
Let the darkness consume

Kirchelle_Woods · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
12 Chs

Chapter 7

<p>Colbalt looked down at the ocean in anger.<br/>"I WANT HER BACK TO GET SUMBERINGS, SHIPS, HELICOPTERS, I WANT HER NOW."<br/>At least 50 guards left in a hurry to follow her orders. Mason was crying because Jessie fell off a cliff and into the ocean. Conner and Tobias stared at him, seeing how heartbreaking it was to lose his girlfriend made them sad.<br/>Colbalt walked toward them. Mason stood up as fast as he could and tried to grab her but the guard caught him just in time.<br/>Mason yelled at her. "HOW COULD YOU. YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!"<br/>"We will see. Take them back to the vans." She said,<br/>"Yes ma'am." 4 of the guards said in unison.<br/>"YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS!" Mason said in anger. His whole body lit on fire and the guard holding him screeched in pain. He looked at colbalt and saw that there was a shadow in the bushes. It moved fast. There were 7 guards and colbalt. In 10 seconds they were on the floor. Mason looked up to see mrs. suky.<br/>"Well, it looks like I'm in time for a fight." She said,"<br/>As soon as Mason turned around a giant rock pierced his stomach and out of his back.<br/>Tobias and Conner looked at him in horror. Guards surrounded them. Some of them were able to take Conner but not Toby. Toby was teleported away by Kirsty.<br/></p>