
Let the darkness consume

Kirchelle_Woods · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 8

I plunged into the ocean with a loud splash and it knocked the air out of my lungs. As I sunk to the bottom I realized I could breathe underwater. I knew she would be after me any minute. I swam down and saw a pretty big sumbering. I knew what they were using to track me. I went down even more. Swimming was a lot like flying but underwater. I swam under it and made a hole with my teeth. It was a pretty big sized hole. I was pretty sure all the people would die but I didn't care. I swam as fast as I could. I swam for about 10 minutes. I saw land. I went on land running and collapsed on the ground breathing hard. As I turned into a human I saw 4 people running at me. I was way too tired to move. I noticed it was Tobais, and my dad. My dad scooped me up.

"I thought I had lost you," he said in tears. He hugged me for like 5 minutes. Because he was crying I was crying. When I had enough strength I hugged him back.

"How did you get away?" I asked

"Thanks to your mom we got out of there alive."

I looked at him questionly.

"Mom is in Germany."

I looked at my dad questionly.

"Um well when they took your mom to Germany I sent my best men to go get her. 3 of them died in the process, but we got her out alive.

Then my mind went straight to jack.

"Where is jackal? Is he alright?" I said worried. Then I see jack. He was so much bigger. I turned into a wolf and ran toward him. He was a bit bigger than me. I muzzled him

"Are you ok?" I asked while licking his muzzle.

"I'm fine. It's you, I'm worried about, you look like you've been drugged."

Then I remembered the darts. I looked at my side and saw more than seven. I know why they didnt work at first. Adrenaline. But now that I'm moving and a lot less I fell to the ground. I was so dizzy I couldn't stand. Then I black out