play with knives!"

"But, Kaa..."

"No buts! It's for your safety! And you can find a new master when you learn all your father's skills first."


Saya finishes her dish and takes the one I gave her asking:

"Say, what kind of chef are you looking for anyway?"

(Oh, is Saya interested in cooking? Then again, she like eating so that's not too far fetched).

Shio rubs her head replying:

"I want to find those famous restaurants chef to teach me their skills. But I can't find any restaurants here at all no matter what district I travel too."

Saya nods and eats another bite before replying:

"I understand your predicament now."

"Y-You do!? Are you going to tell me where I can get a master chef?"

Aunt Soba puts the tray down between them saying:

"Even if that's true, I won't let my daughter live far away."


Shio looks at Aunt Soba with anger when Saya shakes her head replying:

"Oh, not at all, in fact, you can find one in this district. It's just that the way you're looking at it is wrong."

"Really? Please tell me, Master!"

Shio asks back as she begs and Saya smiles with her new title. Saya grabs a piece of chopped up fruit saying:

"There are a lot of different chefs in this world. And if you want to be a world-famous chef, you need a dish that can satisfy the world. So tell me, what kind of famous dish do you want to present?"

"Dish? Well... I guess something like steak?"

"Steak? How dull for a world choice."


Shio was somehow hurt with that comment as she holds her chest in pain. Saya then continues explaining:

"Though I can't blame you for your lack of choice since Citizens like us have limited choices. But what you need to know is that there are many titles than just normal chefs you know. For example, the chef who specializes in meat like you probably want is called Roast Masters. They're the ones that usually appear in the cover of food magazines holding skewers and large butcher knives in their hands."

"Wait, there are many different specialize chefs? And they have different titles!? I guess that would explain their different clothing and tools."

Shio leans forth with her ears wide open for more information. Seeing her getting along with Saya, she ignores the food she was cutting and makes Aunt Soba shakes her head while smiling as she continues her work. Saya eats another bite before saying:

"That's right! And each Sector has its own special ingredients and in turn special chefs."

"Oh! Tell me more! Tell me more!"

Shio decides to leave the cooking stall and sit beside Saya as she asks for more information and advice. I can't help but listen in on their conversation as Yuria seems to be interested too.

"Case in point the Sector we live in. Do you know the history of the Phoenix Sector?"


"That's right, like who are the people that Settled here?"

"Hmm, sorry I don't know. I never bothered reading history textbooks."

I raise my hand shouting:

"I know! Kokkan told me this, they are doctors!"

"Ah! It seems you still remembered, good. Like Sova said the people that settle here are mostly doctors and do you know what they're good at?"

"Huh? Healing people right?"

"Yes, but they have another speciality..."

Saya grabs the fruits and veggies and mushes them together to present to her saying:

"They're also good at alchemy or making medicine. Simply put, mixing things."

Saya eats the food she mixed before she looks away saying:

"And the master chefs in this sector are master mixers called, Spice Masters."

"S-Spice? Masters?"

"Yeah, every food need spice, no! In this day and age, all food must-have spice! Case in point, this meal you make."

Saya points at the dish Shio make. Shio tilts her head saying:

"I don't remember putting any spice?"

"Really? I could taste salt, I could taste the crisp sourness of the vegetable while the sweetness of the fruit. Spice may not just come in the form of powder but also what's inside the ingredients... Isn't that right Ma'am? You're the one who taught her this dish right?"

Saya looks at Aunt Soba who's cheeks turn red as she replies saying:

"M-Ma-Ma'am!? Oh, please you! I'm not that young to be called ma'am anymore but yeah, she's right Shio. This is a dish I learned from my friends in this district. This is a special dish found only in our Sector since the ingredient can only be found here."

"Is that true!? Why didn't you tell me about this, Kaa-san!"

"That's because you never bothered asking anything related to not meat."


Saya nods with confidence before continue saying:

"That's why I'm saying you got your ways wrong. You have to broaden your view and look around you, sure you may not find any roast masters here but there are a lot of Spice Masters. And that's not all, sometimes chefs work together to create a dish like how Spice Masters make the sauce and spices to rub on the meat before the Roast Masters cook it to perfection. That's why there are restaurants, where all kinds of Master Chefs gathered together to make the perfect dish."

"I-I never knew... I'm ashamed to even call myself a chef when I don't know something so simple!"

Shio lays defeated as she rests on the table. But Saya pats her back saying:

"Well, now you know better. So keep learning."

Shio gets up with a new spirit shouting:

"Yes, Master! Thank you for your guidance!"

Saya nods with a huge grin replying:

"That's right, that's right. I'm a Master indeed."

Shio returns to the kitchen stall and continues her work. I can't help but look at Saya saying,

"That's actually pretty encouraging. You're knowledgeable."

"Well, I did tell you knowledge is power no? And you could ask this senior anytime."


"Hahaha! You know Sova, the way she just knows so much stuff reminds me of May... By the way, how is May? And your family?"

Everyone looks at me curiously while I press my fingers saying:

"Oh... Well..."

"Lunch is ready!"

Uncle Soba walked in with two trays full of bowls. As he looks at the grim situation and just puts the tray in front of us saying:

"Sorry, continue what you're saying."

"Ah, well... I don't really understand myself but she leaves a hidden letter telling me she's going to the Grand Ancient Lunor Academy if what her letter said is true. But Sis Rubeca... I don't know where she is, probably in Central or somewhere. As for Aunt, I heard from Sis Yuwei that she's travelling with May."

Shio stops what she's doing saying:

"Sis Yuwei? I-I see... If she left a letter only to you, she must be in a hurry."

Uncle Soba hands out the bowl of noodles to us saying:

"Sova, you don't need to tell us the details if you don't want to but... We'll be here when you need us."


"Alright, time to eat up and let your negative emotions out! You're all so young so you need to eat lots and become big like your Sis and Aunt!"

"Tou-san, being tall, fit and cool like Rubeca-nee is a good thing. But don't you have another comparison? 8 feet tall reminds me of a certain horror movie."

"Hahaha! Sorry, well just eat up then."

"So, can I ask you something then, Saya?"

Saya takes a slurp and sips of the noodle uncle brings with a huge smile replying:

"Eat first, talking later."

"Very well."

I grab the spoon and fork uncle prepared for me and Yuria looks at me asking:

"You know, Sova but can't you use chopsticks?"

"I can't since they're too complicated. Why?"

"Oh, just asking. I mean since you're going to meet with lots of nobles. It's a custom to use chopsticks than a spoon."

"Really? Is that true Saya?"

Saya swallows another portion and points her chopstick at me saying:

"Yes, and don't disturb me again."

Before going back to eating, I look at my bowl saying:

"Sorry... Well, I guess I could learn it later at home. Can you teach me Yuria?"

"Sure! Oh, by the way, what is this Sova? It's weird and mushy?"

"That's another sauce that just makes the noodles more delicious. Mix it with the broth and let it seep to the noodles for maximum effect."

"Oh! I see... Well, let's enjoy the meal."

"Yup, let's eat everyone!"

We enjoyed our meal as the wonderful aroma whaff through the whole store. Uncle, Aunt and Shio sit ahead of us and claps their hands saying:

" "Thanks for the meal!" "

"Thank you for the meal."

Before eating their share as well. With the extra side dish place on the counter between us, we took turns taking the meal. When I look at the steaming bowl before me, I can't help but wonder...

(I wonder how that boy I gave this noodle to is faring? I hope he eats it and starts training. Then again, I wonder how will he train? I just told him to do it but I didn't tell him how to build his qi."

While in the middle of my thought and meal, Saya already finishes her meal first saying:

"Can I get seconds?"

"Oh, sure! Eat lots! If you wouldn't mind, you can go grab the portion you want yourself."

Uncle gestures her to go to the back and Saya nods and takes her bowl to the back saying:

"Oh, that's more than generous, thank you very much! Excuse me for a while then."

When Saya disappears behind the hanging cloth curtain, Uncle Soba puts a slice of meat from the counter in my bowl saying:

"You see her, Sova? Eat lots! You can't lose to a kid!"

"Hahaha, she's older than she looks, uncle. And to be honest, we already ate before coming here."

"Really!? Oh yeah, rat-kins are sometimes like that... But WOW, she sure does eat like a champ. You eat too little girl!"

Uncle takes more meat and puts it into Yuria's bowl and Yuria nods slowly saying:

"Y-Yes! Thank you! But I think this would be enough for me. Hahaha, I feel like my stomach would burst..."

"Hahaha! And you too Shio! Eat more! What's with that pathetic portion!"

Uncle tries to give Shio more vegetable and meat but Shio pulls her bowl away shouting:

"No thank you, Tou-san! I still need to watch my weight."

"We just survived a monster invasion and you still want to watch your weight!?"

"Of course! You wouldn't understand!"

"Dear, just leave her alone. Let her eat how much she needs."

Aunt push uncle's hand back and he puts the meat on his bowl saying:

"But if the neighbour sees how skinny she is they would think I didn't feed her enough..."

"Oh, don't worry, she'll eat when she wants too. She can take care of her diet now at least. And I'll make sure she eats enough as well if I have too."

"Yeah, Tou-san! What Kaa-san said- wait, what's with the last part?"

Shio looks at her mom with a confused face when Uncle continues eating his meal saying:


He then looks at me and swallows his food asking:

"You know Sova, I never bothered asking but what's your job exactly? You were wearing some pretty fancy armour and that medallion too. And now that dress, last time I remembered you hate dresses."

Shio and aunt look my way while Yuria looks at me with regret in her eyes as if saying, "Why didn't you told me!?" While her cheeks were still full. I nod saying:

"I hope you don't get surprised but..."

"Sova, you know we're going to get surprised more when you said that right?"

Shio retorted back before I can continue. I nod slightly again replying:

"Yea, you're right. So anyway, I think they call me a Silencer now."

"*gulp* cough! Cough! What!?"

"Uhuk, What!?"

Uncle almost chokes on his food and Aunt also almost choke as well as they check their bodies and look at Shio. Shio looks at them asking:

"What's a Silencer? It's a weird job name if you ask me."

"Shio, I hope you don't say that to the old folks. That's a job only given to special individuals. And I thought you're an Owlian, how did you get that job?"

Uncle warns Shio before he asks me and me simply reply:

"Well, I don't know how but I can use magic sometimes."

"You can!? But I still can't sense any magic... Wait, I can't sense any qi from you either unlike last time. What happened, Sova?"

I raise my shoulder replying:

"I don't really understand myself. But since now I can help my other Sis. I'm just glad... And do Aunt and Uncle know about Silencers?"

(I mean uncle owns that sword, he must be some super-powerful soldier with a lot of experience).

Aunt and Uncle look at each other before they look back at me saying:

"Sova, I usually tend to avoid talking about my bloody past, but since this is for your safety, you need to know this."


"I don't just know about Silencers, I fought them before. Countless times on the battlefield and even killed some."

"Wait, what!? I thought they said Silencers are these legendary figures born rarely and each of them is super powerful! Wait, how strong are you uncle?"

Uncle finishes his meal and puts down his chopsticks. Wiping his mouth, he rests his hands on the table saying:

"I think you need to learn the ridiculous population scale of this Confederation Sova. Silencers... They are considered rare at best in the confederation. They're like one in a thousand born how common 1 in a thousand is in this Confederation?"

"Well, I don't but I heard it's like one of the largest in the world."

"Not one, but it IS the most populated country in the whole known world. The Confederation is the only country other than the Aologi Empire who can sustain a population of over 10 billion!"

"Um... How many zeroes does a billion have again?"

Uncle then looks at me for while with a straight face when Aunt and Shio pat Uncle shoulder and arms respectively whispering:

"Hun, did you forget what happened last time we let him handle the cashier?"

"Yea, it was only thanks to May we manage to revoke our ruin."

Uncle's whole body shivers as I too remember my horrible experience with counting numbers beyond a hundred. I look down saying:


Uncle shakes his head replying:

"No, it's already in the past and my fault as well. Anyways, why don't you follow me to the living room and we can talk there when we finish eating."


I try my best to finish the meal when Uncle looks at the front kitchen asking:

"Where's that rat-kin friend of yours? She sure is taking a long time."

"Oh, she's probably getting a huge portion or something."

"Heh! I guess that's fine. Here, eat more meat! Sova- hmm?"

As he replies, a very wonderful smell comes from the kitchen Saya entered. All of us can't help but look at the kitchen door when the smell just grows stronger. And coming out of it was a humongous bowl with legs, tail, eyes and rat ears. It was none other than Saya carrying a bowl the size of her body.

(I know he said you can take whatever you want but isn't that excessive?)

Saya walks beside me and places the bowl down saying:

"Ah, this is much better. What do you think? It smells wonderful, isn't it? Wanna try?"

Uncle Soba who doesn't seem to care how much she takes agreed and take a bite along with a sip.

"A-Amazing! W-What is this!?"

"Heh, don't worry, I've left the instruction on your note in the kitchen. The ingredients are still the same but just cooking it with different techniques and I add a bit of other spice."

"Hoh~! This old man can't thank you enough, little girl! Shio, Saki, you gotta try this!"

"Well with that smell I'm now curious."

"Yeah, maybe just a little."

Shio and Aunt take a small bite and their eyes soon open wide shouting:

"Delicious! Is this really made with the ingredients back at the kitchen?"

"Of course!"

Shio takes another sip of the broth and soon walks to Saya and fall to her knees shouting:

"Please, be my master!"

"Master huh? Hmm..."


I can't help but tilt my head with what's happening right now. Getting curious, I also took a small sample. If the smell wasn't enough to already make my mouth watery, the moment the food touches my tongue, I... I catch a glimpse of what ai thought is paradise... Like the stairway leading to the throne in heaven in my cultivation, the meal seems to have drowned me to hell...

"Water! Too spicy!"

I grab the kettle in the stall and pour a cup when Yuria slowly creeps in asking:

"Um, if you wouldn't mind-"

"Yeah, you can eat it as well."

"Oh, thank you!"

Yuria takes a small bite as well and quickly shout:

"Delicious! Lord Sarah, if you wouldn't mind. Can you please teach me how to cook as well!"

Saya folds her arms and smiles triumphantly saying:

"Hahaha, it seems the peak of my popularity has arrived! Very well, uncle, you wouldn't mind me borrowing the kitchen after this right? I heard you want to talk to Sova some more."

"Oh, please do! It's a great honour that a great chef like you to cook in my kitchen. And if you also wouldn't mind..."

Saya nods replying:

"Yes, I'll help you clean the kitchen and leave some recipes for you as well."

"Oh, fortune has blessed us. Thank you for bringing her here Sova."

I finish my tea and noodles replying:

"Huh? Oh, sure I guess..."

Aunt grabs the empty bowls asking:

"Oh, how can we repay you for teaching us?"

Saya shakes her head saying:

"No need, I'll come sometimes to eat here if you wouldn't mind."

Uncle Soba nods enthusiastically shouting:

"Oh, please dine here anytime! You're always welcome!"

"Alright then, I'll teach all of you when I finished my meal."

Saya grabs her chopstick and continues to eat. Uncle gets off his sit and pats my shoulder saying:

"Well, follow me."

I wipe my mouth and nod replying:



Uncle beings me to an open room filled with stacks of boxes with a small table and pillows for sits.

"Take a seat, this is important."

Uncle beings in two cups and put it in the middle of the table. As we sit across each other, I try to adjust the dress I'm not used to before taking a sip asking:

"So, what's so important Uncle?"

"Before that, let me ask you something. Are you being sealed somewhere? Are there anything blocking your power?"

I shake my head saying:

"No, not at all. It's just that they told me I use a different power now. And I even have my own Soul weapon now."

"You do? C-Can you show it to me?"


I put my hand on the table and summon forth my halberd as I feel unknown power surging to my arms. The halberd appears with a purple maelstorm with no gust when I present it to him saying:

"Here you go."

"Hmm? I can touch it?"

I tilt my head replying:

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

Uncle holds my weapon and takes it from my hand saying:

"Hmm? Can you call it back?"


I disperse my weapon and uncle's face becomes even shock as he says:

"Very interesting!"

"What's so interesting, Uncle?"

"Sova, do you know one of the reasons why they are called soul weapons?"

"Because they come from your soul right? Your qi manifest and such."

"Well yes, but what makes it call that as well is because only the one summon it can wield it."

"Wait what?"

"But before that, let me test you."


Uncle pulls out a unique-looking necklace from inside his shirt and when one of the 7 lights in the necklace disappear, I could feel an unbearable pressure pushing me down as I was forced to lay down on the table. I could see uncle's qi gathering around him as my entire vision rocked and darkens. Seeing my state, Uncle quickly lights up the previous light and make the entire event disappear. Uncle helps me up, and lay me down on the floor as he rests my head on the pillow saying:

"Forgive me, Sova, if you can't handle that much. Then you're clearly not ready."

"W-What happened uncle?"

"That was sealed qi and magic. I was testing you as well. Sorry."

"It's okay, Uncle. You're very strong."

As I realize there are more walls to climb, Uncle pats my head saying:

"Hah! There are many more who are stronger than me, Sova. Like my wife."

"Aunt is stronger!? Well, she did always beat you up."

Uncle looks away replying:

"Well, that's... Anyways, here. Try holding this."

Uncle summons forth a Wakizashi and presents it to me. When I hold it and Uncle let go, the sword soon turns into a feather duster...


"Yes, like you can see. As soon as it leaves my hand, it becomes a normal object and contrary to believes you don't actually need qi to summon it."

"That would explain many of the opponents I fight. But really? No qi?"

(Like that Tannan look-alike who's sword turns back to a brush when he lets it go).

"Well, I don't know about your situation but that's always the case. How do you think Ancestral Weapons and Bloodline inheritance exist?"

"Ancestral Weapons? And Bloodlines inheritance? What's that?"

Uncle slaps his forehead asking:

"Did you even learn from your Sis about what qi can do and why do people even learn that instead of magic?"

I press my fingers and look away replying:

"Um, mostly how to fight and survive. She told me I'm not really good with literature and teach me mostly with actions."


"That would explain your lack of knowledge."

"Uncle, you're strong. Won't you teach me?"

Uncle shakes his head and sits near the table replying:

"Sorry, Sova, but I already abandoned my past. I'll make sure my techniques end with me."

For once I see another side of Uncle as his eyes are serious and sad... I close my eyes saying:

"Sorry for even asking..."

"It's okay, I understand your predicament. In honesty, I stopped wanting to hear about the outside world. That's why I chose to live here with my family."

"I see, so about the Silencers?"

Uncle nods saying:

"Right, Silencers... So, ignoring huge numbers let's say it like this instead. One city usually produces like 1000 or more."

"1000!? There's like a thousand Silencers???"

"Yes, but that's counting total numbers that are found and there could be more. But not many of them can be use or tame."

"Huh? Why do I have a feeling you're going to say something bad."

"You're right, I may not be able to teach you any fighting techniques but, I can tell you about how important your job is and the value Silencers hold to this Confederation. So you'll know your place, your heart low and not let someone else say otherwise.

In the past when I fought them, I manage to capture some of them and learn the truth of their upbringing. There are many Silencers or in this special case, the Confederation calls the not yet ready Silencers... Demon's child or Emo-zi. For the moment their mother conceive them, they would fall ill and the people around them would become sick and weary. That's why... Many of them are killed when they're still in their mother's womb to save their mothers or their mother is killed by the angry mobs to prevent the sick from spreading."

I cover my mouth as I gasp replying:

"H-How horrible... B-But why are you telling me this? How's this related?"

"Yes, I'm telling you their circumstance and origins- hmm, I guess you won't understand much huh? *sigh* So let's just say this in a sum up, oversimplified manner of info dumps that even you could understand. Ready?"

"Wait! I'm not that stupid! Don't mock me! I can do the process of eliminations now!"

"Oh really? Then wanna do a riddle?"

"I guess that would be a good test."

"Alright, let's test you out, what weights more? A kilogram of rice or a kilogram of bread?"

"Huh? Which weights more? Um... Uh... The rice?"

Libing shakes his head replying:


"Oh, the noodle!"

"Sova... It's called a riddle for a reason. You said you can use elimination but where's your common sense?"

"Uuuh... But that's not fair! So... What's the answer?"

"Neither weights heavier since they're both one-kilogram doofus."

"Ah! I see..."

"Anyways, back to the topic. Simply put, Silencers are only useful when they're Silencers. And hold on, have you ever seen one before?"

When I remember how Gruncle Tommy told me he's not a Silencer and Owlian can't be Silencers. I shake my head while still laying down and Uncle slaps his forehead and sighs again saying:

"Sigh... Why did they even give you the job? Why did you even let them or even ask them or do you have common sense, Sova!?"

Uncle's grumble soon become a scolding and I can't help but agree with him as I nod saying:

"I'm sorry..."

Uncle nods replying:

"That's right! You should have learned better! But I can't blame you since you're probably desperate. You at least know some stuff to keeps things barely afloat so I guess I better tell you another summed up things to keep you flying."

"Oh, and what would that be?"

"Contrary to people's belief that only Central has a Silencer, each Sector actually has a Silencer."

"Wait, h-hold on-"

"And that the only reason they don't proclaim they have any is that it would challenge the hegemony of the Central Dragons. And you don't want to get on the Dragon's bad side. So they usually hide them or give them different names entirely."

(Wait, won't that just negate the entire thing of them being special and legendary!? Then again, didn't someone told me that their nation also had Silencers but called them champions? Wait, there's another huge problem!)

"H-H-Hold on! But Libing told me that he proclaim my existence to the whole city..."

Uncle looks away saying:

"I don't know who this Libing is but... Well... good luck I guess."

"Oy! What about everything you said before!?"

He then looks back at me and starts counting with his fingers saying:

"Oh, and 1, some Sectors could usually have 2 or 3 and maybe even 13 Silencers under their belt. And 2, Segmentums could have like hundreds of them or maybe even thousands like the Dragon Sector. And 3, the only one who know this are only people from like the supreme higher-ups like Sector Lords and stuff. Along with 4, even without qi, they can still live for a long time. Age could vary from teens to someone from the World Invasion Era so... What do you call thousands of year old lolis, shotas, teens, and young adults?

Ah, yes, in the Empire we call our grandma who chose to stay young, Loli-baba! But Shota-Jiji doesn't sound right... So what's the word again?"

Uncle begins to think as he scratches his chin while I can't help but wonder while panic and fear seep in.

(Wait, so Silencers already existed during the World Invasion Era!? And someone from that time is still alive!? Then again someone from Rucina's time is also alive like Tannan told me but still!)

"U-Unchcha, Uncle, wait, that's too much to take!"

Uncle finishes his tea and pats my head to quiet me down saying:

"Sssh, I'm sure it'll be fine. And one last thing before we wrap up this info dump, it's weird that the Phoenix Sector who is a ruler of more than one segmentum to only have one Silencer, so the Empress is definitely hiding more beside you. Or maybe it's true and you're the only Silencer in the ENTIRE Phoenix Sector then I can only say..."

Uncle takes a sip from my cup and looks down at me saying:

"You're FUCKED!"

He closes his eyes as he is reciting his final words for me saying:

"On all sides."

I smile and close my eyes replying:

"Good night..."

(Fudge you Libiiiiiiing!!! I guess it's true when they say ignorance sure is bliss! Let's try and forget some of what he said... I guess next time I need to ask them what I'm doing or what they are the effects of what they doing. I never know things could be so complicated... Is this how Sis and other adults do their life? The day I call my self a genius is still a long way to go- No, I can't even call my self a grown-up yet either...)


I wear my shoes and return to the front stall while helping uncle bring more crates inside the house. As I hear loud noises coming from the kitchen, I decided to clear my mind and check what's going on. And what I found is what I can say... Disaster.

Fire seems to rise from one stove to the other, with Aunt and Yuria using their water magic to suppress it while I see Saya shouting like a duck to Shio.

"What the hell are you doing!? Did you really learn how to cook!? What's with this pathetic speed and reflexes! And you said you're a master of meat but this meat still tasted fucking raw! Even an old granny can move faster than you and do even better!"

"I'm sorry, Master!"

I decided to leave-

"Sova, perfect timing, help me out!"

"Sova~! Help me~!"

Saya and Shio call for me when I slowly turn around and sigh asking:

"What can I help with?"

(At least this will take my mind off of it for a while).

Saya snaps her finger and banishes all the wildfires in the kitchen which surprises everyone when she gestures me to come closer saying:

"Come here, can you help clean the plates she used? Even her managing skills are freaking wasteful, if I was a normal chef I would fire her and send her back to learn the basics."

"You're seriously knowledgeable and passionate about the kitchen. Have you wonder about being a chef?"

"Me? A chef? You make the funniest joke sometimes. No normal person would want a rat in their kitchen Sova... Not counting this one."

Everyone looks at her surprise and soon reminded of her large pink tail and ears. I nod saying:

"Well, I'll start cleaning now then. But, if you wouldn't mind, can you let me taste your cooking next time? Not spicy please."

Saya looks at me as she brings out another meat from her magic bag saying:

"Hmph, you're being picky for someone asking for something... But why not, when I have time. You gotta pay me back though, okay?"


(Now I'm getting more curious about her).

I look at Aunt who's cleaning the rest of the mess when I hear Yuria quietly asking:

"Um, this may sound very rude but, are you not afraid of rat-kins?"

I can't help but eavesdrop while I clean the plate.

"Oh, well... No, not at all. It's thanks to our upbringing and perspective."

Aunt replies calmly as I hear her clean the kitchen table with the sounds of squeak.


Yuria asks back with a confused voice.

"In the Confederation, they found many types of beast-kin disgusting. But in the Eclipse Empire where I come from, many of us are... In a lack of better terms, Fanatics."


"Most of us, really like beast-kin or [insert any animal here]. Since most of them are "cute". In fact, some of them are even revered and worshipped like idols and stuff. When I say all, I mean ALL. From the majestic Dragon-kin to even the disgusting Pig-kin."

"Really!? That's news to me! Wait, is that an exaggeration?"

"Sigh, I wish, before I get married, my brother became a cat-eared enthusiast where he won't accept any marriage from any human women since he found them disgusting. I mean I'm glad that the Empire is very open and accepting of all races but sometimes I wonder if it's already a problem? What happened to him now? I don't even know anymore..."

There was silence for while when I hear Aunts voice becoming quieter saying:

"In fact, the last time I check the situation. It's so bad that if Sarah goes there now, she would be flocked by enthusiasts immediately since she has "special" features. Like being an adult with a child body would usually rake her hundreds of marriage proposals."

"That's very disturbing..."

"I know right!? What about you then... Sorry but I never got your name."

"A-Ah! Forgive me! This lowly one is called Yuria."

"Hahaha, I see, you may call me Saki, so what do you think of beast-kin?"

"Me? To be honest, Saya is the first beast-kin I ever saw. Not like I ever heard much about beast-kin in my village other than the rat-kin are a plague, but being with her kinda prove otherwise."

"I see, I guess that's fine."

As I try to finish the last plate, Saya brings forth another stack while cleaning her teeth saying:

"Here, clean it up. Thanks."

"You will cook for me right?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure."

Saya moves away when I saw Shio come to me with a small piece of meat stabbed to a toothpick.

"Hey, Sova, say ah~"

"Oh? Ah, ~ nom! Yum!"

Shio, lets me eat the sample the meat somehow melts in my mouth, I could taste countless flavour inside that's it's hard for me to describe. Shio looks at me with a straight face before she sighs saying:

"I really can't tell if you're a guy anymore."

"Hey, what is that suppose to mean?"

"Kaa-san, try it!"

Shio ignores me and picks up another piece when I realize she's holding a plate full of tiny bite-size meat.

"Oh? Have you finally succeed?"

"Mhm! Ah~"


"Um... This is delicious, much more than the ones you previously made before."

"Really!? Yay! You try it too... Um..."

"Ah! This lowly one is called Yuria."

"You can call me, Shio. Then, Yuria-chan! Try this!"

Seeing her happy kinda puts a smile on my face as well. I continue to clean up the plates when Saya approaches me with more saying:

"Don't worry, this is the last one."

"Phew! So, are you having fun?"

Saya leans on the cleaning table replying:

"I guess yeah, this is fun. To be honest, I never thought I get to share my hobby."

"Hobby? So you like cooking that much?"

"Of course! It's the reason why I started studying in the first place."

Saya replies with a huge smile that even shows her bucktooth. For once I thought, she was...

(Pretty cute... I wonder if I could see her smile like that when I bring her something she likes?)

I nod along saying:

"That seems fun, have you tried trying to at least open your store? Like being a secret chef behind the scenes."

Saya helps me wash the dish with a smile replying:

"Of course, I counted a hundred- no, a thousand times. But then I remembered what kind of person I am..."

"W-What do you mean?"

"I hate working, I hate doing jobs and chores. But that's just me. And if I turn my hobby, the few things I like to a job then... It becomes nothing more than a job and soon I'll probably lose interest and make my life more tiresome."

"That's... I don't know what to say..." Still, hobby huh? I wonder if I should get one?"

"Wait you don't have any hobbies, Sova? Oh right, I rarely see you do anything then your usual routine. And..."

Saya walks around me and helps wipe the plate with a calming smile saying:

"This may be late but, congrats on getting a discharge."

"Thanks! Though, I've been wondering..."

Saya sighs and looks at me asking:

"What's a discharge right?"

"You know me so well!"

Saya looks back at the plate annoyed and continue explaining:

"It's a term used by people who got out of hospitals or long-term recovery."

"Hospital? I was sure I came out of the underground palace."

"Really? You were under us the whole time?"

Saya looks at me surprised as she stops wiping the dishes. Wondering why she's so surprised, I nod and reassure her saying:

"Of course! There are many more people living down there from a girl that can control people by looking at them, someone who could exude black goo like some-"

"I think you can stop there Sova. *sigh* I can't believe I've been living on top of something so cynical... But anyways now you understand right?"


I finish the last plate and is now helping Saya wipe it as we talk more about words I don't understand. Like jizz is sperm and sperm is... Saya didn't want to talk about that in the kitchen. Then there's spassy and chap which is a term Libing calls me. Saya merely shakes her head saying she doesn't know since it's a term mostly used by Owlians.

"I just realize this but how many languages can you speak Sova? Or actually, understand when people are speaking? The fact that you can understand and speak three is impressive you know."

Shio comes along with her plate finished asking:

"Yeah, I'm curious too, I mean you were able to speak with most if not all of the foreign customers from other Sectors and even countries. Not counting the one that disses you."

(Oh, May taught me a lot! But she never really teach me more than the basics other than Owlian and the common tongue).

"Speak huh? I can speak fluently 5 languages, understand 8 and read and write all 8."

"Really!? Now that's talent!"

"Yeah! With that skill, you can become a nation-wide translator!"

"Yeah, I think you should tell that to Yuwei or your superior, Sova."

"Wait, even if I can speak and understand-"

*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

Some loud sound is coming from Yuria's apron pocket. Seeing her in the middle of the conversation with Aunt, this loud noise surprises her as she quickly picks it up and soon answers:

"Yes? Huh? Okay... Ah yes, she is! May the spirit bless you!"

Yuria looks at me saying:

"Sova, Libing has called you back. And if Saya is with you, take her along as well."

"Oh? Wait, how did you know that?"

"Hmm? Can't you hear his voice- ah right! This is surprising no matter when I told about it."

"What is it?"

Saya walks to the exit saying:

"It's telepathy magic since you're an Owlian you didn't get connected so he hears nothing. Let's return."

"Oh, you're leaving already? Please take care, Sova. May the spirit bless you."

Aunt bows down as she keeps the cleaning equipment and plates back to the shelves. Shio helps out saying:

"Eh~! I guess this is it for today. May the spirit bless you, Sova. And if you visit, why don't you have a sleepover like last time? To catch up?"

"Sure! I'll see if I can get some free time."

"You sure sound like some working adult already. And bring Master Sarah along as well too!"


Saya asks in shock with Shio running close to her and pats her head saying:

"Of course!"

"Don't pat my head! I'm not a kid! Go pat his head instead. He seems to like it."

Saya pushes her hands away and pints at me when Shio looks at me with intense eyes. I look down saying:

"Well, I guess I don't mind-hehe!"

Shio pats my head in the middle of my sentence. When I look at her face, she seems to freeze up and paralyzed.

"Um, Shio-senpai?"

Shio snaps back and backs away replying:

"Y-Yeah! Have a safe trip, may the spirits bless you!"

We bow down replying:

" "May the Spirit Bless you too." "

Before leaving. Grabbing the umbrella, and finding Uncle still carrying boxes inside...

(I wonder how much he's bringing?)

I bow my head down saying:

"Uncle, we're leaving now, take care. May the spirit bless you."

"Oh!? Okay then, come again! May the spirit bless you!"

The sun was turning grey once more. Clouds gather beneath the yellow sunset, store and house lights getting turn on one by one as the crowd grows smaller and smaller and the busy streets before cease to be. I can't help but wonder how fast the day ends as I spend time with my friends. As I push the umbrella out and travel back home. I was reminded of how big the world is.


*crack* *crackle* *boom*

Flashes of lightning cross the clouds, shaking the ashen clouds.


With a single thunderclap, rain pours down onto the streets. Puddles overflow and windows close. The sun has long disappeared from the grey clouds and azure moon. Replaced by raging storms and heavy gales as the sound of slamming door echoes out.

So bad was the rain that Yuria and Saya had to hold my hand and robe as I help pull them on. My shoes and socks soak the muddled puddle while the wind pushes drizzles to my robe. Wet and drench in rain and mud I trudge onwards as I was reminded what my neighbourhood was during the last month of the year...

(One month later and a new year will arrive...)

"So... Ning!"

*boom* *boom*

Saya's screams were muffled by the heavy rain and clapping thunders. Flames flicker past the walls of falling water as a silhouette of soldiers in armour comes to my sight. Feeling Yuria's grip getting weaker, I let my umbrella go and grab both their wrist before pulling them closer and hugging them in my arms.

(Since I'm this wet already, the umbrella is pretty useless).

Carrying both of them to the gate until the soldiers notice us. They rush out to the storm and helps us out as he pulls me inside the checkpoint where I could finally let them both go. Saya who's drenched in water as her hair is straightened down to cover her entire face looks? At me saying:

"What's with that horrendous storm!?"

She snaps her finger and steam rises from inside her body and make her into a pillar of smoke similar to Mitsuru. As I see her dried up, I look at the closed gate behind us replying:

"That's the Shonghua storm. Every end of the 2nd month here, a humongous storm like that would swoop down and do just that."

"But that's not normal!? Even my barrier was rendered ineffective! Ah, whatever, I can't use that magic on you so go get a bath and change of clothes. I'll help her to the infirmary, hey, you! Help me out!"

"Y-Yes, ma'am!"


Saya snaps her finger and dries Yuria while she and the dry soldier pick her up. I stretch my hand out shouting:

"Wait, will she be okay? I didn't know it was that bad."

(Didn't back at Central, Rana and me suffer the same storm?)

"She'll be fine, just need a rest. I suggest you can also take a rest for now."

"Okay then..."

Saya and the soldier carry Yuria inside the wall doors as I look at my drenched robe and try to squeeze out the water and realize if I go out now, I'll just be drenched again. I stop what I was doing and head to the second checkpoint where the large stadium with a giant opening above, which is windowed. Taking the smaller gate, I ended up on the second floor from where I exit usually and see below.

(Left alone again...)

My left hand unconsciously grips the fence before I could even command it. The sound of soldiers shouting their war cries, practising group formation and sparring with spears echoes through the area, nullifying the tapping rain. The smell of sweat and their fierce spirit is felt even from where I stand.

"Hey, hold it right there."


I look at my front with one hand of the fence and the other on the wall. Quickly pulling my left hand away to let him cross, he shakes his head and leans on the wall while folding his arms. Wearing a drenched tank-top that reveals his well-toned body and military pants, he blocks my way with his sword. Staring at me with his blue eyes as his short messy wavy hairs sway with every move he makes. I take the initiative saying:

"Um... Excuse me?"

"Don't you remember me?"

I tilt my head as I search my memory before softly saying:

"Blonde Soldier?"

(Yes, there's no mistaking it).

He exhales and rests the sword on his shoulder, standing infront of me as I realize he's a head taller than me. He looks down at me replying:

"Blonde soldier huh? I guess that's reasonable since I'm the only blonde one here... Not counting you, of course."

"Um, sorry if I cause you trouble. But can you please excuse me? I need to do some work."

"You're going to cross that storm again? Don't bother."


"Let me help out, who do you want to call, lady?"

(Help huh? I guess that would be fine).

"Thank you, then, do you know Libing?"

"Libing? Ah, that guy beside the General that day huh?"

I nod to his words and he smiles at me saying:

"Okay, you look drenched. Follow me, I'll take you to the showers and ask someone from the female battalion to give you some clothes."

"Wait, you don't need to do so much-"

"I will not take no for excuses, now follow me. Or you'll get sick."

He grabs my wrist and pulls me forth, but I stood my ground and pull him back replying:

"Sorry, but no."

Stopping him in his tracks, he looks at me surprised before sighing.


"I almost forgot you were the who defeated 4 of my closest comrades without magic.'

"Ah! I-I'm sorry..."

Remembering what happened last night, I can't help but apologize for my mistake but he shakes his head replying:

"Don't worry. They were getting pretty cocky lately, so I gotta thank you for putting their screws back."

"Huh? Mmph!"

The blonde soldier throws a dey towel covering my face before he helps to wipe my face saying:

"I said, thank you. Don't worry, I'm just here to help. And that towel is still new, so don't worry."

I pull his towel and bow my head down saying:

"I'll take you on your offer then, thank you."

"Good, now follow me and you can call me Dmitri, can I know your name, lady Silencer?"

I clasp my hand and bow my head down replying:

"The name's Sova Anmao, a pleasure to meet you, Dmitri."

He smiles at me as he sheathes his sword saying:

"Pleasures all mine, Sova."


Fresh, out of a rare hot shower, I gladly wear one the clothes Dmitri gives to me as I hang the towel on my shoulders and place the wet clothes on an empty bag. Exiting the shower, I see someone new waiting for me beside Dmitri. A girl who's the same age as him wearing the soldier phoenix armour. She tugs at Dmitri's arm saying:

"She's the one who defeated them? Unbelievable. While we were fighting that General, you were fighting her?"

With her silver hair peeking out of the helm and her glowing purple eyes sticks out and lures my eyes. Dmitri who's now wearing some sort of uniform and his coat like a cape shakes his head replying:

"Yes, but I don't suggest you think anything funny, Matryoshka. You were lucky you're fighting the General."

"Really now?"

(Matrys... How do you speak that? And I never really look closely but is that what the Phoenix Sector Military uniform looks like? And this is also a uniform?)

When I look at the clothes I'm wearing. A white tank top, layered with the half-shirt uniform, and baggy pants similar to Dmitri. He nods and points at the girl beside him saying:

"The uniform belongs to her, you can thank her."


I bow my down while hugging the bag with my robe saying:

"Thank you so much, I'll return it to you when-"

"Nah! No need for thanks! It's from my extra storage so you can keep it."

"Really? Thanks!"

(I wonder if it's really okay? And these clothes are pretty comfortable... I dare say more comfortable than my distributed clothing).

Matryoshka walks closer to me and looks at me from top to bottom before her gaze finally stops at my chest. She nods with a satisfied smile and quickly grabs my hand, shaking it vigorously shouting:

"Haha! We sure are comrades! My name is Matryoshka Vlaric! But you can just call me Matty to avoid twisting your tongue."

(Oh that's much easier).

I nod and shake her back replying:

"Again, nice to meet you, Matty. My name's Sova Anmao."

"Yes! Nice to meet you comrade!"


Dmitri shakes his head with disappointment before he gestures me to follow him saying:

"Well, I already make the call, but it seems the person is already on his way here. I'll lead you to your meeting room."

"Okay, thank you..."

(Wait, will Libing be the one to visit me? I suddenly feel bad to make him travel through the storm. I should say sorry...)

The place inside the wall is pretty big. And spacious. From the pipes and lights on the ceiling, the thick steel walls and the writings are prominent to show our location. Dmitri looks at me and starts a conversation asking:

"The storm's pretty crazy huh? This is the first time I see one this bad."

I tilt my head asking:

"It is?"

"Yeah, even my homeland doesn't have a storm. More like it never rains at all! Hahaha!"

Matty replies with I guess a joke as she laughs herself and slapping her knees. I shake my head saying:

"This storm is pretty normal here. Every two months, this Sector is hit by this kind of storm. I dare say this one is pretty mild than the one 3 years ago."

(That's why we always bar our windows as well...)

"You serious? Hey, Matryoshka, we should try inviting the people of this Sector to the motherland."

Matty nods along replying:

"That's a good suggestion."

"Motherland? Where is that?"

They both look at me asking:

"You don't know?"

I shake my head and they both look at each other and Dmitri start first by saying:

"We're talking about our Kingdom located in the south-west. Below the forbidden West and this continent is another frontier and continent. Just neighbouring the Eclipse Empire's in their colonised Blasted South."

"Wait, you live in the blasted south? That freezing place?"

"Yup! But not all is doom and gloom since we also have some small land in Greenland. In fact, that's the only place shown on the map since they don't show borders in the sea. We're a country full of nomadic sailors going from one iceberg to the next and sometimes we would capture and tame a gigantic ice monster so we could live on it's back."

"That's all sounds ridiculous!"

(A country like that exist!?)

"That's what everybody says when they invade our land."

"Hold on, how did you even come here?"

(I mean how did Sis even recruit them!?)

"Huh? Now that I think about it, it was the Mega Untropus who sends out the notice isn't it?"

"Yeah, food and rich fertile lands to those who join... And we sure do get that. I actually get to eat a different kind of vegetables other than mould and seaweed. I wonder what my family's face back at home would like every time I sent them back."


Dmitri pats my shoulders and stops me from walking replying:

"Yeah, what she said. And we have arrived."

Dmitri knocks the door saying:

"Excuse me, Sir! The guest has arrived!"

"Let him in."

I could hear someone's voice from inside when Dmitri reply back shouting:

"Yes, Sir!"

Dmitri and Matty stand straight on the side as they open the door and lets me in. Seeing Saya and Libing sitting face to face on the sofa with the General sitting on his chair behind a table. Saya pats the seat beside her saying:

"Hey, sit here."

I nod and walk forward when Dmitri closes the door behind me. Taking a seat beside Saya I look at Yimu saying:

"Um, sorry for making you go through that storm, Shifu."

"No, it's okay. Now that you're here. I'll inform you of the things we're about to do while we wait for your dispatch."

"Hmm? Will I do something?"

He nods replying:

"Yes, you'll soon be meeting someone two days later."

"What!? Wait, Shifu, what's this for? Shouldn't you ask me first!?"

"Hmm? Didn't know you're the type to think that."

"Well, I learn some new things and realize some stuff. Like how the fact that announcing my job to the city means opposing the Central Dragon."

Libing looks at me surprised saying:

"Really? Well good for you for finally realizing that and if you want to complain, say it to the Empress."


"And this is related to that. And we also need your permission too for the final say. You're still a member of our division after all."

I nod with relief replying:

"I see if I succeed in what you say, what will happen? This will not make the Central Dragons our enemy?"


Libing laughs loudly before leaning forward saying:

"Even better! So are you ready? We're going to need your full cooperation in this one."

"Fine, if it'll help out, I'll help."

"Great, I'll lend you out the details when we get back. So any more questions from before?"

"Say Shifu, is it true that you know... Silencers are not as special as they say?"

Shifu eyes widened and he then looks at the General and gestures him to go ours with his head. The general nods and leaves when Libing looks back at me asking:

"Where do you learn that?"

"I have my ways. But is it true?"

He nods replying:

"Yes, it is as you probably think. Silencers are not as legendary or special like their told. Sure they only take orders from the Ruler but They're nothing more than pawns for the bigger picture. And most Sec Lords will not hesitate to get rid of it when his vassals are displeased."

"I see..."


Libing raises his hand to block my view before pointing at me saying:

"You, Spassy... You're not like other Silencers, so you don't have to worry about their circumstances since you work and originate differently. Most Silencers you heard are usually orphans but this Sector is different. And besides, you are the Empress' own sworn sibling."

"I see... So another question, about my medallion. I heard from her that the medallion is only used by the highest officials and provide free transport. But what does it really signify?"

"Ah yes, it is appropriate I explain that. To be honest, nobody knows."

"Wait what? Saya, is it true?"

Saya who's eating the snacks prepared on the table nods saying:

"Yes... What I told you before is just one small benefit. The proper use of that medallion has long since been forgotten and now only the law enforcer knows."

"What she said, to me, it's nothing more than a ticket to ignore laws."

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"With that medallion, you can just kill a Sec Lord and present it in the court of law and they would immediately judge you unguilty. You can even burn entire Sectors to the ground and just present that to the court and they will also automatically judge you not guilty. And this rule works universally as long as you're inside the Confederation."


"What!? How could they even allow such a thing! I may not be an expert at rulemaking but why don't they just abolish it!? I mean why would Sis even give me such a thing!?"

Before I knew it, I begin to slam the table to demand an answer but Libing smiles replying:

"One, why it's still in motion is simply because it's created by the people and is still supported by the people... Or should I say, the Heart of Jade."


"The master of the entire Internal affair of the Confederation from the smallest city planning to even the highest of law enforcement. If he or she says you're innocent then you're innocent. Their word is our will."

"But... Why?"

"Because that's what the people wanted."

"That makes no sense!"

He raises two fingers saying:

"You can ask me about that in a later time when you understand more about the Confederation, Spassy. As for your second question, do you know who can stop these medal holder?"


"There's a reason why The Empress give you the medallion. It's because the only one who can stop those medal holders is another medal holder."

I slowly return to my seat as I let it sink in...

"Wait, so are you telling me that... Sis gave me the medallion so I can protect the people from another medallion order?"

Libing shakes his head saying:

"Think what you will, but that is still a long time before that happens. So just hold on to it okay?"

I nod with a new resolve saying:

"Yes! Wait... How did Sis even get this?"

"Oh, I don't know, spassy. Go ask the Empress about that. I'm just the messenger mostly. But I do know this. Currently, there are only 15 wielders of that medallion... 16, now counting you. So try not to misuse that thing okay?"

"Now I feel very pressured..."

(And if I'm not wrong isn't back then when I was travelling with Sis and Moriz to my district, I met one wielder?)

Moriz walks to me and pats my back saying:

"Don't worry, Spassy, I'm here to help. And if you want something don't hesitate to ask me, okay?"

"Thank, Shifu. Just make sure you explain to me anything related to me okay? In a manner, I can understand."

"You got it! I'll be leaving first then, gotta check on Yimu and Ana."

"Hold on, Sova, don't you at least want to tell him about another talent you had?"

"Huh? No, there's nothing!"

"Hmm? What's this all about?"

"Do you know Sova can speak 5 languages fluently and understand 8? He could speak almost all the languages in the entire Confederation."

"Pff really!?"

Libing looks at me as if his eyes are about to pop but I shake my head quickly replying:

"Well that's true but-"

"No buts! Hold on!"

Libing sits again and rummages inside his robe until he pulls out a folder with something written in Hwansea, the language of the twin western and northern peninsula. As he places that down he asks me:

"So, mind telling me what language can you speak? And please speak their names in their respective tongues of course."

"Well, there's, the common tongue or Eertie, Owlian, Runician, Eclish, Hwansea, and the other three which I just understand is... Gruman, Tataresa, and Yueri. That's not counting the dialects and local languages for each language which I haven't memorize all of it yet."

*clap* *clap* *clap*

Libing gives me applause and pushes the file to me saying:

"And just like that, your value has skyrocketed more. Sova, do you know how many languages an average joe usually speaks?"

"Um, I don't know. An what's a joe?"

"Ignore that, the average person in this Confederation usually speaks only 1 language which is Runician and sometimes if you're literate that's 2 since you gotta learn the common tongue. And diplomats at most can only learn 3-4 languages. And that's the best of the best since they teach them so that they could communicate with the country they wanted too. And here you are speaking 5 languages and understand 8. Simply amazing..."

"Um, now you're making me embarrassed."

I scratch my head and Saya takes another bite before she leans back asking:

"I'm more curious about how you learn so many languages in the first place?"

"Yeah, mind telling us, Sova?"

I look down replying:

"Maybe it's because I was travelling a lot before I moved to this city. We never stayed in the same place for more than a day and would always be on the move. Every night my childhood friend and I would learn from my aunt every time we move to a different place. We just start from learning simple hello, goodbye, excuse me, how to write our name and et cetera. And I usually absorb the words like a sponge."

"Woah! Well, I guess I can ask you more later. But can you try reading this Sova?"

He taps at the file he placed and I nod replying:

"Of course!"

I open the file and read inside, seeing writings written in a certain dialect of Hwansea that's only used in the northern peninsula. I look and soon say what I read.

"When the eighth red moons rise, you will take egg head to the... The city of Hi-che-on. Under Jeo-si bridge. For bird face... Yea I think that's right, there was a play of words there that I and aunt used to play. Egg head and bird face may be a name, a creature, or some sort of meaning. I can't really tell since I don't study their mythology and legends well. I hope that can help."

*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*

"Pfff ahahahahaha! Wonderful!"

Libing laughs loudly as he claps his hands. He then stretches his hand out saying:

"Thank you, Sova. You're really big help. I could barely read a sentence and if this was deciphered in 2 days by those officials, it would be useless. So thanks again, and can I have that back?"

"Sure! Glad I could help! But are you sure, you trust me? I mean, I might be wrong."

"Don't worry, in truth, I already deciphered this with my connections so I already know the contents. I guess I should report your skills to her majesty as well. Now I'll be seriously leaving. Meet me again at the office at sundown okay? Now I understand why she puts you in my division."


Libing keeps the folder in his robe and exits the office when Saya pats my head saying:

"Look at that, you're being really useful. You may not be the wisest but you sure know how to speak."

"Thanks... Now I'm wondering but what to do now? The storms not calming down any time soon."

"Who knows? Let's explore the walls?"

"Sure sounds fun."


[Extra Bite] Malice Within Our Hearts

"Hope is a dish you consume way too fast, isn't that right, Shiryuu?"

With no gear, no fear, and revered. Resting his arm comfortably while extending his long leg for all to behold his majesty. His long slick black cloak, his messy short black hair, glowing mystic purple eyes, and body filled edge and fearlessness. He is a young man with fair visage and confidence-

"You can stop acting cool Jordan, it doesn't suit you. You're too old for that. Also, don't plug the TV without permission please and I'm not going to give you seconds."

Two males sit in the middle of the room with a short round table in between while an Owlian TV is playing on the back.

"Dammit! Don't ducking ruin my moment!"

Bringing Jordan to anger is a man in his thirties, with short black hair and crystal blue eyes, he is clearly someone from the Eclipse Empire. Wearing a distributed clothing and an apron, uneven shave, no qi, minimal magic and tired eyes, he looks nothing more than a small diner cook who probably had a bad day. But a true expert would say otherwise from his refine posture and the beautifully decorated sword hanging on the walls behind him.

"You know you actually looked cool when you are just doing things naturally, Jordan."

Commenting back to the young man with sincerity, he places a large bottle of Eclish patty wine and two cups on the table to share.

"R-Really? You think so?"

Jordan who's leaning more as he lay down on his sides asks with surprise. Shiryuu who seems to be like his parent nods replying:

"Take it from the men who saw you protect and contribute to preventing the destruction of a whole Owlian megapolis. Sometimes trend doesn't suit people, especially relics like us. More like come on, you're once a commissar of the union, the one who stands in the face of all odds and inspire men to fight to heights never seen. Plus, you're like one of those special children. You don't need to act anymore special since you're already cool. More like, why am I even saying this, we're both too old to be talking about this stuff. And you're older than me too. You should be ashamed."


"Hmm... Yea! You're right! Ashamed I may be, I guess spending time with so many special people kinda makes me forget my own speciality."

With his spirit returning, he gets back up and wears back his mask. He stood on his feet and peeks through the window as he sees the storm kicking in...

"So... You told him about the Silencer stuff right?"

Jordan's voice echoes, obscuring his original voice beyond recognition.

"Oh? Talking serious business now?"

Shiryuu pours for a cup for two and starts drinking himself and continue saying:

"Yeah, though I didn't recognize him at first. With his new looks and all I mean, seriously, did he get influence by those drag queens at some point? I don't remember him getting any of those books or do they even sell them here? Anyways, he's lacking in many departments to be any use for Taiga... For now. Still, what are you doing here? Don't tell me it's just to meet him?"


*crackle* *boom*

With a combine might of thunder and lightning, they lit up the room for a while and send a shock through their ears. That's when Jordan sits back and holds the cup replying:

"... I'm lost."

*facepalm of pure shock and disappointment*

"Why did I expect more from you, this is why you are always assigned to groups. Sadly, I'm not part of the triad no more so I know nothing of the new secret bases."

"Ah, its fine bra. Just need a place to stay since there's a storm out there. Plus you're the only guy I know here."

"Well, the fact that you're here really puts a lot of problem to my family you know."

"Don't worry, I have compensations if needed. And no one normal could actually see me anyways."

Shiryuu takes another shot before replying:

"Well whatever, I thought the Triad's deal is being all mysterious and spooky. With how I heard before I leave that you're going to raid the 13 soon."

"Yea, but not with me. And I'm more like a public member so it's fine tp show myself to the public if it comes to worst. And the Phoenix ain't gonna do shit even if they know I'm here."

Shiryuu looks at the sword behind him. It is a memory he has left from his time

"Oh, poor Empress... I'm starting to feel bad for all the Phoenix soldiers I killed back in my heyday..."

Jordan circles his finger around the cup before replying:

"Oh, don't act so old. That was like more than a decade ago. You're still in your prime!"

Shiryuu fills both Jordan and his cup before saying:

"Sigh, she really can't tell what's borrowed power or not huh?"

"It's fine, That Empress is doing her job well. So we don't mind supplying her with talents and manpower at all. For all we know the Phoenix Sector is already part of the Triad too with how most of their upper echelons is our own. So technically, we are the Phoenix and Triad at the same time.

But I think that's enough of the news talk. Since I'm here to stay for a while, cheers for me will you?"

Jordan leans his cup for a response and Shiryuu replies by giving a toast. They both gulp down their shots as each of them think of something different yet same reflection on their drinks.

(Who knew the boy I think of as my son would be connected to that Psycho Tyrant).

(Hahaha, you're looking like more like your mother while becoming like your father. Sheva and Urva... Hmph, I'll toast this for Ezurus too then).

Thank you so much for reading so far! If there are any mistakes or you wish to share your thought, please let me know in the comments.

Other than that... I was wondering what it feels like to throw a pilla so I substitute it with a broom instead. Is it the same I wonder?

Beltwayscreators' thoughts