
leveling bru

a boi named nathan is reincarnated into the new world of ,#&'kdjxjdj(dont fell like coming up with a name right now) watch as are little weirdo ascends to the heavens (iss a good book bruh

the_excalebars · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

im a what!!!??

AAAAAH!!!! uh what the poop wym i so slim... you gota be f in with me . im a ?????!?!?!?! what am I. ow i feel preasure jeez it feeps like im in a woom wait how would i know that? i feels like a weird memory or somthing? mabye im remembering somthing when i was in a womb but I dont know if i can hear or see. Mabye theres some one out there hello!!!??? (hello) what the, I heard that in my head umm whats ur name? (you have yet to give me a name) aaaaaah so ill call youu..... nichelle